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Cryptic Cravings

I shared my discovery with Alexander that evening, and we decided to keep the information between the two of us. We were both disappointed in Jagger, like we'd been with Sebastian. Both vampires seemed to let their own needs get in the way of what was best for others. I had wanted to see the good in Jagger and wasn't wholly convinced that he didn't have something else up his tattered sleeve. What it was, neither Alexander nor I knew. We just were aware that we had to be vigilant.

In the meantime I spent the following day at school doodling layouts for the Crypt. My imagination was wild with images of coffins, gravestones, and neon bats.

When I arrived home, my brother was yelping about some newsworthy event on the TV and dragged me into the family room.

"You have to see this," he said. "They struck again! Look." "More crop circles?" I said, almost having heart failure. This time Junior Bateman was on TV. "There it is, a big X. It wasn't there when we went to bed," the boy said. "This time we had a video camera out," the father said. Oh no, I thought. We were going to be in trouble now.

He showed the footage, fast-forwarded. "There isn't anyone on the video!" the boy cried, excited and horrified at the same time. "The aliens, they are invisible!"

"That is creepy," Billy Boy said. "I'm sure there is an explanation; I can't wait to meet Henry at Math Club and figure it out."

"There's only one explanation," I said truthfully. "Vampires." My family shot me a quizzical look, and I rose and left for the mill.

I headed to the Crypt to wait for the vampires to rise. When I arrived, I saw a small truck parked outside. I didn't find anyone when I entered the main room. I was imagining myself dancing around on opening night when I heard hammering coming from downstairs. I tiptoed over to the Covenant door and turned the knob. It was locked. I pressed my ear to the door and I could hear more hammering. If the Covenant wasn't going to be used for a vampire club, what was it going to be used for?

I was wiping off the Crypt's bar when I heard the door unlock. I turned to look and a burly workman with a tool belt exited the Covenant and locked the door behind him.

He nodded and passed me by before I could say anything. I dropped my towel on the bar and raced after him, but by the time I caught up with him he had already started his truck and was taking off down the gravel road.

When I returned, I was determined to get through the door. I stuck my boot against it and pulled, hoping the old lock might break, but it didn't budge. I had a bobby pin adorned with a skull stuck in my hair. I took it out and jimmied it into the lock. As much as I pried, the lock didn't come loose.

Scarlet found me fiddling with the knob. "I didn't realize you guys were up," I said, shoving the pin in my pocket. "Yes, some of us are still sleeping. We had a really wild night." Onyx wandered out. "Good evening, Raven." "Hey," I said. "I'm glad you both are awake."

When I realized no one else was following them, I returned my attention to the door. "What does this door lead to?" I asked her.

She shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know." "No one will tell me," I said. "Maybe it doesn't lead to anywhere," Onyx said. "Then why is it locked?" "To keep us from tripping down the stairs," Onyx said. "Duh."

I could only imagine what it led to. But maybe it was only the unfinished, never remodeled Covenant room. Maybe the worker was only reinforcing beams to make the main floor sturdier for dancing.

"I saw someone going in there once," Scarlet said. "Really late at night, when everyone else was done working. I saw Jagger go down there with one of the guys from the Coffin Club. When I spotted him and asked him what he was doing, he acted like I'd caught him doing something."

"So you think he's doing something sneaky?" Onyx said. "Why does everyone think he's such a bad guy?" "Would you be so into him if he wasn't?" Scarlet teased.

I wasn't going to tell her that it was really Jagger who made the circles. She adored him so, and since he'd fixed the problem there was no reason to address it.

The mysterious locked door, on the other hand, was worth addressing. "So what do you think it is?" I asked. "The underground club he said he wasn't going to have?" "I have no idea," Scarlet said. "But I'd love to find out." "We need a key," I said. "We can't break down this door. I know; I tried," I said with a smile. "The only one with a key is Jagger," Scarlet said. "And I don't know how to get it from him." We both turned to Onyx, who turned a paler shade of ghost white. "I can't do it," she said. "He keeps his keys locked away. Besides, I don't want to do anything against him." I was ready to continue putting pressure on her, but Scarlet let her off the hook. "Do we know anyone else with a key?" Scarlet asked. "That workman I just saw," I said. "But I don't know how to get it from him."

Then it hit me. Trevor. "Trevor wears a key around his neck and always shows it off to me like it's something I'd want."

"Do you think it goes to this door?" Scarlet asked. "He and Jagger are friends, and apparently Trevor's dad was part of sealing the deal for the club," I said. "Trevor may not even have a clue what it goes to, but I think he holds the key to this door." Scarlet's expression brightened. "I could always use an excuse to see him."

My stomach almost turned. My friend was excited about seeing the one person I loathed. But this time I'd be excited to see him, too.

