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Confessions of an Alli Cat

As the steam covers us up and with my face pressed against the foggy shower glass, Alex fills me up yet again.  I’ve never felt so fulfilled.

And being with him seems so unbelievably right.

“We fit, Alli Cat,” he whispers in my ear and I freeze, turning into him.

“Alli Cat?” I ask tremulously.  Surely Colby hadn’t said anything to him.  Surely. That would be sick on so many levels.  But Alex’s face is open and honest and unfazed as he answers.

“You’re my wild little Alli Cat, “he replies.  And I can tell that he just made the name up.  He has no idea that his son has used it before him.  “And we do fit perfectly together.”

“We do,” I admit with a sigh.  “What are we going to do about that?”

“We’ll figure it out,” he says with a shrug.  “We’re two intelligent adults.”

When we get out of the shower, I find a text from Sophie. She’s going to Hayley’s to do homework and won’t be home until later.

I turn to Alex.  “I’m free for dinner.  But there is a small problem… you ripped my shirt off.  I can’t go naked.”

Alex grins.  “I guess we’re even now.  You ruined a pair of my pants and I ruined one of your shirts.  The score is tied, milady.”

I laugh and he ducks out to buy me a shirt in the gift shop.

And that is how Alex and I end up in the World Restaurant in the top of the Stratosphere having dinner while I wear an oversized souvenir t-shirt, a dress skirt and kick-ass heels.  And of course, we are eating steak.

“You know, too much steak will clog your arteries,” I tell Alex with a grin.  He shrugs again, unconcerned.

“I’ve earned it today, I think,” he says mischievously.  And I can’t argue with that. He has earned it today.

“This is a gorgeous view,” I say as I gaze at the Vegas horizon, with its skyscrapers and desert and dying sunshine.

“Not as gorgeous as mine,” Alex says as he stares at me.  His words would be cheesy if it weren’t for the intense expression in his blue eyes.  I inhale.  Sharply.

“You know we’re good together,” he says as he sips his drink.

I don’t even bother to lie.

“Yes,” I answer simply.

“And your only issue is that we work together, correct?” Alex swallows his drink and motions for the waiter to bring him another.

I nod.

“Well, that’s an easy fix then,” he says, leveling his gaze at me. “You’re fired.”

Chapter Twenty-One

(Or:  What the Eff?)

“What?” I squeak, staring at him in astonishment and horror. “No.  I don’t want that.”

Alex looks at me in bemusement.

“I don’t mean that you’re actually fired right this minute.  But I have a solution, if you’d like to hear it.”

I try to soothe my pounding heart, to get a grip on myself.

“Yes, I’d like to hear it, as long as it doesn’t involve me getting fired.  I’ve worked hard to get where I’m at, Alex.”

“I know you have,” he nods.  “And I’m not the only one who has noticed.  Remember when I told you that headhunters have asked about you?  One of them is my friend, Tom. The friend who found this job for me.  He’s asked about you.  Apparently, there is a job at a nearby winery that would be perfect for you.”

“A winery in Las Vegas?” I ask doubtfully.  Alex smiles.

“Well, it’s a little over an hour away, across the California border.  But it’s an easy commute.”

“And why would I switch jobs?” I ask a little heatedly. “I like what I’m doing now.”

“Well,” Alex says slowly.  “It’s a vice president position.  And it’s at a winery.  You love wine.  And if you take a better job, then you’re no longer working for me. Which means that our little problem is solved.”

I stare at him silently, trying to wrap my mind around his words.

“I do love wine,” I say absently.

“Yes, you do,” Alex agrees with a smile.

“And I would like a vice president position,” I say uncertainly.

“Yes, you would,” Alex agrees again.  “And you deserve a vice president position. And unfortunately, your only path to getting that position at Zellers is through me—to take my job. And I’m not going anywhere anytime soon. So…”

“So this is a perfect proposition for me,” I sum up, looking at him.

“It would seem that way,” he says, sipping at his drink again.  “But take your time and think about it.  I’ve got Tom’s card.  You can give him a call to discuss it, if you would like.”

I feel a little stunned.  Everything seems to be happening so fast.

But I have to admit.  Completely starting over, like Alex did, seems a little fascinating.

“You set this up, didn’t you?” I ask.  “You contacted your friend, not the other way around.”

I can see on his face that I am right.

He shrugs.  “I just put some feelers out there.  You and I have had chemistry from the beginning.  Once I was contacted by someone else about you, it gave me the idea to check.  The position really is a perfect fit for you, Alli.  You would be heading up the marketing department.  It’s exactly what you do and do well. Plus, did I mention… you would be marketing wine.”

I sigh because he’s piqued my curiosity.  It does sound perfect for me.

“I love wine,” I sigh.  “Okay. I’ll call your friend.”

“Excellent,” Alex says with a smile, holding his glass up. “Here’s to new beginnings.”

There are a lot of promises in his smile and I know that he isn’t just talking about new beginnings with my career.  I gulp and clink glasses.

“To new beginnings,” I say awkwardly.

Alex gazes at me.

“What’s wrong?”

I shake my head. “You’re going to think I’m silly.”

“Probably not,” he answers.  “Just tell me.”

“I have a problem now…with commitment.  After I invested fifteen years of my life with Rick and he cheated on me, I find it a little disconcerting to just trust you with so many areas of my life. I guess I have trust issues.”
