Read Books Novel

Confessions of an Alli Cat

And then the waiter comes to take our main dish order.

I expect Shade to relent, to release the button.

But he doesn’t.

In fact, as I’m getting ready to bite out my order, he increases the speed.

I cry out and both the waiter and Brian stare at me in concern.

“Are you alright?” Brian asks again.  I nod, unable to speak.

I take a deep breath and try again.

“Fine.  I’d. Like. Pasta Alfredo.”  I’m speaking stiltedly, but I can’t help it.  They’re just lucky that I’m not screaming right now.  Holy shit.  I’m going to come with both of them staring at me.

I grip the table as the waiter takes Brian’s order.

“I’ll.  Be right. Back,” I manage to eke out.

I spring from the table and practically sprint for the ladies room.

The entire way, the egg is buzzing along nicely, doing its job to drive me to the brink of madness.  As I’m closing the door, it is pushed open and Shade stands there.  The remote control is dangling from his hand. He releases the button, and the agonizing/amazing vibrations stop. He locks the door.

Then drops the remote.

He falls to his knees and shoves up my skirt, nuzzling my inner thigh.  I bury my hands in his hair.

“You’re a devil,” I tell him raggedly as he licks my freaking clit.  Then he pulls out my egg and drops it with the remote.

“I wanted to feel you come rather than watch it,” he tells me as pushes me against the wall.  I hear the rustling of foil again and then Shade is sliding into me, long and thick and full.

Holy Freaking Hell.

I’m ready for him because of the egg.  No further foreplay is necessary.

And I’m ha**ng s*x in a public bathroom.

It’s a very clean and fancy public bathroom, but still.

And it doesn’t matter.

“Do you know how sexy you are?” Shade murmurs in my ear as he nibbles at it.

He is surging against me, the muscles of his torso pushing me into the wall and it is an exquisite, sensual feeling.  His hands curve around until they are cupping my ass, pulling me to him.

Because of the egg, I come in two minutes flat.

I fall limply against Shade as he tenses, then relaxes.

He just came.

I stare at him.

“Do you come with all of your clients?”

The question is out before I even know it.  Because honestly, I don’t want to know about his other clients.

He grins down at me as he peels off the condom and drops it into the trash.  His thighs might as well be chiseled from marble.  That is how muscled he is.  My eyes are glued to them as he pulls up his trousers and fastens them.

“I’m a guy, Alli Cat,” he answers.  “I can pretty much come anytime, anywhere.”

For now, I think silently, remembering how Rick the Dick started having problems with that as he got older. But I don’t tell Shade.  He’ll figure it out in about fifteen years.

“Now, part two of your mission is to go back out there and have dinner like nothing ever happened,” Shade tells me.  “You can do it.  You are daring and fun.”

“I am daring and fun,” I repeat firmly as I pull my skirt down and straighten my hair.

“Then, you will join me at Utopia after dinner.  I have a surprise planned for you tonight.”

He grins wickedly and I am instantly apprehensive.

“Another surprise?  I’m old, Shade. I don’t know that my heart can take two surprises in one day.”

I’m only half-joking.

Shade laughs.  “You’re not old.  You’re in your sexual prime.  And so am I. Let’s use that to our advantage, shall we?”

Well, hell.  If he wants to put it that way.

I return to Brian’s table and apologize.  I explain that I had a sudden headache onset, but that I took some aspirin in the bathroom and that I’m feeling better already.  I eat the entire bowl of pasta, feeling certain that I’m going to need the carbs as fuel for the rest of my evening with Shade.


It turns out that I was oh-so-very correct.  I needed those carbs.

Shade meets me at the curb of Utopia.  Under the neon signs of the street, I am stricken once again by how very handsome he is.  Holy hell.  He is strong and tall and confident.  His face is absolutely, perfectly chiseled.  Once again, he leads me through the back hallways of the club to a quiet room.

After we enter, Shade pulls me into his arms, kissing me roughly.

“I’ve been thinking about you for the past hour,” he admits to me.  “That was sexy as hell, Alli Cat.”

And it was, I have to admit.  My knees actually still feel a little weak from our little escapade in the restaurant.

I let his tongue explore my mouth, my neck, my br**sts, as he pulls the straps of my dress down and licks at my ni**les.  I bury my hands in his hair once again.  He’s got thick dark hair.  It’s every bit as soft as it looks, too.

He pulls away.

“Tonight, I’m going to do you a favor,” he tells me.  “I know you’ll be dating again soon.  A sexy woman like you isn’t going to sit at home alone for long.”

I start to say something, but he puts a finger to my lips.

“And I want you to be prepared.  I already know that you like to be good at everything you do. It’s in your nature. So, tonight, I’m going to show you exactly what will drive a man wild.  And you’re going to enjoy the lesson.”

My lips curve into a smile.  He’s very perceptive, this one.  He’s already got me pegged.

“So, you’re going to turn me into a sex goddess?” I ask with a grin.

He smiles back as he pulls me to him.

“You already are a sex goddess,” he tells me.  “I’m going to turn you into a very skilled sex goddess who can bring a man to his knees in five minutes flat.”

I smile wider.  “I’m going to enjoy tonight,” I answer.

“Oh, me too,” he says confidently, winking before he continues.

“Okay.  First, to set the scenario.  You’re going to pretend that I’m a guy who you have been dating and you are very into me.  This is ‘the night’.  The first night that you have sex.  And you’re going to take total and complete charge because that’s sexy as hell.  And I’m going to tell you what to do.  I don’t want you to argue—just do everything I say and commit it to memory.  Can you do that?”
