Read Books Novel

Crash into Me

Crash into Me (Heart of Stone #1)(15)
Author: K.M. Scott

I knew I should continue reading as the contract went on for six pages more, but as far as I was concerned, I had all the information I needed. I would be paid, have great benefits, and finally, for the first time since graduation, I’d be able to put some money in the bank. All of this and I’d get to work for Tristan in an art gallery. That I wasn’t sure what I’d be in his personal life made me wish he and I had talked about it, but I had hope that his note had been evidence of his interest in me. With a deep breath, I prayed I wasn’t making a mistake and signed my name on the last page. I looked up and Rogers seemed to have appeared out of nowhere and handed me a second letter from Tristan.

"Miss, do you prefer a check or the money deposited into your account?"

"I think the deposit would work since I assume I’m going to be paid that way. Just give me the papers to fill out," I said with a smile.

"No need, miss." And with that, Rogers turned and walked away. No need? How was the money to be deposited if I didn’t give my account number? Before I could ask the very same question that was in my mind, the butler was gone. Unsure of what to do, I opened the note and read more from Tristan.

Dear Nina,

I’m happy you chose to accept my offer and look forward to your involvement in Stone Worldwide for the upcoming six months. You’re going to need a new wardrobe for your new position, so please allow my driver to take you to Le Ciel. I have spoken to Sheila about your resignation and she’s happy to hear you’ve found another position. I believe she’s going to miss you.



I began to think this might be all right and wandered out the front door to find Tristan’s driver standing next to a Town Car. He wore a driver’s uniform and appeared as stoic as the butler. I approached him and extended my hand. "Hi, I’m Nina. I guess you’re supposed to take me to Le Ciel. Where is that?"

He opened the door, bowed slightly, and replied, "Yes, miss. We’ll be in Midtown shortly."

An hour later, I was standing inside a Midtown Manhattan boutique and feeling like Tristan in The Last Drop. The only difference was no one at my local bar had looked at him like he was an outsider when he walked in.

Two women walked toward me as I stood in the dress I’d been wearing for far too long, and I so wished I’d changed clothes before going shopping. Feeling self conscious, I avoided meeting their gazes, instead looking out the window at the activity on the sidewalk.

"You must be Nina," the blonder one announced. "Mr. Stone told us to expect you. We have everything picked out and if you follow me, I’ll take you to a dressing room."

I did as she asked and found myself in a dressing room almost as big as my entire apartment. A dozen different dresses, outfits, and business suits hung around the room. I looked at the price tag on one of the dresses and my mouth fell open.

My portion of the rent on my apartment was only slightly more. I couldn’t afford these clothes.

Immediately, I opened the door and stuck my head out to find the blonde who’d escorted me to the room. She stood with her back to me hanging clothes on satin covered hangers, and I said, "Excuse me. Miss?"

She turned around and flashed me a toothy smile. "Is there something I can help you with?"

I was embarrassed to say I was too poor to afford anything in her store, so I whispered, "I think there’s been a mistake. Mr. Stone didn’t mention how…" I hesitated and stumbled over my words until I finally blurted out, "He never said they’d be of such high quality."

Thankfully, she seemed to understand what I had so clumsily referred to because she gave me one of her supermodel smiles and nodded. "Oh, that’s been taken care of, miss. Mr. Stone will be paying for everything."

She returned to her work, leaving me alone in the dressing room that could house a small family, my head spinning from what she’d said. Not only was I now employed as an assistant curator for Tristan Stone, but now he was buying me an entire wardrobe so I could be ready for my first day at work?

It all seemed too good to be true.

I tried on one outfit and then the next, impressed that the women who worked at Le Ciel knew my size just minutes after I walked through the door. I hadn’t stood there for that long, yet the clothes fit me perfectly.

As I twirled around in front of the three way mirror, swinging the black skirt that matched perfectly with the grey see-through blouse, my cell phone rang. I didn’t recognize the number, but I was in such a good mood, I broke my usual rule and answered it.

"Hello?" I sang happily to whomever was on the other end.

"Good morning, Nina."

My heart began pounding wildly at the sound of his deep voice. Tristan.


"I’m so happy you agreed to sign the contract," he purred into my ear. "Are you happy with my choices for you?"

I looked down at the clothes I wore and then around the room at all the beautiful outfits hanging there just waiting for me to love them. "You chose these?" I asked, stunned.


"Oh. I don’t know what to say."

I didn’t. It was all at once exciting and overwhelming to know he’d taken the time to come here and pick out clothes for me.

"What are you wearing, Nina?"

"The black silk skirt and grey see-through blouse. It’s very nice."

"I’m sure you look beautiful in it. I want you to take it off," he said in a distinctly commanding tone.

"Do you want me to try a different outfit on and tell you if I like it?"


Confused, I did as he ordered and stood in my bra and panties, just as I had done in front of him the previous night.

"Okay. I took it off."

"Are you wearing only your pink panties and bra I saw you in last night?"

"Yes," I said with a smile as the memory of our time together flashed through my mind.
