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Cross & Crown

All that knowledge, lost . . .”

“I get it,” Kelly said suddenly. “The cross is made of layers of gold. It’s wrapped in the scrolls, isn’t it?”

“Yes, it is.” Alex was solemn. “They knew the Church would never desecrate a cross. The scrolls would be safe until . . . well, I guess until more enlightened minds could discover them.”

“Enlightened minds like yourself?” Nick asked.

Alex rolled her eyes. “Don’t pretend you’re after that treasure for altruistic reasons. Please. Dr. Hunt and I were hired by Alco Pharmaceuticals. We’re supposed to find the ancient formulas.”

Julian scoffed at her. “A pharmaceutical company hired treasure hunters?”

“Cancer is big money,” Alex stated almost sadly.

Nick loosened his hold on her arm. “Why’d you pretend to be a professor at Boston College to give me an ID? Why not just come in and claim JD?”

Alex met JD’s eyes. “Because he ran out on us. One night we figured out that the trail led us to Massachusetts, and we finished a bottle of wine in celebration. The next morning, he was gone. I thought he was after the treasure for a rival company, so I had to follow him quietly.”

JD met Nick’s eyes. He was breathing hard, realization sweeping over his face. “Oh my God,” he whispered.

“JD . . .”

“It’s all true then,” JD cried. “I am a bad guy! I’m a murderer and a thief and . . . and maybe a kidnapper! And I betrayed people who were supposed to be my friends and colleagues! You even said you trusted me! Jesus!”

He ran both hands through his hair and turned away to pace.

“How did he get murderer and thief from what I just said?” Alex asked Nick.

“It’s a long story.”

“Will you untie us now?”

Nick took his knife from his belt and sliced through the zip tie. Kelly followed his lead and released the man, whose name ended up being Colin.

Alex rubbed at her wrists, eyes on Julian. “The man who hired us told us you’d be out there too. He said you were dangerous and motivated. That’s why we bring Colin along everywhere.”

Colin gave a silent nod.

“We didn’t know anyone had been kidnapped,” Alex said.

“Who is it?”

“My husband,” Julian said through gritted teeth. “I was told to give them the location of the cross and they wouldn’t harm him.”

“Your husband?” Nick blurted. Julian nodded.

“Congratulations,” Nick offered lamely.

“You haven’t found the cross?” Alex asked.

“I haven’t been looking for it. I’ve been looking for them.

Who are they?”

Alex’s eyes went wide. “I don’t know. We were told rival companies were after the cross and we’d have to move fast.”

Kelly stepped forward, close to Nick, and he lowered his voice when he spoke. “So we have three parties in play here? Alex’s group, JD’s group, and Julian?”

“That’s what I’m taking away from all this,” Nick answered. He reached to his belt, pul ing his handcuffs from their holster. “One thing I do know . . .”

Kelly nodded. “Evidence is saying you have to arrest him, huh?”

Nick sighed. JD turned and halted his pacing when he saw Nick watching him. The look in his eyes was one of both resignation and betrayal. “You’re really going to arrest me now?”

Nick held up the handcuffs and moved closer to him.

“Turn around,” he said softly.

JD lowered his head and turned his back to Nick, his shoulders slumping. Nick took one wrist in his hand, but before he could put the handcuffs on him, JD jerked his elbow.

He landed a blow on Nick’s side, and Nick’s knees buckled.

JD whirled and grabbed Nick’s gun from its holster as Nick went to the ground, and his hands were trembling. He backed away, the gun pointing from one person to the next.

“I’m sorry,” he said to Nick. “I’m sorry I hurt you. But I can’t let you arrest me, not yet. I have to find them and find out the truth first.”

Nick braced a hand on the concrete walkway, gasping and wincing as his blazing eyes tracked JD, who was still backing away from them al .

JD’s eyes darted around the hordes of tourists, and then he pointed the gun in the air, aiming it in the general direction of the river. The blast of the shot echoed off the rol ing hills and stone monuments and created instant panic: tour groups screamed and scattered, families with children flattened to the ground, kayakers on the river dove out of their vessels into the water for safety.

JD met Nick’s eyes one last time as he moved away. “I’m sorry. I’ll turn myself in after, I promise!” he called, and then he bolted into the crowd.

Chapter 9

elly loitered near the park ranger’s office, listening as KNick gave a report to someone on the phone. From the tone of his voice, he wasn’t enjoying the conversation.

When he was done, he emerged from the office and gave everyone a grim smile.

“How’d it go?” Julian asked.

Nick laughed bitterly. “Well. I brought a suspect to a public place while I was supposed to be on guard duty, lost control of my department-issued sidearm, and then allowed the suspect to abscond with it into a crowd. Oh, and fire it.

Apparently it hit a goose downriver.”

They all stared at him, wide-eyed and waiting for him to continue. “Let’s just say it didn’t go too well.”

“Have you been shelved?” Kelly asked.

“No. I’ve been given forty-eight hours to fix it.”

Alex had been keeping her distance, but she was edging closer. “You know the only way to find where he’s going is to find the treasure, right?”

Nick narrowed his eyes at her. “Thank you for at least being transparent in your motives.”

Alex shrugged. “What do you say, Detective? You want to work together in this?”

“No,” Nick growled. He headed for the door, and Kelly fell into step beside him.

They reached the door, and Kelly glanced back to find Julian hadn’t moved. He tugged on Nick’s damp shirt, and Nick turned as well.

“You jumping ship?” Kelly asked Julian.

Julian smiled softly. “I have to find Cameron.”

“Good luck to you,” Nick told him. “You have my number if you need it.”

“And you will have mine.”
