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Daric's Mate

Daric’s Mate (The Vampire Coalition #5)(23)
Author: J.S. Scott

He looked around the town park, wondering if everyone in Temple was here. It certainly felt like it. The park was overflowing with people…and vampires. Daric smiled, slightly amused as he wondered what the good people of Temple would think if they knew they were celebrating the Carvillius wedding, mingling around the park on a mild early summer evening, with a whole lot of hungry vampires and vampire healers.

His heart tripped, as he thought back to Hannah coming toward him earlier on Liam’s arm, looking more radiant than any woman he had ever seen. And, being well over a thousand years old, he had seen a lot of women. But none compared to his bride, his beautiful Hannah. Not even close.

Every day, Daric swore he couldn’t love Hannah more than he did that day. But the next he loved her more. Finally, he stopped thinking that he couldn’t love her more, because he realized that he would be lying to himself. Every single day she would do something that would touch his heart. She always did. And he didn’t think she would ever stop.

His eyes roamed the crowd, automatically searching for his bride, happy to see that many of his healers had attended with their new mates. The last several months had seen many healers mated, a fact that delighted Daric as it meant that he had more time to spend with his own mate, and that his healers were behaving. The Hale brothers were at the buffet table. Again. His smile turned evil as he watched the brothers tugging at the neck of their tuxedos, all of them being part of the wedding party. Liam had given Hannah away and had served as Daric’s best man, while the rest of the Hale brothers had been groomsmen. Their mates had all stood up for Hannah as bridesmaids.

Daric shoved his hands in his pockets and made his way to the buffet table, ready to get another plate before the Hale men consumed the entire feast.

“Your Majesty, are you sure you don’t want me to make you a protective ward?” Regan asked, standing next to Liam at the table, her brows drawn together with a concerned look.

Daric smiled at Regan, looking around briefly to make sure no one human heard Regan call him by his title. But there was nobody swarming the food except the Hale brothers with their mates tucked to their sides, their women watching them fondly as Ethan, Rory, Nathan and Liam wolfed down the food. “It doesn’t work on me, Regan. But I thank you for offering again. Royalty has their own wards, a power that keeps us from harm against the mage. And please call me Daric.” He bowed and departed to find Hannah.

Regan sighed. “He’s so awesome,” she whispered to Brianna, Callie and Sasha. The other women nodded their heads in agreement.

“He is not awesome. He is King. He’s our ruler. But he is not awesome.” Liam stopped filling his plate long enough to scowl at his mate.

Daric snickered as he walked away, listening as all of the Hale brothers explained to their mates why they were not allowed to find their King awesome. As though any one of the Hale brothers needed to worry? Their mates were so devoted to them that none of them needed to worry. Daric had a feeling that Regan had said that just to needle her mate and the other women colluded with her for the same reason. And people think vampires are diabolical. Women can be the very devil when they want to be. Personally, Daric loved seeing the Hale brothers get their comeuppance from their mates. When he got it from Hannah? — Not so much.

All thought of food suddenly left him, as he felt Hannah moving inside his mind, solemn for some reason, on what should be the happiest day of her life.

Skirting around groups of people, both vampire and human, Daric followed the trail of his mate, desperate to know why Hannah was less than blissful at her own wedding reception. Whatever it was…he’d fix it. He and Hannah had spent the last six months in complete bliss. What could be the matter with her? Was she having second thoughts about him?

He stepped out of the lights of the reception area to the wooded area beyond, his temper flaring at the sight of Hannah moving into the woods by herself. Frantic, he pushed his way through the thick foliage, stopping abruptly as he saw a soft glow just ahead, the transparent figure of a woman seeming to hover above the water, his bride standing reverently before it, mumbling softly.

“I love him so desperately. I just don’t want to shame him or his family. Thank you for the advice, mother.” Hannah inclined her head in a gesture of respect as she spoke.

“You’re welcome child,” the shimmering image of the woman replied, slowly fading away, leaving the area lit only by moonlight.

“Hannah?” Daric watched his bride turn slowly, radiant as she started to smile.

Daric’s breath seized as her smile widened, a glorious look of happiness on her face that she reserved only for him. Every damn time she saw him. And he always reacted the same way. Wonder. Joy. Awe. And a c**k as hard as granite.

Picking up the skirt of her ivory wedding gown, Hannah ran to him, throwing herself into his arms. “I love you, Daric. I can’t believe you’re my husband.”

His arms wrapped around her soft, warm body as Daric inhaled the tantalizing scent that belonged uniquely to his mate. “What was that about? Who or what was that? And why are you out here in the dark by yourself? You know better.” He tried to be angry, but he nearly groaned as she wrapped her arms around his neck, her br**sts rubbing against him and her softer form molding perfectly against his hardness.

“It was your mother, Daric. Did you know that there are areas where the veil between our world and the world of the Ancients is weak enough to speak to your ancestors? She told me to tell you that if you ever needed her, your father or Nolan, that you could speak to them here or one of the other places of weakness. Your father didn’t have the chance to tell you,” Hannah was chattering, her voice excited.

Impossible. He’d never spoken with the Ancients.

“You never tried,” Hannah answered aloud. “All you have to do is call to them, ask for advice.”

“And how did you come to know about this?” Daric answered, his voice still doubtful.

“I was worried. I guess everything overwhelmed me today. I was so happy, but afraid that I wouldn’t make a good Queen. I have a business to run and things to do. I don’t know anything about being Queen or even being the mate of a vampire healer. I called out to your mother, saying I wish I could get her advice. I guess I was desperate. She called me here.” Hannah shifted in his arms, pulling back to peer up at his face. “You’ve probably always been strong enough to handle everything yourself, and, you weren’t King, before. Your mother said it’s a power that can only be used by the King and Queen.”
