Read Books Novel

Crossing Boundaries

Chapter Ten

Dear Diary,

He left a message with my mum telling me he’d be out of town for a couple of days, something to do with his story and editor. I think he wants to get away from me.

Last night, I shouldn’t have admitted to liking the kiss. I can’t stop thinking about him and his lips and the way they felt on mine, commanding me to give him everything. I’m starting to sound like one of his books. My mum would throw a hissy fit if she knew.

Do you think I was bad at it? Is that why he’s gone away? Worried in case I’d want a repeat performance? I’ve never kissed a man before or a boy. I’m twenty years old and only just experiencing my first kiss. At this rate I’ll lose my virginity when I’m ninety.

Shit. I’ve got to go and see Peter. I promised to help him.

Laura placed the book on the library shelf and turned back to Peter.

“What did you say?” she asked. She’d been too busy thinking to hear what he said.

“I was wondering if you were doing anything tonight?” Peter repeated.

She paused and placed the book on the shelf before giving him her full attention. The same book lay open on the same page in front of him.

“Are you even reading that?” she asked.

“Can I be honest with you?” Peter asked.

Laura sat down at the table and waited.

“I don’t need help with history,” he said.

“Then why have you spent the last four weeks studying from the same text book and asking questions?”

“This is going to make me sound like a stalker or something. I wanted to spend time with you. I figured you’d only give me a chance if I needed help,” he said.

“Oh,” she replied. Then his words dawned on her. She couldn’t deal with this. Glancing up at the clock she saw it was almost lunch hour.

“I’ve got to go,” she said. She didn’t wait for him to respond. She grabbed her lunch and walked out of the library. Peter being interested in her was equivalent to her worst nightmare.

“Laura, wait,” she heard him calling.

“Please, leave me alone,” she asked. He was running and he stopped her when he moved in front of her.

“You walk pretty fast,” he said.

“That’s because I’m trying to get away from you.” Laura walked around him and then stopped.

“Why did you do this? She asked. "I don’t get it. What changed between high school and college?”

“I was an idiot then and I guess I’m still an idiot," Peter replied. "Look, Laura, I don’t want to pressure you. We could be friends. Not very many of those are around these parts,” he suggested.

Laura glared at him. Peter had been nice to her for the last few weeks and she enjoyed his company when his friends weren’t around.

“All right," she replied. "We’ll be friends, but no funny business. I don’t want a relationship or anything that you get up to with other girls. Friends, nothing else.” She laid her cards on the table. It was an odd way to start a friendship. She’d never been good with making proper long-term friends like the ones people see in the movies. It would be nice having a friend.

Peter agreed and they shook hands, their friendship beginning.

Laura ate her lunch with him in the picnic area, as always. The rest of her day was filled with mundane work. She gave Peter a book to read. If he was going be in the library to keep her company, then the least she could do was give him something to pass the time.

She spent the rest of the day behind the counter watching and observing. Couples came in with their books to return and she loved being part of their banter. It was kind of bizarre to witness the love between two people. She saw some teenagers come in and for a short time she observed them. Most of the people were in their own little world.

Four days had passed since she’d seen Dean. Would their friendship be over because of a kiss? She wouldn’t let it. The kiss had crossed a boundary and she didn’t want to return to only being friends.

With her mind made up she finished her shift and let Peter walk her home. They talked about college and some of the years they spent in high school. She was surprised by how much they had in common. Peter made her laugh about some of her teachers and the projects in which they were forced to partake.

When he left her, she went to her room to change and told her parents she’d seen Dean and he’d said she could go back to his place.

Laura walked the short distance to his house. Reading a few more of his books had given her an idea, although not the best or most original idea. She intended to seduce him. The kiss had to be a starting point.

After the long walk, she took a deep breath and before she could think twice, she knocked on the door. Seconds ticked by in the still night air. She took in breaths and waited. Laura lifted her hand to knock a second time when the door opened. Dean stood in a shirt and jeans like he always was.

“Laura? I didn’t think we’d arranged anything tonight. I’m not up for your company,” he said.

His words hurt. She wouldn’t back down as she saw through the facade. Dean wouldn’t ring or talk to her again. For him he’d crossed a boundary and that meant they were over. She couldn’t leave it like that.

Laura brushed past him and waited until he closed the door. “I’ve got to talk to you,” she said.

“Can’t this wait for another day?”

“No. If I leave here tonight there won’t be another day. I know what you’re trying to do. You’re doing the same as Master did when he thought Lisa had gone beyond all the steps, or at least in a similar way. I know we’ve not had any spanking lessons and now I can’t stop talking and saying things I didn’t practice,” she told him as she played with her fingers, showing her nervousness.

“I understand the reference you make," Dean replied. "Master let Lisa go when he thought she didn’t need him anymore and he thought being in her life would be stepping over a boundary they’d created in their relationship.”

“Yes. That is exactly what I’m trying to say,” she agreed and pointed at him to emphasize her point. “We kissed and to you, you crossed the line or boundary, whichever term you want to use. I don’t think we did. I liked your kiss,” she admitted.

“Laura, I don’t want to discuss this.”

Laura nodded. Her plan of seduction wasn’t working. “Can you at least tell me if you liked it?” She watched as he sighed and nodded his head.
