Read Books Novel

Confessions of an Alli Cat

I am stunned but I try hard not to show it.  “Excellent!  I’m glad you’ve changed your mind.  I’m certain this is the right decision, Colby.”

“Well, we’ll see,” he responds.

We hang up and I exhale slowly.

My son is certainly full of surprises.

As is my new executive director.  I turn in my seat, waiting for her to re-emerge from the hall.  My son is as stubborn and headstrong as I can be.  I hope Alli can manage him.

Chapter Sixteen

(Because obviously we have to hear from Colby at this point)


Holy shit!

I hang up my phone and sit in stunned silence in my bedroom.

Allison Lancaster works for my father. And I will be working for her on Monday. In a non-sexual capacity, I mean.  She’s going to die.  She’s going to f**king die.  I can practically see the expression on her face right now.

I glance at my phone.  I should call her and give her a head’s up.  But then hesitate.

A devilish idea comes to mind and I can’t help but smile.  Allison is adorable when she’s embarrassed.  I remember the look on her face in the restaurant when she was trying not to orgasm in front of the waiter.  And then the crotch of my pants shrinks two sizes at the memory of what followed after that…in the restaurant’s bathroom.

So instead, I pick up my phone and text her.

Why don’t you make an appointment with me on Saturday?  I need my Alli Cat fix.

I set my phone down.

I’m not going to tell her.  I’ll surprise her when I show up on Monday.  The look on her face will be worth it.

Chapter Seventeen

(Or: Lines are made to be crossed, aren’t they?)


I have just slathered on antihistamine cream while staring in the bathroom mirror when my phone buzzes with a text.  I wipe my hands off and pick it up.


Why don’t you make an appointment with me on Saturday?  I need my Alli Cat fix.

I can’t help but smile.

I’m so glad that I drew the line in the sand with him- and made sure that he knows that I can never date him.  But that doesn’t mean that I’m ever going to stop using his services.  And then I feel ultra-naughty for thinking that, considering my new boss is waiting for me in my kitchen.  My ultra-sexy-I-might-even-have-a-crush-on new boss. The very one.

I answer Shade: I’ll think about it.

But I know that I will.  I’ll get home from San Diego on Friday evening, so I can probably even do it that night.  Or I can play it safe and make the appointment for Saturday.  We’ll see.

I apply some concealer beneath my cheeks and then pick up my jar of bronzer powder.  I apply some with the brush, then examine myself in the mirror.  The swelling is still there, but at least the bruising is concealed.  I still look like I went five rounds in the boxing ring with a prize fighter, though.

I look at myself again.  Make that ten rounds.

At that moment, I hear Alex calling me.

“Can I grab a drink from your fridge?”

I start to answer, but realize that he wouldn’t be able to hear me.  I walk back out to the kitchen and try to ignore the fact that he can see my Elephant Man face more clearly now that the mask is gone.

“Of course,” I tell him, walking to the fridge.  “What would you like?”

Alex slides off the stool and circles the breakfast bar, quickly coming to my side.

“You didn’t have to come out and get it,” he tells me, reaching for the fridge handle at the same time as I do.  “I can do it.”

And somehow, and I’ll never know exactly how, the jar of bronzing powder flies out of my other hand and explodes in a puff of rust-colored brown dust on the crotch of Alex’s very expensive slacks.

On the crotch.

I stare at him in horror and start to stammer.

“I…I’m… so sorry!  Oh, my gosh—we should…” He’s brushing at it and I grab his arm. “No, don’t do that.  You’ll grind it in.  We should…I’ll suck it off!” I start to run for the broom-closet but as soon as I realize what I just said, I want to die.

And then I’m frozen.

I’ll suck it off???

I turn slowly and meet his amused cobalt gaze.

“I meant, with the vacuum.  I’ll suck it off with the vacuum hose.”

Alex grins, a mischievous grin that lights up his sexier-than-hell face.

“Clearly,” he answers.  “Whatever else could you have meant?”

And I want to die again.

My cheeks are bright red as I yank the vacuum out of the closet, plug it in and then approach him.  He grins and holds his hand out.

“I think I should probably do this part,” he suggests.  “Not that I don’t trust you, but…”

And I want to die for a third time.

I hand him the hose with limp fingers and then turn on the vacuum for him, watching him hose off his crotch.  This might be the single most awkward situation in the history of my life.  Seriously. Or maybe even in anyone’s life or in all lives put together.

When he’s finished, you can still see faint traces of the bronzer on his gray pants.  I sigh.

“I’ll pay to have them cleaned, obviously,” I tell him.  “And if it stains, I’ll buy you a new pair.”

Alex waves his hand.

“Don’t worry about it,” he tells me good-naturedly.  “Seriously.  I showed up here on your sick day unannounced. I deserved it.”

He laughs and I can’t help but laugh with him.

What a day.

“It seems that the deck is stacked against our having a normal relationship, doesn’t it?” Alex chuckles.  And at the word relationship, I suck in breath.  Can he tell that I’ve been thinking of him in a very un-boss like way?  I swallow.

“I know and that’s my fault,” I say uncertainly.  “I’m really sorry. I promise, I’m usually very professional.”

Alex shakes his head.  “I wouldn’t change you a bit,” he announces.

He’s so handsome with the evening sun shining on him through the window. I try not to notice it.

“You make going to work interesting,” he adds.

“Glad I can be of service,” I mumble.  “Would you actually like that drink now or should I find something else to dump on you?”

He laughs.  “You know, as tempting as that sounds, I should probably get going.  I want to look through this file tonight and make some notes.  You have a good night, though, and I’ll see you tomorrow.  I hope your swelling goes down.  Honestly, it looks better already.  That cream must be helping!”
