Read Books Novel

Dare to Surrender

He laughed. “That’s what I like to hear.”

Chapter Seventeen

Gabe: “I take care of what’s mine.”

“I love a party!” Lucy said, striding around the room and checking decorations. “Gerbera daisies are my favorite. And these colors are spectacular!”

All Gabe knew was that there were red, orange, and yellow bouquets on each table and had matching balloons soaring from the middle.

“She’s going to be so surprised,” Lucy said.

“That’s the plan.” Gabe nodded to the bartender stocking the shelves before turning back to his sister. “You look beautiful,” he told her, taking in the silver dress that, though too short, definitely added to her already-spectacular looks.

Her cheeks turned pink. “Thank you, big brother.” She kissed his cheek. “And look! Decklan cleans up rather nicely too.”

His brother wore black slacks and a white dress shirt, minus a tie, because heaven forbid Decklan should completely do as Gabe requested.

“I guess she’s not such a stray,” Decklan said, slapping Gabe on the back. “She must be here to stay for you to go to all this trouble.”

Gabe glared at his brother.

“Shut up, Deck,” Lucy said. “And don’t bring up the whole arrest thing when you talk to Isabelle.”

“Don’t worry. Gabe’s woman and I have an understanding now. She likes me since I brought her a present.” Decklan grinned, causing Lucy to raise her eyebrows.

“What kind of trouble are you causing?” she asked.

Gabe rolled his eyes. “He bought her Tums. He aggravated her to the point where she needed antacids. He decides to call that a relationship. And we wonder why he doesn’t have a woman in his life.”

Lucy chuckled. Decklan, as usual, remained silent.

“Oh, people are starting to arrive,” Lucy said, glancing toward the door.

“Seriously? You invited our whole crazy family? Have you lost your mind?” Decklan tipped his head toward the group who had just entered Elite.

First came what Gabe thought of as his original cousins, Ian and his pregnant wife, Riley, and Ian’s siblings, Olivia, Avery, Scott, and Tyler.

Since it turned out that their father, Robert, had a second family on the side, Gabe, Lucy, and Decklan had discovered they had another set of cousins. And in walked Alex and his fiancée, Madison, and Alex’s siblings, Jason, Samantha, and Sienna. Yes, Robert Dare was one fertile son of a bitch. But Gabe and his siblings didn’t discriminate. Family was family, and over time and with effort, he’d gotten to know them all.

He greeted his cousins, thanking them for making the trip to New York and for arriving early enough to ensure a surprised guest of honor. Isabelle had her boss and her fiancé here, but there weren’t many other people she’d befriended since leaving Lance.

Gabe intended to rectify that. He’d looked up old friends of hers who Lisa said Isabelle missed and invited them, hoping to reconnect her with her life. And to build one along with her. Which meant he’d invited his crazy Miami cousins.

He patted the box in his pocket. After all, they’d be her family too.

He excused himself to go pick up Isabelle for what she believed to be a romantic birthday dinner for two. He’d explain he needed to stop by the club for a few minutes on the way to the restaurant.

Surprise accomplished, he thought, pleased with his plan.

Chapter Eighteen

Isabelle: Surprise!

I rushed home from work to get ready for the evening. Gabe was due to pick me up after he wrapped up a meeting, then we’d head out to dinner. I showered, lathered up with moisturizer in the coconut smell he loved, and dressed in one of the summer outfits I’d bought for the island but hadn’t gotten a chance to wear. I didn’t have any special jewelry to put on—Lance had held on to everything—except the few things I’d bought for the trip, including the fake pearls.

I attached the clasp and fingered the delicate beading, my mind immediately returning to the moment Gabe had pulled me to the bedroom by the long strands. Along with the memory came the excitement I’d experienced at being with him again. The feeling hadn’t waned, and I had the sense it never would.

I smiled to myself.

Since I had time, I decided to run down to the pharmacy on the corner and pick up a few items. I’d be back before Gabe arrived, and we were out of some necessities. The apartment was located conveniently to many places, and it didn’t take me long to buy what I needed.

I approached the apartment building, preoccupied thinking about the night ahead, excited and anticipating a special evening.

“It’s been a long time, Isabelle.”

The familiar voice stopped me in my tracks. “Lance.” I stared up at him, cursing at how he’d caught me off guard.

He looked the same, his blond hair perfectly cut, piercing blue eyes taking me in.

“Happy birthday, darling.”

I narrowed my gaze, wondering what his agenda might be. “I’m surprised you remember. It’s not like you bothered when we were together.”

He’d managed to turn any birthday outings into business dinners, expenses he could write off. Early on in the relationship, he’d seemed contrite, like it was unavoidable. I realized later he just hadn’t cared.

“Oh, come on. I always bought you expensive gifts.”

I gritted my teeth, knowing he’d never understand that those weren’t the things that meant something to me. “Why are you here?” He’d clearly sought me out and had some sort of agenda.

“I wanted to congratulate you on landing another sugar daddy,” he said with a sneer.

My hands curled around the brown bag. “You’re a pig.”

I no longer wondered what I had seen in him. Three months of self-reflection had taught me the answer. I’d seen what I wanted to see, what I’d desperately needed in my life at the time. I’d allowed myself to believe I was getting a man who loved me and, eventually, the family I wanted. I hadn’t looked deeper at the man beneath the charming smile, and I’d paid the price.

I pushed past him, not wanting to listen to him further turn my relationship with Gabe into something cheap and meaningless.

He grabbed my arm hard enough to leave bruises. “What’s the matter? The truth hurts?” he asked, spinning me around.

I swallowed hard, ignoring the painful jab at my self-esteem.

A quick glance around showed me the streets were quiet thanks to the heat wave suffusing the city. I couldn’t make a scene, call attention to us, and get away.
