Read Books Novel

Dance with a Vampire

The following morning, before first bell, Becky and I were hanging out in the main office. I was sitting cross-legged in the secretary's chair, nursing a Styrofoam cup of store-bought java while Becky was eagerly copying valentines for prom.

My once super-silent, shadowy best friend had been selected from the Prom Decorating Committee list to volunteer her time. For some reason, she was volunteering my time too.

"We need at least a hundred more," she said, retrieving a stack of pink hearts from the copy tray before they overflowed and handing them to me.

"A hundred?" I whined.

"And then we have to cut them." "This is the first time I'm actually looking forward to first bell ringing," I said, gazing up at the sluggish office clock.

Every flash of the copier was like lightning striking my already aching head.

"Why are you so tired?" Becky asked. "Did you and Alexander stay out too late on a school night?"

I couldn't reveal to even my best friend the true reason I was exhausted. It wasn't because Alexander and I had had a romantic late evening but rather because I'd tossed and turned all night, thinking about the harrowing events in the cave.

I was conflicted. First of all, had the strange hand on my neck really been Valentine's? I was still uncertain who, or what, had been in the cave with us. And if it had been Jagger's sibling, I could have been moments away from being attacked by a vampire. Secondly, when I thought it was my own vampire boyfriend who was going to bite me, I didn't react the way I'd thought I would. Instead, I panicked. I guess I wasn't as ready as I'd led myself to believe.

Either way, Alexander's surprise and the romantic interlude in a candlelit cave was spoiled. "I'll save it for another time," was all he said when he drove me home.

"I didn't sleep," I finally admitted to Becky. "I'm always keyed up after a date with Alexander."

"Isn't this awesome?" she said with a bright smile. "Not only are we going to prom, but we're helping with the decorations. Who knew?"

How could I get excited about paper hearts when my own real one was throbbing so hard? The most important dance of the year had been miles away from my thoughts. Instead, I was preoccupied with Valentine's whereabouts.

Jennifer Warren, the snarky varsity cheerleader who had snagged my prom dress right in front of my charcoal-stained eyes, strolled through the office door in a red and white pleated skirt and matching shell uniform, her blond ponytail bouncing along after her. She greeted the office workers and marched straight in our direction.

Jennifer was best friends with Heather Ryan, the Prada shoe snob. I figured the two teen fashionistas had conversed, but I hoped it was too early in the morning for another confrontation about designer pumps.

Jennifer ignored me and addressed Becky. "Are you the one who volunteered to make the prom valentines?"

Becky straightened up like a ballerina. Her eyes lit up and her face flushed apple red, as if she had just been greeted by the Queen of England. At any moment, I was ready for my best friend to curtsy.

"My name is Becky," she said, ignoring the copy machine behind her.

Jenny brandished a sparkling smile. "I see you've made a lot of progress already," she remarked, genuinely delighted. "I didn't think you'd start making them until tomorrow."

"Becky is the early worm personified," I complimented.

Jenny posed like a pop star, the flashing copier as her paparazzi. "I always use the best," she said, proud of her new disciple.

Becky beamed as if she'd been chosen for Prom Queen rather than selected to make Xeroxes for a dance.

However, it was clear to me why my best friend was really smiling. Not only was Becky dating Matt Wells, a soccer player, but she was fitting in with cheerleaders and the student body. I was surprised at how easily the once-shy Becky was accepted by the "in" crowd, while I remained solo in the "out" crowd.

"And Raven is helping too," Becky added gleefully. Jenny looked at me as if I were mud she'd discovered underneath her bright white cheerleading sneakers on a rainy game day. "Uh...let me have those," Jenny said, taking the stack from my hands. "I'll start cutting them in study hall."

That was my contribution to the decorating of prom--holding copied valentines for all of ten seconds.

That night, Billy Boy and Henry were locked safely away in my brother's room doing research on the Internet for their Project Vampire. Meanwhile, in my room, Alexander patiently quizzed me on ancient Greece.

I don't know which made it more difficult to study-- Alexander's presence or being preoccupied with Valentine's motives and location.

Obviously, Alexander, too, was concerned about Valentine's location and motives, as I frequently caught him peering out the window.

When I suggested we put down my homework and return to the cave, Alexander was firm. "It is best that you and Billy stay inside for a night or two while I figure some things out."

Alexander occasionally gave me stolen kisses before he returned to glancing out the window, and I pretended to be buried in my textbook.
