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Conspiracy Game

Conspiracy Game (GhostWalkers #4)(97)
Author: Christine Feehan

He went still-utterly and completely still. Even his breath ceased in his lungs. He waited until she opened her eyes and looked at him. “Don’t say that unless you mean it, Briony. I don’t want there to be any mistakes.”

“There’s no mistake. I love you more than anything. I’m happy I’m carrying your children. I love being with you.”

“It’s remote up here and the road is impassable some of the time. We get snow. You could get lonely.”

“I love where you live and the house and all of it.”

“Sometimes I’m as mean as a snake. I like my way, baby-maybe too much.”

“Are you trying to talk me out of it? I know it snows. I don’t get lonely and certainly won’t with you, Ken, and two children running around, and if you’re mean, I’ll see what I can do to soothe you.” Her hand slid over his chest, feather-light-suggestive. “And as for getting your way, you probably will most of the time, so when I really want something, of course you’ll be more than happy to accommodate me.”

“I will?” A slow grin curved his mouth, took a few moments to light his eyes. “I doubt you’ll ever have much of a problem getting anything you want from me, but you already know that, don’t you?”

“Yes, and you know what I want right this minute?” She leaned up to brush her lips against his ear. “I want you inside me so bad I can’t think straight.” Because there was a part of her that feared she might lose him-that this might be the last opportunity they had to be together. “Do you think Ken will stay away long enough to give us time?” She whispered the invitation like a temptress.

Ken, I need a little time alone with Briony.

You think? I’m sitting up here twiddling my thumbs, lover boy. You’d better win her over with your skills cuz you sorely lack in the romance department. You don’t want to lose that woman.

No, Jack definitely didn’t want to lose her. He closed himself off to Ken, and kissed her gently. “I’ve got a hell of a great brother. He’s watching our back trail for us.”

“Go slow, Jack. I need you to go slow.” She wanted to feel loved, wanted to be with him again just in case this was the last time-the only time she had left. It was wrong with poor Ken so close by and accommodating them-she should have felt embarrassed-but she only felt grateful. It wouldn’t be long before they’d be fighting for their lives again, and she needed Jack now. “I’m sorry I look such a mess.”

“Do you think that matters, Briony? No one could be more beautiful to me. Swollen eye, bruises-it would never matter. You’re a fighter, babe, and you make me proud of you.”

He pushed her shirt further up her body, until the underside of her br**sts were exposed, fingers stroking soft skin. “When I touch you, I swear, Briony, each time is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. I feel like a fool trying to tell you what you mean to me, but I don’t want you to ever think you weren’t worth the effort for me to try to put the way I feel about you into words.”

Jack feathered kisses over her gently rounded belly. Strands of his hair brushed against her br**sts, sending shivers of awareness down her spine. Briony didn’t know why she found it so erotic to be outside with him, danger surrounding them, and watching his eyes darken with desire and his body grow hard in anticipation. “You’ll have to be on top so we don’t take any chances hurting you or the babies.” He lifted his head to look at her, his gray eyes nearly charcoal. “I’ll be so gentle you won’t even know it’s me.”

She couldn’t believe how wet and hot she already was just looking at him. His hands cupped her br**sts, kneading with exquisite care, rolling her nipple until she gasped, her vision hazing over. Briony’s clothes felt too tight, the material scraping against her sensitive skin and impeding his roaming hands. She hastily opened her jeans and sat up to remove her clothes, glancing around to make certain they were concealed by the shrubbery and thick canopy. The angle of the canyon walls helped, and she could see why Jack had picked such a spot to hide while they waited for dark.

Jack had divested himself of clothing as well and reached up and tugged at her wrist until she was sitting on his lap, straddling him. He fisted his hands in her hair to drag her head back, wanting to devour her, his tongue sweeping into her mouth, teeth tugging at her lips, and all the while he deliberately pressed his hard c**k against her wet channel. For a moment he sat still, absorbing the feel of her, the scent of her, the miracle of her being with him. He buried his face against her neck to hide the sudden overwhelming emotion he knew was na**d on his face.


He pulled her arms around his neck until her fingers dug into his muscle as he positioned her legs around his waist. She locked her ankles behind his back, opening her body even more to him, and he rocked her back, rubbing his c**k deeper into her feminine heat. He could hear his name on her lips forever, that breathy little hesitation, the way love poured through her voice. He deliberately moved again to draw a little moan from her.

Briony gripped his shoulders hard and made a small keening sound, a soft wail of pleasure adding hot flames of excitement licking through his surging blood. Jack kissed her over and over, drowning in her taste, loving the way she responded, giving up her mouth the way she did her body-wholly-unconditionally. He kissed his way down her throat and shoulders, until he found the hot little points of her br**sts, already stiff for him. She was so hot and wet already, rocking against him, letting him know how much she wanted him. That alone was an aphrodisiac.

Jack took her breast in his mouth, felt the unbelievable softness, tugged her nipple with his teeth, rolled it with his mouth, and when she cried out, went back to suckling. With each strong pull, he felt her grow hotter and wetter for him. He loved her body’s reaction, and his hands began to stroke and caress her shoulders, down her back, to her bu**ocks, his mouth all the while lavishing attention on her br**sts.

Briony flung back her head, arching into the heat of his mouth, nails digging into his shoulders. His slow hands and ravaging mouth sent her body pulsing with such aching need she tried to squirm onto him.

“Stop that,” he said sharply and brought his hand down on her bottom, sending an unexpected flare of heat spiraling through her body. “We’re taking this slow and easy, remember? Let it build.” Because he wanted to stay inside her forever. Jack wanted to hold her to him any way that he could. He had no idea how she’d managed to invade his heart and soul-but she had-and he needed her as surely as he needed the sun to come up in the morning. He wanted forever-and he had only a short time-but every moment was going to count.
