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Dark Descent

Dark Descent (Dark #11)(9)
Author: Christine Feehan

She glared at him. "What the hell did you do to my knife, you fiend? Do you have any idea what a knife like that costs?" She held out her hand to Jubal for the knife she had given him. "Give that to me. I think I’m going to need it."

Traian put her firmly behind him and signaled to Jubal and Gabrielle to move away from the vampire. They did so carefully. He was making hideous noises, his talons cutting deep gouges into the ice.

Jubal handed his sister the knife. "Let’s get out of here while we can. I don’t think I want to meet any more of these things."

"I’m going to pretend I never met this one," Gabrielle said firmly.

Joie watched Traian closely. He seemed to be gathering something unseen into his hands. She could feel the buildup of energy in the chamber. The gallery was actually warming, increasing the dripping of the water dramatically. Between Traian’s palms, light glowed, a bright orange-red, emitting heat. It appeared just smaller than a basketball, the energy coiling and spinning.

The vampire screamed in rage and attempted to rise, stabbing at the air with his claws and clicking his twisted nails rapidly in a summons. The ball left Traian’s hands, hurtling through the chamber to pass cleanly through the vampire’s chest, leaving behind a gaping hole where the heart had been. The creature slumped to the floor, limp and unmoving, a foul stench rilled the cavern.

"Handy little trick," Joie observed. "You’ll have to teach it to me."

Traian managed a boyish grin. "Finally, something impressed you."

A terrible howling, like that of a demon pack, echoed through the subterranean caverns, sending chills down Joie’s spine. "I think that’s our cue to leave."

"Can we climb? How do we know where they are?" Gabrielle asked anxiously.

"What the hell are they?" Jubal demanded.

"Vampires," Traian answered. "And they are coming for us. We have to get out of here now." He indicated a small break in the wall of ice. "That way. I will seal it up behind us. It will not stop them, but it will slow them down." Gabrielle didn’t wait for a second invitation. Clutching her pack, she ducked into the crevice and scooted down the ice chute. Jubal started to say something, thought better of it, and followed her into the ice tunnel.

"In all of our conversations, it didn’t occur to you to mention a few pertinent facts such as how you’re a peculiar sort of man who likes blood and has vampires and other mythical creatures stalking you? You might have mentioned, just once, that you weren’t telling me cheery bedtime stories but that you lived this sort of life. Didn’t you think that might be important in the grand scheme of things?" Joie arched an eyebrow at Traian.

"I took into consideration your fear that you had lost your mind. It occurred to me that if I started talking about vampires being real and not fictional, you would have yourself committed." His smile was slow and incredibly sexy as he stepped back to allow her to precede him. "You will need your pack. We may be trapped in here most of the night."

The ice chute was cold after the unexpected heat Traian had generated in the chamber. Before she could disappear down the slide, he wrapped his arms around her, drawing her back against his chest. He climbed into the chute, sat down with her on his lap, and pushed off into the spiraling tube.

Joie slid down into the freezing world of blue ice and crystal, knowing he was right. She would have had herself committed at the mere mention of vampires. "I still might," she muttered aloud. "I don’t think having a boyfriend who has a neck-biting fetish is too sane."

"Boyfriend?" She heard the genuine amusement in his voice. "I have never been anyone’s boyfriend before." He buried his face in the warmth of her neck. "I told you not to come here. I am not certain I can get your family out alive. There is something in this cave the vampires are determined to find. Or protect."

His arms held her snugly to him, his body protecting hers from the biting cold, the ice slivers and hard, jagged edges that could tear through fabric and skin. She reached out, caught at a thick crystalline handhold, and jolted their downward slide to a stop. "This formation isn’t entirely natural, is it, Traian?"

With a startling rasping sound, crickets poured down the tube around them. Traian shifted, turned. Joie felt the gathering of energy, of heat, of power. She opened her mind instantly to him, flooding him with her strength and energy, generously sharing everything she had, everything she was. The impulse to do so should have frightened her. It didn’t. She belonged with him. Shoulder to shoulder. Mind to mind. They were connected in some way she didn’t understand, but it felt right. She didn’t trust people, other than Gabrielle and Jubal. She was naturally private and always very careful in close relationships, yet the moment she heard Traian’s voice, the moment she laid eyes on him, even when she’d thought he was a fantasy, she had known he was somehow a part of her.

Below her, she heard Gabrielle cry out as the insects reached her. Jubal murmured softly in reassurance. Above her, a scream of rage and hatred announced that the undead’s companions had found his lifeless body. Traian began to chant in a soft voice, his hands moving quickly in a pattern Joie couldn’t quite follow, the movements blurring with his incredible speed.

"Let go," he ordered, and dragged her hands from the hold so that they plunged down the slide toward the bottom. She could hear the ominous cracking of ice. The tube above their head was veined in a starburst pattern that spread rapidly outward. At the entrance, the ice began to fall in large chunks, some sliding down the tube toward them. Traian hit the ground running, with Joie in his arms. "Hurry!" he called to Jubal and Gabrielle.

A sound was building behind them, a great roar and a thunderous clap as the tube collapsed in on itself. The earth shook beneath their feet, and an ominous rumble emanated from the walls and ceiling surrounding them. Jubal caught Gabrielle’s hand and followed Traian at a dead run through the narrow hall.

Joie clung to Traian, feeling somewhat silly being carried when he was so hideously injured, but the man wasn’t even breathing hard. Sharp daggers of ice fell from the ceiling as they rushed through the tunnel. Several times, Traian redirected a lethal missile as they raced along the well-worn path. Traian stopped so abruptly, Jubal ran into him. Very slowly Traian allowed Joie to stand on her own feet. His arm remained around her. They were on the edge of a precipice. A very narrow bridge, constructed of ice and stone, was the only way across. It appeared dangerously thin in places and had an obvious hole in one section.
