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Curse's Claim

“Hey, oh, I thought we were getting burgled,” Ashley said, walking into the room wearing nothing but underwear.

“You really think some thick f**k would risk his f**king neck to come and rob us?” Curse asked. He was pissed, beyond pissed. He was furious at himself and at Mia.

“Sorry. What’s wrong with you tonight?” She brushed past him to grab a juice from the fridge. Opening the bottle of brandy he glared at her.

“Your f**king friend is what’s pissed me off. She’s a f**king cold ice queen.” He swigged down several gulps of brandy, staring at her. Ashley was partly naked, but she didn’t do anything for him. His c**k remained flaccid.

“Mia’s a lovely woman. What did you do to her?” Ashley asked.

“Stay out of my f**king business. Let’s just say you’re both chalk and f**king cheese.” He made to storm out of the room.

“So? What does my and Mia’s friendship have to do with you? We care about each other, and we’re the best of friends. Leave it the f**k alone.”

“Do you even know her?” Curse asked.

“I know enough about her to know men are wasting their time if they think they can stay with her. Mia will never settle down with any man.”

“You’re aware she’s not a virgin?” He took another long drink from the bottle. What was between these two women to cement them together?

“Yes, I’m aware she’s not a virgin. Men have showed her enough attention over the years for me to know the truth.” Ashley held the glass in her hand with a death grip. He watched her look over his shoulder and her throat work as she swallowed. “It’s none of your business why we’re friends. We are, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

“I f**ked her.”

“Good for you and for her.” There was no jealousy on her face.

“We did it up against the wall of the diner.” He didn’t know why he was repeating what happened, only that he needed to know more about Mia. She didn’t look like the kind of woman who got off on the risk factor of being caught. He’d offered her money, and she turned him down.


“She’s your friend.”

“I f**k over ten to twenty guys in the Chaos Bleeds crew. She doesn’t judge me, and I’m not going to judge her on how she needs to get off.” Ashley shrugged. “Just don’t hurt her. Mia deserves some happiness in her life.”

Ashley made to brush past him. He caught her arm and held her steady. “If she deserves so much happiness why are you not helping her pay off her mother’s medical bills?”

“I am helping her. She doesn’t accept charity from anyone, not even me.” Ashley shrugged. “I pay off extra from her account. I stole the details from a letter I found in her possession. I do help her, Curse.” She shoved him away. “She’s my friend, so back off.”

He watched her leave, curious to know what had gone on in the two people’s lives to draw them close.

Opening his cell phone, he went up to his room and dialed the only man he knew could help.

Whizz answered on the first ring. “Hello.”

“Hey, man, how are you holding up?” Curse asked. Five months ago Whizz had been taken by an enemy of The Skulls. From what Curse learned and saw, the man had been tortured and raped. Devil gave the crew updates on his progress, and the man couldn’t stand to be alone. He lived in the clubhouse, with Killer and Kelsey, and even with Zero and his woman, Prue, in Fort Wills. The nightmares kept Whizz awake most nights.

“I’m doing okay. I take it this is not a social call,” Whizz said. The man sounded tired even to him. Curse wished he’d not called. Whatever he wanted to know he could find out for himself.

“Maybe I should leave it,” Curse said.

“You’ve called me up. I’m awake and alert. Just tell me what the f**k you want so I can get on with doing it.” Since the attack Whizz hadn’t been his carefree happy self.

“I want some information on two women.” He spoke the two names giving Whizz time to write them down.

“How far back do you want me to go?”

“As far back as through high school. I’m going to find out what I need, and then I’ll come back to you.”

“Fine. I’ll do a quick search to see if anything comes up.”

“Sure, no problem.”

“Is that it?” Whizz asked abruptly.


The call ended. Curse stared at his cell believing he’d made a mistake. Closing his bedroom door he threw his cell on the drawer top followed by his keys. He kept the bottle of brandy in his hand.

Noise from the bed drew his attention. The woman who’d been f**king his c**k earlier was lying in his bed. She smiled at him, stretching her arms above her head.

“Hey, baby. I was wondering when you were going to get back. I’ve missed you.” She rolled off the bed and stood tall. She was naked, and her pu**y was bare of any hair. Mia had a thin sheath of pubic hair covering her pu**y. Curse liked his women to actually look like women.

“What the f**k are you doing in my room?” he asked, taking a long gulp from his bottle.

“I thought you’d want me when you got whatever was bugging you out of your system.” She ran her hands up his body, giggling. “My pu**y needs a nice big c**k to satisfy it.”

Images of Mia entered his mind. At the beginning she’d been so into their sex, but then when he was finished, she’d cut him off. Curse hated the fact she hadn’t come. If the boys ever found out they’d make his life hell. They all had a reputation to uphold, and being good in the sack was one of those rumors they liked to keep true.

“And you think your pu**y is the one that’s going to satisfy me?” He brushed her off, going toward his bed. Sitting down, he kicked his shoes off.

She was not deterred by his anger. Curse couldn’t even remember her name. There were so many women hanging around the clubhouse and the tit club that he forgot most of their names. He remembered the ones who were important, Phoebe, Lexie, Judi, the kids’ names, and he also knew the names of The Skulls’ women. The ones who deserved his respect rather than the ones he only needed to f**k.

“I can give you what you need.”

Her body was all hard curves and bones. Curse wasn’t attracted to her in the slightest. In fact, the sight of her skeleton turned him the f**k off.

“Get the f**k out of my room, and if you come in here again I’ll have the club ban you.”
