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Compromising Kessen

Compromising Kessen (The Vandenbrook #1)(31)
Author: Rachel Van Dyken

“Kessen!” Duncan yelled, entering the kitchen.

She kept her eyes closed. She told herself if her eyes were closed, none of the men would see her.

“Is she praying?” Christian asked.

“Doubtful. She only does that when she plays Guitar Hero,” Nick said.

“Why?” Duncan asked.

“It gives her an edge,” Nick explained. “Not that I’ve seen it help in any of our time playing together, but it doesn’t hurt.”

“Ahhh,” they all said in unison. Kessen continued closing her eyes, but felt her face getting hot.

Christian was the first to pipe up. “Do you think we should let her stay like that for a while?”

Nick laughed. “She’s very stubborn.”

“I’ve noticed,” Christian mumbled.

Duncan laughed. ”Please, Christian. You’re not any better. Last year you punched yourself in the face just because someone suggested you wouldn’t be able to bruise yourself. When the doctor came, you refused pain medication because it might make you appear weak.”

“That’s kind of childish,” Kessen mumbled.

“Oh, so the princess isn’t asleep.” Christian acted surprised.

Kessen groaned and opened her eyes. It was like a romance novel brought to life. Three of the most attractive men in the world were staring at her with curious eyes. Christian looked as though he was about to devour her; Nick looked incredulous, and Duncan wore the most smug of expressions.

“Stupid meddling British people,” she said, taking another sip of coffee.

Nick laughed as he sat down. “You know she’s rather unpatriotic for being British.”

“My thoughts exactly,” Christian agreed. “She had the audacity to make fun of my accent, as if hers is better. No offense.”

Nick nodded. “I hate my voice. Americans have single-handedly destroyed the English language—and our friend Kessen here is on the forefront of that war.”

“I agree wholeheartedly.” Christian grabbed a cup of tea and sighed. “She won’t even acknowledge ‘God Save the Queen.’”

Kessen nearly dropped her coffee in her lap.

“Oh, yes. How does that go again?” Duncan asked, suddenly interested in the conversation.

Nick opened his mouth to speak, but upon looking at Kessen, he rapidly changed his mind.

“What’s wrong?” asked an amused Christian.

“I’m not fond of machetes, and she has a knife in her hand.”

Duncan sobered. “Wise choice, my friend. Wise choice.”

“So, this has been fun!” Kessen exclaimed, jumping out of her chair. “But I need to go.”

She reached the far end of the room when she heard Christian’s voice.

“But what about our date?”

Duncan laughed. “Yes, Kessen. What about it?”

She looked to Nick for help, but he was staring at the ceiling with reckless abandonment.

Exhaling and clasping her hands together, to keep from throwing things, she asked, “What date?”

All three men looked at each other, positively beaming, but nobody said anything.

She repeated herself.

Nick took another cup of tea and lifted it to Christian in a toast. It was obvious they were ignoring her.

Duncan, apparently taking pity on her misery, winked. “Be ready to go on an excursion in an hour.”

“Fine,” she bit.

“Fine!” Christian bellowed with a giant smile on his face.

Chapter Seventeen

But it wasn’t fine, not when she saw where they were going. “You have your own paintball field?” she squeaked.

Nick nudged Christian in the arm. “Didn’t I tell you once she threatened me with a paintball gun?”

“Perfect revenge, don’t you think?” Christian said, loading his gun. Though Kessen noticed Nick hide his smile. He obviously hadn’t let Christian in on Kessen’s secret talent with a paintball gun.

“Why isn’t Nick playing?” Kessen smirked in his direction. She knew why; she was just curious if anyone else knew why the little pansy wasn’t suited up.

“Someone has to make sure you play fair.” Nick shrugged and walked off to the protected booth high above the field.

Without warning, a loud whistle attacked Kessen’s ears, making her feel the need to slap whoever had the courage to produce such a loud noise.

“Attention!” Nick shrieked.

Both Duncan and Christian clicked their heels together and saluted Nick. Kessen watched in amazement. They looked like toy soldiers ready for war. Then Nick ran down from his post and painted black camouflage coloring on Duncan’s and Christian’s cheeks.

Kessen’s mouth formed a tight line when he approached her.


She nodded her head and fought the urge to sneeze as he generously smeared the sticky paint across her face.

“Now for the rules,” Nick said, still using his bellowing voice. He would have made an impeccable announcer.

“I am, as all of you well know, the Paintball Master Director Referee.”

Kessen grunted a laugh then sobered when she saw three serious faces staring her way in irritation.

“As I was saying…” Nick cleared his throat. “I am the Paintball Master Director Referee. You may address me as sir, or master, but my preference is master.”

“I bet,” Kessen muttered.

Nick glared, Christian laughed, and Duncan looked at his pretend watch as if to say, “Are you done yet?”

“The rules are as follows: One, no head shots. Two, once you’ve been hit three times, you must return to the sidelines. And three, may the best man or woman win.” He cleared his throat again. “Are there any wagers you would like to put on the table, Duncan?”

Duncan licked his lips and looked in Kessen’s direction. “If I win, I would like Kessen to kiss Christian.”

“Second,” Christian coughed.

“And I third,” Nick added triumphantly. “Christian, what about you?”

“If I win, Kessen must cook me dinner.”

Duncan chuckled. “You trust her not to poison you?”

“The gentleman has a point,” Nick said.

“Oh, for crying out loud! I wouldn’t poison him!” Kessen snapped.

All three heads pivoted in her direction.

Nick smiled. “Then it’s settled. How about you, Kessen? What is your wager?”

Her back straightened as she took time to glare each one of them in the eyes. “If I win, Nick has to make me dinner, Duncan has to serve me, and Christian has to sing for my entertainment.”