Alexander and Sebastian were taking a break from the Crypt and hanging out at the Mansion. Normally I'd happily join them in their fun, not wanting to spend one nightly hour away from my true love, but curiosity was getting the best of me and, thankfully, of my new friend as well.

Scarlet picked me up in the Beetle. She cranked up the music and we sang at the top of our lungs until we got to the soccer field. We walked down the hill to the woods behind the field, recalling our music fest and laughing from the bottoms of our bellies. My cheeks hurt so bad I was afraid I'd split open my lip again. But what I didn't know was I already had.

"What's wrong?" I asked. Suddenly Scarlet was staring at my mouth. "Oh no," I said.

Her eyes were a weird shade of red. Something had come over her. It was the scent and presence of blood. I backed away.

Scarlet took my arm. I was moments from a struggle. She was my friend and I knew she was fighting her internal impulse. I wasn't about to go down without a fight.

My mind raced. Instead of being turned by Alexander, I was going to be mauled by Scarlet. There was no one to defend me. She was a little bit bigger than me, and with her underworldly powers, I wasn't sure how I'd fare. "You aren't going to attack me, are you?" I asked. "No - why would you think so?" She did her best to close her eyes. She turned away from me and covered her face. "Could you please just fix it?"

I wiped my mouth with my sleeve and pressed a tissue to it. Trevor was suddenly standing in the woods. "What's going on in here?" he asked as I held the tissue to my lips. "I thought you'd at least wait for me!" he said. "Don't be gross," I said. Scarlet lit up in Trevor's presence.

"Why are you covering your mouth?" he asked me. "Grrr," he growled like a tiger. "Catfight? Don't stop on account of me."

"Cut it out," Scarlet said. "We were just in the neighborhood." "In the high school's woods?" he asked suspiciously. "You shouldn't hang out here. Without me, of course." "We wanted to see you," Scarlet said. "I wanted to see you." She gave him a hug, her hands fiddling with his back pocket. "What are you doing?" he asked. Scarlet turned to me and held out her empty hand. Then she fiddled with the string around his neck. "What's this?" "A necklace," he said. She brought it out from his shirt. The key dangled below her hand. "What's this key for?" she asked playfully. "Nothing."

She pulled him tightly to her and planted a major kiss on his lips. As she did, his hands wrapped around her waist. She folded her arms around his neck and within a moment had unlaced the cord. Trevor turned to me. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Red lipstick was smeared across his skin. For some reason I was resentful, but I didn't have time to think of that now. "We have to go," I said, pulling Scarlet away. She slipped the necklace into my hand.

"Jealous?" he asked. "Can't stand the sight of it?" "Yes," I said. "I can't stand the sight."

I headed up the hill as Scarlet continued to say good night to my nemesis. Trevor's key hidden in my hand, I wondered what it led to and why it bothered me to see him kiss another girl. * * * It seemed like an eternity before Scarlet caught up with me by her car. Her hair was a little messy from her mortal make-out session.

"That was fun!" she said. "Let's do that again." "Yeah . . . fun." "He didn't even know I took his necklace." We hopped into the car. The tunes were still blasting and she sang, but I was silent. She turned down the music. "What's wrong?" she asked. "Nothing." I was staring out the window, watching the trees as we passed them by. "You seem weird. I shouldn't have been so PDA, sorry. I'm not into that, really. It was just that I had to get the key." "I know." "So what's up?" "Nothing." I continued my zombielike staring. "Do you . . . like Trevor?" she asked suddenly. "No - are you crazy?" I was stunned by her accusation. "Of course, you have a thing for him," she prodded. "No, I don't!" I said with a laugh. "I didn't know. You guys used to date?" "No! Yuck! Are you kidding?" "There's something between you two. I could feel it. Like a magnet." "I'm in love withAlexander, if you haven't noticed."

"I didn't say you were going out with Trevor. I just thought you might have dated. There's that sexual tension between you two."

"I can't believe you just said that. He's such a creep! I mean - not to offend you or anything, but me and him?" "Opposites attract in a big way. Why do you think he likes me?" "Because you are gorgeous and fun. What's not to like?" I asked.

"Thanks," she said sincerely. "But I'm not at all like those girls he normally goes after. Pink nails and luscious blonde hair. And now that I think of it . . . I'm like . . ."

"Yes?" "You!" "Me?"

"Duh! Why didn't I get it sooner!" Scarlet laughed. "He likes you because of you," I said. "But didn't he like Luna, too? Now this all makes sense." "He likes girls. That's his thing. That's why I didn't want you to go out with him. He likes a lot of girls." "No, with him it's more." "Maybe he likes goths." "Yes, because they remind him of you!"

"Stop!" I was close to covering my ears. I couldn't stand the thought. I was so in love withAlexander, nothing else mattered. No one else mattered.

