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Daric's Mate

Daric’s Mate (The Vampire Coalition #5)(8)
Author: J.S. Scott

“There’s nothing I don’t know about you, Hannah. Nothing I haven’t experienced. I accidentally absorbed your memories while I was trying to heal your head injury.”

Hannah gawked at him. “How?” Her brain on overload, she added quickly, “Never mind. I don’t think I want to know right now.” Hell, she was still trying to absorb the fact the he had apparently healed an injury that wasn’t completely reversible by any human physician.

“You won’t go back to him now that I’ve healed you,” Daric stated bluntly, his dark eyes boring into hers. “He wasn’t worthy of you.”

“I wasn’t planning on it. And I agree. He is an ass**le,” she answered, distracted by the way he was championing her, defending her. It had been so long since anyone had come to her defense. “What did you mean when you said you had sampled me?” she asked, suddenly remembering his strange comment.

“I took your blood in order to heal you. I had to. I had no choice.” For the first time, he looked uncomfortable. “All vampire healers hate to feed, to take blood. I shouldn’t have let my distaste interfere with my common sense. I was too weak to heal you without feeding.”

Hannah’s hand flew to her neck. “You took my blood?” She ran her hand over her neck, feeling for any evidence that he had punctured her skin.

“You really think I would leave a mark unless I wanted to?” He lifted an eyebrow, giving her a haughty glance.

Pulling her hand from her neck, she rolled her eyes. Of course he wouldn’t. If he was capable of healing head injuries and miracle healing, he wasn’t going to leave simple puncture marks behind. “Oh hell. I need a drink. Maybe more than one.” Or maybe a bottle of whiskey without the glass. She wasn’t really much of a drinker, but this night wasn’t exactly ordinary, and the thought of something to calm her unsteady nerves was becoming a very welcome idea.

“Come. You will eat first. And then I’ll let you sample some of my wine collection,” he held his hand out to her, palm up, waiting for her to accept it.

Hannah knew it was more than a simple gesture; it was an entreaty of sorts, his way of asking her to trust him.

The space around them was electric, the air vibrating with energy. And Hannah knew it was him, his vitality, his power.

Taking a deep, steadying breath, she lifted a trembling hand, placing it into the warmth of his palm. His fingers closed around it immediately, securely, enveloping her cold fingers, warming them almost instantly.

Hell, he hasn’t killed me yet. I don’t suppose it’s on his agenda.

Daric smirked, shooting her an amused glance that roamed her entire body. “It’s not on my schedule for tonight, no.”

Thank God!

He closed his eyes briefly, his brows drawing together as though he were in pain.

“Are you all right?” she asked him anxiously, moving closer and placing a hand on his cheek.

Daric grimaced, bringing his hand up to cover hers. “Fine,” he grunted, opening his eyes, the pain seemingly gone.

“What happened? Are you sick?” Scanning his face, Hannah looked for signs of illness, concerned that he might be getting the flu or some other virus that seemed to be running rampant at this time of year.

“No. I was paying for a little indiscretion,” he told her unhappily, his voice disgruntled.

“You were trying to strip me again, weren’t you? Wow. That’s a pretty awesome control system. So if I don’t like something, all I have to do is say so?” Maybe she could just mention the fact that she didn’t want him reading her thoughts.

“Don’t even try it. As your mate I’m entitled to read your thoughts. And I did strip you and took a very long look. If I’m going to pay for it, I might as well make it worth it. I wanted to see the lingerie I conjured for you.” He shot her a wolfish grin, looking totally remorseless.

Hannah had no doubt that at least the panties were scandalous. And damn uncomfortable. She could feel the butt floss up her rear, letting her know, without seeing the underwear, that she was wearing a thong.

Daric laughed…a low, throaty, sexy sound that sent a jolt of happiness through Hannah. Instinctively, she knew it wasn’t something Daric did often.

Squeezing her hand, he pulled her body into his and the two of them disappeared, leaving the room abandoned in a heartbeat.

Hannah squealed in alarm.

And Daric laughed harder.

Then, the room was silent.

Chapter 4

Reject her. Do it. Reject her right f**king now, before you aren’t able to do it.

Daric watched his mate as she consumed one of the chocolate desserts from her own restaurant, nearly groaning as her tongue snaked out of her mouth to catch a drop of chocolate that had landed on her luscious lips instead of inside her mouth. Christ! He could think of a lot of things he could do with that mouth, places he was obsessed with having her tongue lick over, all of them located on his overheated, eager body.

Reject. Now.

He watched her eyes close with enjoyment, a look of pleasure on her face that made him envious, wishing it had been he who had put such a look on her beautiful face.

It’s been hours. Refuse her and get it over with.

Jerking his eyes away from her, he stared at the wall behind her, trying not to let his gaze stray back to Hannah, who was sitting in front of the fireplace, her face flushed and pink from the warmth of the mammoth fire he had started several hours ago.

He’d rescued his food order from her truck with a mental command, heating it to the appropriate temperature, trying to stuff food in his face in an effort to stop himself from nibbling on her. They had been talking for hours, and Daric believed she was finally convinced of the truth. He hadn’t held back, knowing time was short, and that she needed to know all of the facts.

Not if you’re going to reject her, ass**le. Just do it.

He shook his head, his gaze straying back to her face.


It wasn’t that he didn’t know that he needed to reject her, or even that he didn’t want a mate. Hannah deserved better. He had felt her emotions, relived her life experiences. Hell, he was an ass**le, a prince who hadn’t really had any significant communication with a female in over a thousand years. He was a cantankerous, irritable, ancient bastard who didn’t know a thing about tenderness or the gentle nature of a female. What in the hell would he even do with a woman of Hannah’s kind nature?

Keep her. Brand her as mine. Keep her safe forever.
