Read Books Novel

Confessions of an Alli Cat

“Do you think he’s married?  I didn’t see a ring on his finger.”

“A lot of men don’t wear rings,” I tell her, not looking up.  “Particularly the lying, cheating ones who don’t want other women to know they’re married.  And you don’t need to worry about his marital status, anyway.  Just go and return my calls, please.”

I smile to let her know that I’m not mad, but she knows that I mean it.  I’m done pondering about the new guy.

Until twenty minutes later when I am standing in the back of the main conference room watching him speak to my employees.

He’s at ease with them, laughing with them, talking frankly and openly about the changes he intends to make and the things he will keep the same.  He easily commands the room, yet he doesn’t act as though he is the new senior Vice President of Business Development. He acts like a friendly, knowledgeable neighbor who happens to be in the business.

As he speaks, his eyes find their way to mine.  I can see warmth there, and a worldly wisdom and sparkling flecks of dark gray buried within the blue.

And once again, I have the feeling that I know him. It’s frustrating.

He wraps things up and mingles for a bit, then makes his way to me.

“Would you be so kind as to meet me in my office in five minutes or so?”  He smiles.  And my knees feel weak.

Shit. This can’t be good.  I can’t work with weak knees.

I nod.  “Of course.  I’ll be there.”

“Good.”  He smiles again and takes his leave.  Taylor steps forward and nudges me.

“Can I say I told you so yet?”

I glare at her.  “No. You can’t.”

“Okay,” she chirps cheerfully.  “It’s enough to know that it’s true.”

She trots off to chatter with someone else, someone more willing to gush over our new boss with her.  I do what any self-respecting and normal female does before meeting with her sexy-as-hell new boss.  I sprint to the ladies room to freshen my lipstick.

Four point five minutes later, I am knocking softly on Alex’s office door, my lips perfectly done.

“Come in,” he calls from behind his desk.  He stands up as I enter and waves his hand toward one of the two plush leather chairs in front of his large desk.  “Please sit.  Make yourself comfortable.”  I choose a seat.

“Thank you for chatting with me,” Alex says cordially.  I can’t help but notice how he fills out his tailored shirt now that he’s removed his suit jacket.  I can practically see the muscles rippling behind the expensive cotton blend.  This is a man who is no stranger to a gym.

“Of course,” I answer demurely, or my best imitation of what I think demure ought to be.  “I didn’t know exactly what all you would want to discuss, so I’m afraid I’m a little unprepared.  I didn’t bring anything with me.”

“Oh, you’re fine,” Alex says, smiling.  “I simply wanted to get your take on this department and how things are currently run.  You head it up, correct?”

I nod.  “Yes.  I’ve worked here for ten years.  I started out as a middle manager and then after I earned my MBA, I started moving up the ranks.”

Alex glances at a file on his desk.  “And now you’re an executive director in control of a very key department in this company.  Marketing is imperative to any company’s growth.  You must feel the stress from time to time.  Do you handle stress well?”

That’s a very strange question, I decide as I stare at him.

“Yes, I do,” I answer honestly.

“Good,” he answers.  “Because I see here that you’re recently divorced.  I don’t usually pry into my staff’s private affairs, but I’d like to know if you’ll still be able to handle your professional stress level when it is combined with your personal stress?”

I stare at him and he stares back.  He is calm and quiet and I am sure that he is unflappable.  His dark gaze is unwavering.  He is still beautiful, though, even when he is prying into my personal affairs and asking uncomfortable questions.

“My divorce was nine months ago,” I tell him.  “The bulk of the stress came during the first month.  I’m fine now, I can assure you, just as I’ve been fine for the duration of my divorce.  I’ve worked here for a long time.  I know this company like the back of my hand.  I can handle anything you throw at me and then ask for more.”

My chin has automatically come up.  It is annoying to me that this new guy thinks he can question my ability to do my job.  I can do twice as much as he can with one hand tied behind my back.  Of that, I am sure.  He looks surprised by my determined tone.

“Allison, I meant no offense,” he tells me soothingly.  “I have been through a divorce.  I only ask because I know what a toll it took on me.  Those things are stressful.  I just needed to know if I should let this department continue as it is for the time being or if you would be okay handling some of the changes that I would like to implement immediately.  I wasn’t questioning your abilities, I can assure you.  I’ve heard glowing things about you from everyone here.  You are well respected by your staff and your colleagues alike.”

My dander immediately goes back down and my feathers become smooth again.  If I had them, which of course I don’t.

“Oh,” I say.  I don’t really know what else to say.  “I’m sorry if I sounded defensive.  It’s just that this company has been sort of a ‘Good ol’ boys’ company for a long time.  I had to claw my way to where I’m at.  And I can’t let it be thought that I am weak.  Because I’m not.”

“I have no doubt,” Alex assures me.  “And what do you mean by Good Ol’ Boys?”

I flinch.  “Um.  Okay.  Maybe that was a bad choice of words.  What I meant was that there aren’t a lot of women in executive positions here.  It’s mainly older men who have been here for a very long time.  It’s like a club.  And I had to fight my way in.”

“You had to kick down those glass ceilings with your high heels?” Alex grins and I inhale.  Sweet Lord, the man’s smile is breath-taking.
