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Hanna shrugged. “I don’t know. The weird thing is, A sent this practically the moment I saw Chassey’s makeover . . . like A was watching. There were tons of kids at Rive Gauche that day, but I didn’t see anyone texting.”

“A is everywhere,” Aria whispered, shivering. They’d been through so many different New A suspects, but each had resulted in a dead end—one of them literally—or a horrible injury. Like Graham, the guy Aria had befriended on the cruise who also happened to be Tabitha’s ex-boyfriend. For a little while, Aria had worried that Graham might be A—he certainly had motive, and he’d begun acting so strangely, insisting that he had something to tell her. She now realized he’d wanted to tell her that someone was watching her. But A had set off a bomb before Graham had said who . . . perhaps because A didn’t want Graham to identify him or her.

“Have you gotten any A notes?” Hanna slipped the phone back in her pocket.

Aria shook her head, then showed Hanna a new iPhone in a pink neoprene case. “But maybe that’s because I got this. It has an untraceable number.”

“Good thinking,” Hanna said. She stared nervously at the field. “Do you think A could frame us for Tabitha?”

Aria licked her lips. A had all those horrible photos of them on the roof from that night. And who knew what else A hadn’t shown them yet.

She was about to answer when suddenly the speakers mounted on top of the bleachers screeched with feedback. “Attention!” said an echoing voice. A loud cough and a lugee-hocking sound followed. It was Principal Appleton. For some reason, he always cleared his throat into the microphone, making noises that often sounded like belches.

“All seniors! I have some exciting news!” Appleton said. “We have our May Day King and Queen nominees! For king, it’s Joseph Ketchum and Noel Kahn!”

Everyone in the bleachers cheered. Hanna nudged Aria, and guys on the field clapped Noel on the back in that jokey, let’s-pretend-prom-doesn’t-matter-even-though-it-sort-of-does way.

“And for queen,” Appleton went on, “we have Hanna Marin . . .”

Hanna smiled nervously. Aria squeezed her arm.

“. . . and Chassey Bledsoe!” Appleton finished.

A spattering of applause followed. A couple of people frowned, asking who Chassey was—as if they hadn’t all gone to school together since kindergarten. Hanna set her mouth in a line.

“You’re not actually worried about Chassey winning, are you?” Aria asked.

“I can’t campaign!” Hanna picked at a loose string on her skirt. “There’s no way I’m going to bring all you guys down just so I can be May Day Queen.”

The speaker crackled again. “As for May Day decor,” Appleton said, “we’ve gotten a lot of applications for decor chairperson. We’ll make an announcement as soon as we choose!”

The crowd murmured. Hanna looked at Aria. “Did you apply for that?”

“I wanted to, but I forgot,” Aria said, feeling a flutter of disappointment. Rosewood Day took its decor chairperson job seriously—those who were interested had to fill out a ten-page application with design ideas and sketches months in advance, and many applicants even included digital portfolios and personal videos explaining why they should be chosen—but people who had held the title in the past always gushed about how fun it was. Besides designing all the prom decor, the chairperson also did the prom blog and took pictures of goofy-but-exclusive prom rituals, like the big conga line, and of the king and queen at the graveyard near the Four Seasons hotel in Philly, where the event was held every year. Aria had been so consumed with A that she’d missed the application deadline.

“But I can tell you that we’ve decided on a theme!” Appleton went on. “Student Council has decided on . . . The Starry Night!”

People cheered. Hanna rested her spine against the fence behind them. “That’s a pretty good theme, don’t you think?”

Aria just stared at Hanna, the blood draining from her head. On second thought, thank goodness she hadn’t applied. It was a terrible theme.

“What?” Hanna blinked. “They could do big Van Gogh paintings and . . . oh.”

The painting. Aria could see the thought flashing across Hanna’s mind as if it were in neon. Aria and Hanna had never spoken about that night . . . but that didn’t mean Aria had forgotten. She could tell Hanna hadn’t, either.

Aria put her hands over her eyes. The trip to Iceland had been such a disaster from the very start. They’d sat on the runway for almost two hours before taking off. Then no one’s ATM cards worked in the Keflavik Airport, which meant they had to scrape together traveler’s checks for a bus to the hotel instead of a cab. The hotel lost their reservation and referred them to a guesthouse down the street, which was damp, smelled of fish, and so small and overbooked that they all had to share a room.

Then Noel started complaining about everything—how weird the milk tasted, how the backyard hot tub was probably full of bacteria, how uncomfortable the duvet felt against his skin. Aria had just chalked it up to jet lag, except he bitched the next day, too. And the next. He didn’t seem impressed by their romantic walks around town. He didn’t compliment the delicious local beer. He didn’t even find the penis museum interesting. He thought the native horses were ridiculous, and when Aria pointed at the gorgeous Mount Esja in the distance, Noel had said, “Eh, the Rockies are better.”

Mike got into the act, saying that the bars in town seemed even lamer than when they lived there. When Hanna whined about the lack of boutiques, Aria had gone into the bedroom and screamed into a pillow. Typical Rosewoods, she’d thought bitterly.
