Read Books Novel

Cloud Walking

Cloud Walking (Find You in the Dark #1.5)(9)
Author: A. Meredith Walters

Rachel smiled and my heart sputtered a bit. When did I become such a damn pansy? “I guess I’d better go find her. You know, so I can grovel.” I grinned, even though I was absolutely sure groveling was in my immediate future.

Rachel squeezed my hand before dropping it. I couldn’t help but be disappointed. She threw her trash onto her tray and stood up. I followed her to my feet. “Yeah, you’d best use some of my lip gloss, because your mouth will be chaffed from all the butt kissing you’re about to do.” Rachel smirked.

There was that feisty new Rachel again. Where the hell had she been hiding the last seventeen years? I watched the way Rachel’s ass moved in her tight jeans and decided it was time to go get started on my butt kissing. Because if I stayed here any longer, watching the girl in front of me, I would be kissing something else entirely.

Chapter Six


“Daniel. Stephen and I are going away for the weekend. I’ve left money on the counter.” My mom poked her head into my room and I had to curb the wise cracks that were on the tip of my tongue.

I was getting used to weekends alone. Not that I minded. I’d rather not be subjected to the PDA monster that came courtesy of my once upon a time fantastic mother and her skeevy boyfriend. It was freaking gross the way they pawed at each other, not caring if I was in the room or not.

As if on cue, Stephen appeared behind Mom, his hands slithering around her like an anaconda, his hands going in places that made me want to rip his arms off. I hated that guy. I hated my mom for being with that guy. I hated the fact that I had a front row seat as they touched and did things that a kid should NOT see his parent doing.

My mom giggled like a girl half her age and I wanted to hurl. “Stephen,” she whispered as he kissed the side of her neck. Both seemed suddenly aware that they were in fact standing in the doorway to my room. Stephen stopped trying to molest the woman who had given me life and she stopped wiggling against him as though they were going to go at it at any moment.

“Hi son,” Stephen said awkwardly, giving me a cheesy smile that just asked to be knocked off of his face by my more than ready fist. I wasn’t his goddamned son. I had a dad. A great one. You know, the guy who had caught this jackass dick deep in his wife. Yep, I was going to throw up. Maybe I could projectile vomit, Exorcist style, all over the ass**les in front of me.

I grit my teeth, crunching them together almost painfully. “Hey,” I said shortly. I should tell Stephen to never call me son again. To remind him and my bitch of a mother of the guy they had both screwed over. The one who had supported his family for years without complaint. The man who did not deserve to lose his wife and his son to a flaming ass face that wore purple shirts and too much hair product.

But I had played the petulant teenager card one too many times already. And all I had gotten for it was a pissed off mom and my truck taken away.

My mom could give a shit that I was miserable living in Stephen’s house while they ran around like they didn’t have a care in the world. What had happened to the woman who made sure all of my favorite snacks were in the cupboard and would help me with my homework every night?

Maybe I should make up flyers and stick them around town. Missing. Mom who gives a f**k.

But it was useless. That person was a thing of the past. Now I was stuck with a woman who wore my mom’s face but had changed every other thing about herself. My mom had always been comfortable in jeans. This mom never left the house without make-up an inch thick and had started dying her hair blonde, because Stephen liked it that way.

Whatever. Just another dose of reality that I had to deal with. Nothing changed the fact that my life sucked.

Without another word, my mom and Stephen closed the door. I could hear her laugh as they left. God knows what Stephen started doing once my door shut. I shuddered.

My phone started to ring in my pocket. Pulling it out, I looked down and saw that it was Kylie. Great. Some more shit to add to the pile. I hadn’t talked to Kylie in a week. She had remained pissed after I turned down her offer to “hang out” last Friday. We hadn’t ended up going to the movies, even after I had dumped on Rachel which pissed me off. She had insisted we needed to take a “break.” And for the first time I didn’t fight it.

Sure Kylie was gorgeous. Most guys at school wanted in her pants. If I was honest with myself, I’d admit most probably had been at some point. And truthfully, I had always gotten off on being the guy she couldn’t get enough of. Every time we broke up, it was only a matter of time until she came back for more. Call it macho pride, but there was something dick twinging about it.

But lately, I had found myself thinking less and less about Kylie Good. For once, my c**k wasn’t making all of the decisions…well at least where Kylie was concerned. And I didn’t want to make up and get back together. Not this time.

But old habits were hard to break and I found myself answering the phone, when I should be pushing the ignore button.

“Hey, baby,” Kylie’s girly voice cooed from the other end. Wow. When did her voice become so annoying? Did she always talk like a five year old? Or was I only now noticing it?

“Hey Kylie,” I replied, flicking on the television. Finding a re-run of the Simpsons, I tried not to completely zone out on the conversation. But it was hard.

“You going to Melissa’s party tonight?” she asked. Of course, I was going to Melissa’s party. When did I ever miss a party? What a stupid question. Why didn’t she just come out and ask me to take her, since I knew that was the point of the phone call?

“Yeah. I’m going. Why, you need a ride or something?” I asked and even I could hear the complete lack of interest in my voice. Obviously Kylie did too because her tone become decidedly more wheedling.

“Danny. I want us to go together. I miss you, baby. Maybe afterward, you and me can go somewhere. Just the two of us. It’s been too long.” She was trying really hard to be seductive. It was almost comical. The Daniel Lowe of a week ago would have jumped at the chance to get laid tonight. But not this Daniel Lowe. I was really over the whole thing.

“I’m supposed to hang with Jake and the boys after the party,” I told her, my focus drifting back to the television. I could practically hear her grinding her teeth.

Then she changed tactics. “Danny. Please. I really need to be with you tonight,” she pleaded. I turned off the television and tried to give her my attention. There was still a part of me that weakened where she was concerned, even if I didn’t want her to be my girlfriend again. But that part wasn’t as noticeable as it used to be.
