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Curse's Claim

Mia ignored her suggestions, knowing in her heart something bad had happened. Closing her eyes, she let Ashley wash her body, and when it was time to get out, she wrapped her body in a towel.

“I’m going to let you get dressed. I’ll grab a first aid kit.”

A knock sounded, and Mia called for whoever it was to enter, hoping it was Curse.

Disappointment swamped her as Jerry stood on the other side. “I brought this for you.” He held a red first aid box.

“Thank you, I was going to go and get one.” Ashley took the box and handed it to her.

Mia took it keeping her eyes on Jerry.

“Ashley, will you go and get me a drink? I could really use a chocolate or coffee.” She smiled at her friend, trying to get rid of her.

“Don’t you need me with you?” Ashley asked.

“No, I can mend up my cuts and bruises.”

She waited for the other woman to leave before focusing on Jerry. “Tell me what’s going on, please? Pussy has been by, and I’ve seen how Ashley looks. What’s going on?”

“What makes you think I’m going to let you know the details of everything happening?” Jerry asked, entering the bathroom.

Her body was covered by a large white robe.

“You respect me and know I can handle whatever is going on.” She faced him without flinching.

He rested his hands on his hips, staring at her.

“Curse killed the man who attacked you. Dale Worthington has been wanted by a man I know. He’s not a very nice man, and Curse has taken the satisfaction out of killing him. He’s also f**ked up a very important business deal for this man. Dale was the icing on top of the cake, so to speak.  His death was supposed to be the gift that Frederick gave to this man. Dale is dead now, and my boss can’t offer his friend the gift. Do you get my meaning?” She got it. Dale was supposed to die, but only in the way that the other person chose. She listened to Jerry, knowing this wasn’t going to be the last she heard of it.

“So, Curse is in danger.”

“We’re waiting for one of his men to come and clean up the mess. It will be up to Frederick what he does with Curse and the Chaos Bleeds crew afterward.”

“They’re not nice people,” she asked, feeling childish.

“No, they’re not nice people, and Curse will do well to keep his head down for the time being.”

She stared at the box in her hands. “Will they hurt him?”

“Devil won’t let them hurt him. Chaos Bleeds are a crew, and they stick by each other. Whatever Frederick wants, he’ll get within reason. Just try to keep Curse out of danger. That man will do anything to protect you, and he’s more than happy to kill for you.”

“We’re only dating,” she said.

“Then you’re a fool. That man is in love with you. Open your eyes before you do something you’ll regret and do get him killed.”

Jerry left her alone. Staring at the closed door, her heart was pounding after his words. Curse loved her? Surely not, there was no way he could love her. They hadn’t been together all that long.

You’re in love with him.

Closing her eyes, she tried to stop herself from feeling the pain that the knowledge filled her with.

Chapter Nine

Curse stood in the room as the man came in. He was wearing a business suit as he looked at the body. Alfred, his name was, and the man didn’t give either him or Death the time of day. He looked over the body, pulled his cell phone out and made a call.

“Hey, boss, yeah, this f**ker is dead. No, it wasn’t an easy death. Dale died slow and painfully.” Alfred looked at them. “Are you sure? Okay I’ll handle it.”

The cell phone was pocketed, and Curse faced the man, waiting to see what the outcome was.

“My boss is not happy. Frederick likes to get his own way, and he had a certain torture planned for this man. However, I see you hurt him, and my boss is prepared to let this infraction slide for now.”

“That’s good,” Death said, looking happy.

“He wants to meet with Devil and the rest of Chaos Bleeds.”

There was a noise at the door, and Curse turned to see three people enter wearing all over white protective equipment. Alfred gave them instructions in a foreign language, one that Curse didn’t recognize.

“We need you to strip down. We’ll wash you, remove all evidence, and there are clothes waiting for you out in the hallway,” Alfred said.

“What does your boss want with us?” Curse asked, removing his clothes. He’d never been shy about his body, and getting na**d in front of a bunch of strangers didn’t bother him.

“Consider it business, son. Do as you’re told, and everything will go fine.” Alfred spoke to the people. The moment he was naked, Curse closed his eyes as he was washed of all evidence of this.

When he was finished, he was shoved out of the door. Death stood there, holding his clothes.

“I suggest we get dressed and get the f**k out of here,” Death said. “You can go and see Mia, but Devil wants you back at the clubhouse for a meeting. Shit is going to hit the fan with what happened.”

Putting the clothes on, he heard a saw going to work along with the sound of crunching bone.

“Fuck me, let’s get out of here.” Together they made it out of the front door. His bike was parked up, and he straddled the machine. He didn’t ride for long before he parked the bike back up outside of Jerry’s place. There was no car in the driveway, and he looked back at Death.

“He’s at the clubhouse. It’s a business meeting for all of us.”

Nodding, Curse entered the front door. Ashley appeared first, poking her head around the door frame.

“Hey,” she said.

“Where is she?” Curse asked.

“I’m here.” Mia stepped around her friend. Seeing her filled him with relief.

Opening up his arms, she stepped inside them. He held onto her tightly. The bruises on her face and neck made him angry, but the man was dead. Curse knew he couldn’t kill the same man twice.

“I was so worried,” she said.

“I’ve got you.”

“I can’t believe you came for me.” She sobbed the words against his neck. “I didn’t expect you to come for me. I thought I was going to die yesterday.”

Jerking back, he stroked her cheek. “Baby, I’d never leave you like that.”

She wrapped her arms around him, holding on.

Closing his eyes, he did something he’d never done, he sent up a prayer to whoever was willing to listen to him. He didn’t know what he would have done if he’d not gotten there in time. The very thought left him feeling sick and hollow inside.