"He's in love with you. Trevor Mitchell loves you," she teased. "Please. Do you want me to be sick?"

"Sucks for me. I finally found a guy I'm crazy for and he only likes me back because he secretly wants to be with my friend."

"Enough, Scarlet. If you say any more, I'm going to jump out of this car!" I was only half-joking. "So you don't mind if I continue to see him?" "No, I don't," I said. "And guess what? If you want, I'll come to your wedding."

My blood was boiling by the time we got back to the factory. I was trying to shake off our conversation and also trying to figure out how we'd be able to see if this key was bogus or real without Jagger finding out.

"We need to have Onyx distract Jagger," I said when we got inside. "Hopefully she can like I did with Trevor. But she's a lot shier than I am. So I'm not sure that is going to work." "Hey, where were you guys?" Onyx asked. "We went to see Trevor. Didn't you get my text?" "Yes, but I was hanging out with Jagger." Onyx grinned. "Speaking of Jagger. I need to ask a favor," Scarlet began. "Sure, anything," Onyx said in a cheerful tone. "We need you to keep Jagger occupied while we check out a few things here." "You can't do that. This is his place. We are here to help, not snoop around." "Not me," I said. "That's exactly why I'm here - to snoop around." I let out a laugh, but Onyx wasn't amused. "If he finds out that I am tricking him, he won't want to see me anymore," she argued. "You aren't tricking him. We're not going to steal anything. Besides, we'll take all the blame," I said. "Trust me." Scarlet put her hand on Onyx's shoulder. "He'll still want to see you. If I have my say." Onyx paused for a moment. "Please?" Scarlet asked. Now she was just as curious as I was.

"Okay," she said reluctantly. "But be quick. He's busy, and he doesn't like anything taking his time away from this club. Not even romance."

I pulled the string from around my neck and we raced to the door, monster boots slapping the Masonite floor. I took a deep breath. I pushed the key in and it went in all the way. We both looked at each other and smiled.

Then I turned the key. And it clicked, unlatching the lock. We silently screamed in excitement. I turned the knob and opened the door.

"It worked. It worked!" "What's going on?" a male voice said from behind us. We both jumped and screamed. I pulled the key back out and slunk it into my pocket. Sebastian was back, along with Alexander. "I missed you," Alexander said. "Where have you been?" "With Trevor," Scarlet said proudly. "Trevor?" he said. "That's the last time I leave you alone."

"This is the door I've been telling you about," I whispered to Alexander. "The key I have opens the door, and a workman was here building something down there. Jagger has been keeping this a secret. I have to get down there."

Just then Jagger and Onyx entered the main room. "So do you like it here so far?" he asked. "Yes, it looks great." I exclaimed with a smile as bright as his white hair.

"What about this?" Alexander said, pulling on the unlocked door handle and opening the door. "Where does it go to?" Alexander said, peeking in.

Jagger stepped in between and shut and locked the door. "Nothing now," he said. Then Jagger turned on headbanging music and we all danced for a few hours. When we were all close to exhaustion, Jagger handed us some sodas from behind the bar.

"Now," he said. "I want everyone out. The Crypt is closed for the night." "Where are we going to stay?" Scarlet asked. "Here, but I have some things I need to finish - alone."

It made me wonder what he was doing that he wouldn't let us be involved in. And did it have to do with what was behind the locked door and down the stairs?

"Sure. I'll just get my things," I said. I'd put my backpack in the massive room filled with coffins when I arrived a few hours ago.

I had one chance to check the plans again. While Jagger tended to the last touches of the main dance floor, I tiptoed from the coffin room across the dank hallway into his office. The blueprints weren't lying out on his desk as they had been the last time.

I opened a metal filing case and in the drawer were the blueprints. I unraveled them as quickly as I could and peeked at the ones marked "Covenant." I wanted to see what might have been if he had opened the vampire club.

I scanned it for any hidden clues. There was a rectangular box in the middle of the western wall. "Stage" was scrolled on it in pencil, and at the opposite end was another box marked "Covenant Altar." Jagger was a master of cryptic design, and I knew that this underground club would be different but just as exciting as the Coffin Club's Dungeon.

Just like the coffins, tombstones, and skeleton decorations in the Crypt, Jagger intended to have a covenant altar for decoration in the Covenant. How awesome! I imagined dead vines around a cast-iron trestle. A coffin with goblets of juice on it to give the underground club the spice the torture chamber gave the Coffin Club. Spooky and cool at the same time.

The night we confronted Jagger about the crop circles, he had insisted the Crypt would be mortal only. But with that workman I spotted and the sounds of hammering that were coming from behind the locked door, I was still skeptical that the Covenant part of the club was going to remain closed on opening night.