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Dark Descent

Dark Descent (Dark #11)(27)
Author: Christine Feehan

Traian leapt from the branch, shape-shifting into his true form, his hands directing the spinning threads of energy, launching the ball as he melted back into the trees. The sphere slammed into the center of the rotten trunk, carving a blackened hole as it went all the way through to hit the ground, forming a deep crater. White whips sizzled and crackled inside the depression.

Black vapor rose from the trunk of the tree to mix with the dark, spinning clouds. A terrible piercing howl of rage filled the air high-pitched and obscene, it shredded nerves and pierced eardrums. The trees shuddered and shook. Grass and leaves shriveled. The sound bounced from ground to cloud with the force of a clap of thunder. The blast hit Traian in the back and drove him forward, slamming him into a tree. He just managed to whip his head back before he hit.

He inhaled quickly, took in the noxious, foul smell of burnt flesh, and knew he had scored a hit. Fire rained from the sky, red glowing embers igniting the foliage. Hungry flames licked at the grass and leaves, raced up the trees with glee. Traian spread out his arms, gave a command, and the clouds burst open, pouring sheets of water on the rising flames. The sky overhead was black with smoke and whirling clouds. It was impossible to tell where the vampire was. He was experienced enough not to give away his presence by blank spots in the air. He chose to blend into the chaos of his surroundings, sidestepping further battles now that he was wounded.

Traian tried one last tactic, knowing the vampire would disappear for many years, avoiding all contacts with hunters in order to survive. There was one last chance to call him into the open, and Traian used it, risking revealing his position to send a summons into the night. His call was pure and commanding, his voice that of an ancient in full power ordering the vampire to ground.

For a brief moment the hideous creature was outlined in the sky, a ghoul as evil and sinister as centuries of deviant behavior and killing for the sake of watching others suffer could make him. He stared down at Traian with hate-filled eyes, his jagged teeth snapping together in defiance.

A sound burst in Traian’s head, swelling in volume, a counter-command of death and destruction. Every cell in Traian’s body reacted. He was a jangle of nerve endings, paralyzed, forced into the open.

I am your master.

The echo reverberated through Traian’s muscles and tissue, through every organ.


Joie’s whisper was a soft, sensuous counterpoint to the poisonous command.

He took your blood. He’s using that as a weapon against you. Shut out his voice. He has no dominion over you, over us. I don’t care how strong he is, Traian, or what he is. We’re stronger. He can track you through your blood, but he cannot command you. Foolish woman. I am in his mind, I own his mind. He is my puppet, and soon all the others will be too. He cannot touch me, but I can find him anywhere. And through him, I can find you and your pitiful family. Join with me. I will one day rule both Carpathians and humans alike.

Joie deliberately laughed, the sound like a breath of fresh air, ripping the dark dread from Traian’s heart and clearing his mind.

You are the foolish one. There is only one for me. We will destroy you because you’re nothing but a rotten, empty shell. And you’re just nasty, if you ask me.

Traian felt the monster’s rage, bursting in his head, in his veins, as if his blood boiled, but he was free of the terrible paralysis. He clapped his hands together and spread his fingers wide, arms outstretched toward the vampire, which was dissolving into the sky. Lightning forked and sizzled. The vampire screamed once, and a putrid smell polluted the night air.

Kill her. Kill all of them.

Thunder splintered the sky. The earth rolled and bucked and the storm raged, a wild hurricane slamming into the forest and village.

They throw tantrums.

This time there was fear in her voice. Traian was already racing to the inn, doing his best to countermand the killing storm.

Valenteen is dangerous beyond belief, Joie. Whoever this master is, he commands Valenteen, and that is both shocking and terrifying. I have never seen two masters run together, nor one command another. Hurry, they’re breaking through the door.

Joie’s heart was pounding so hard she was afraid it would burst through her chest.

It might not have been such a good idea to tell him I thought he was nasty.

The entire inn shook, the walls swaying as if from the shock of an earthquake. The door to the verandah sagged, splintered again as something struck it with tremendous force. Whispers filled the room, soft, insidious whispers made with sweet voices.

Gabrielle cried out and put her hands over her ears. She took several steps toward the door, nodding her head, her lips beginning to move. Gary leapt to her side, dragged her back, his hand over her mouth. He put his lips against her ear. "They’re trying to command you to invite them in. You must not listen to them."

The door burst in the middle. A black swarm of insects flew into the room with the rain and wind. The dense cloud of stinging bugs attacked exposed flesh, biting viciously. Gary threw a blanket over Gabrielle’s head, wrapping her face and arms to protect her from the worst of the bites. Jubal cursed and beat at his face and neck in a frantic attempt to keep the insects off him.

Joie stood stoically facing the monster outside her door. His smile was a terrible parody, as was his bow. He looked smug as he watched the black horde of insects biting the occupants of the room. Joie knew she was staring at something far more foul than the creature she had knifed in the cave. He beckoned to her with his clawlike fingers, and she felt a tremendous pull. It was only the vicious bites of the insects that kept her from stepping out of the room and onto the verandah. She had no doubt that he would kill her. That he would kill all of them. She struggled to keep her mind her own, rather than allow his soft voice to intrude and command.

"Tell me why you do his bidding." The only weapon she had was to flatter the vampire’s ego. Stall him in the hope that Traian would come before Valenteen could entice her out to him. "It’s clear you’re much more powerful. Why would you serve such a creature?" She forced interest and admiration into her voice. "I find it hard to believe that a man like you needs someone like him."

Valenteen’s lip curled, exposing blackened gums. "I allow him to think he commands me. It suits me to fall in with his plans. We both seek the same thing. If he finds it, I will take it from him."

Joie was being compelled forward, one slow step at a time. She struggled to stay grounded, flinging her hand out to Jubal. Her brother’s fingers tightened over hers instantly, gripping her without hesitation. "Of course you’ll take it. He’s a fool to think he can treat you with so little respect. I’ve been all over the world and have never encountered a man as powerful as you." She tried to interject a flirty note in her voice, but her acting skills didn’t stretch that far. "You should lead them all. Everyone would benefit from your knowledge."
