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Cross & Crown

The longer Kelly’s brain chugged for a response, the softer and more amused Nick’s expression became. He finally ran his thumb across Kelly’s lower lip, then pulled it down like he was making Kelly talk. “Love you too,” he said in a poor imitation of Kelly’s voice.

They both burst out laughing, quieting quickly so they wouldn’t wake the others. Kelly wiped his lips and reached for Nick, pul ing him in for a kiss. “You’re f**king insane,” he murmured.

Nick nodded, and he wound his arms around Kelly’s waist and dragged him closer. He leaned back again, stretching out on the couch. Kelly lay out on top of him, kissing him for all he was worth. He had the presence of mind, though, to remember that he hadn’t finished making his point yet. He’d been awake when Nick and JD had been outside the cabin door talking. He’d heard their conversation. He pushed up, frowning down at Nick.

“What?” Nick asked, voice full of dread. “Are you seriously going to try to break up with me twice in five minutes?”

Kelly chuckled and shook his head. “I just want . . . I want you to know if you wanted to try something else—”

“Kelly!” Nick sat up again, taking Kelly with him despite Kelly trying to shove him back down. He had his arm wrapped around Kelly’s waist, and he rolled him into the back of the couch, pinning him against the cushions. Kelly didn’t try to fight it, and soon enough Nick had him under him.

Nick’s face was shadowed, but Kelly could still see his almost desperate frown. “I’m not here with you because I don’t have other options. You understand? This is not something I’m taking lightly, it’s not a jaunt through the park for me.”

Kelly licked his lips, trying to swallow. His mouth was too dry.

“Doc. There is no ‘something else’ for me. There’s no second option. It’s you. It’s just you.”

Nick rested on his elbow so he could glide a finger across Kelly’s cheek. It brought their faces closer together. Kelly lifted his head and kissed him, almost exploratory, tentative and gentle. Nick returned it with the same tender attention, holding Kelly’s chin between his thumb and forefinger.

“Okay,” Kelly whispered after several long moments of the lingering kiss. “Okay. So let’s go downstairs and you can prove it to me.”

Nick hummed contentedly. “As you wish.”

They had the presence of mind to finish battening down the hatches and for Nick to wake Hagan for the last shift before they headed down to their cabin, and they also had the presence of mind to be quiet when they reached the cabin. Barely. Nick pressed Kelly against the wal , holding him tightly with one arm, meeting his lips over and over as he closed the door with a quiet snick.

Kelly wrapped both arms around his neck and lifted one leg to hitch it over Nick’s hip. He was still exploring all the ways that sex with a guy was new. Some things he loved, other things he missed. But one thing he would never get enough of was the size difference between him and Nick. He loved the fact that he had to reach up to kiss him, that Nick’s muscles were bulkier than his own. He especially enjoyed that Nick could pick him up, and did so with great frequency during their foreplay. He’d once briefly f**ked Kelly that way, holding him against a wall and entering him over and over until he’d wanted harder and faster and tossed Kelly onto a nearby couch instead.

Needless to say, Kelly had learned the little cues that Nick responded to, and he abused the hell out of them.

Nick grabbed the back of Kelly’s thigh as soon as he raised his leg, and then he bent and hefted Kelly up, sliding his back 116 against the wall and holding him there with his own weight.

Kelly wrapped both legs around him, still kissing him.

He could feel Nick growing harder through his pajama pants, feel the tension in every muscle as he worked to support Kelly’s weight.

“Babe,” Kelly gasped. “What do I have to do to get you to f**k me like this?”

Nick chuckled darkly. “I’d be way too f**king loud doing that,” he admitted, then bit at Kelly’s lip and kissed him hungrily. He put his lips to Kelly’s ear and hissed, “Come ride me.”

Kelly groaned. “Yes, Staff Sergeant.”

Nick released the viselike grip he’d had on Kelly and let him slide to the ground. As soon as his feet were on the floor, Kelly ran his hands under Nick’s shirt. He’d probably seen Nick shirtless a thousand times before, but this never failed to be his favorite part of getting Nick undressed. The play of muscles on his shoulders and his back, the way the dark ink of his tattoos contrasted with his skin. It was f**king glorious.

Nick pulled the shirt off and tossed it aside, backing toward the bed with a smirk. He knew what he did to Kelly, but he wasn’t afraid to return the favor and show Kelly he was turned on. He shoved his pants past his hard cock, leaving them when they hit his thighs.

“Goddamn it,” Kelly hissed, and he yanked his own shirt over his head. He shoved his sweatpants down and kicked out of them.

Nick was watching him, his eyes predatory, licking his lips as he looked Kelly up and down. Kelly elbowed him to the bed, then climbed on top of him and pinned his hands.

Nick grinned evilly, lifting his hips so the head of his c**k brushed against Kelly’s balls.

Kelly shook his head. “You’re going to have to work harder for it than that.”

When Nick smiled, Kelly could see that he was biting his tongue. “You sure about that?” Nick asked slyly. “Last time you rode me, you came so hard I licked it off my lips.”

Kelly groaned and hung his head. It was true, damn him.

He released Nick’s hands and reached for the pillows where they’d been stashing their lube. The drawer was just so far when they got to the stage where they needed it.

As he was reaching, Nick grabbed his hips, holding him in place. He licked at the tip of Kelly’s cock, his fingers digging into Kelly’s ass.

“Oh God, babe,” Kelly grunted. He hung his head, gasping as his entire body pulsed with need.

Nick tugged at his hips, urging Kelly to crawl just a little closer to the headboard. He licked Kelly’s balls, then went lower, lapping at Kelly’s ass**le. Kelly almost shouted. He brought his fist up and bit it to keep from making any noise.

Nick licked all the way up to Kelly’s balls again and sucked one into his mouth.

Kelly arched his back, reaching down to grab a handful of Nick’s hair. His thighs were beginning to burn, but goddamn if he was going to worry about that when Nick was about to do what Kelly thought he was.
