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Dark Lycan

Fen woke three risings beneath the earth, still sore, feeling bruised and battered, but he left Tatijana and Dimitri to find sustenance for them. He'd reassured Branislava each rising that Tatijana was mending well and would come to her as soon as she was properly healed.

He was well aware on his third night that he was now in the most perilous time where any Lycan would know immediately he wasn't wholly one of them. He took care to conceal himself. As a rule, during this time, he stayed in the ground, avoiding any possible confrontation, but he didn't have that luxury-and he knew the elite team would have joined Zev by this time.

He was a little surprised that, although it had been centuries for him, the Carpathian Mountains still felt like a home to him. He had traveled throughout the world, rather than remaining in one place, so he'd never truly found another environment to call home. The soil was extraordinary, and he'd forgotten what that mineral rich loam could feel like. Still . . .

He was worried about Dimitri. Dimitri's belly wasn't healing as well as he would have liked. He concealed himself in the fog, moving through the forest until he came upon the outskirts where a small farm had been carved out of the marsh. The farm backed up to a swampy area, but was neat and tidy. Stacks of hay were piled in the field farthest from the water. Horses tossed heads nervously and stomped hooves as he passed, the Lycan scent spooking them.

The farmer came out of his house, glancing toward the corral where the horses began to half rear and gallop around as if that would save them from a pack of wolves. The man disappeared back into his house and reemerged with a shotgun, looking over toward the nervous horses. Fen stayed in the mist as it circled through the field, swirling around the haystacks so they appeared as disembodied towers in the clouds.

The farmer stepped off the porch and again cautiously looked around. The horses trumpeted their distress over and over. Fen moved slower, allowing the wind to carry him above the corral. There was no way the horses would be in such a state over his scent. There was something else there, stalking the animals-or the farmer. There was no wolf pack closing in on the horses, or he would have seen them.

Fen kept his gaze on the farmer even as he moved cautiously in the midst of the dense fog creeping around him. Something moved along the ground. Something dark, twisted and ugly. The thing had crawled out of the swamp and dragged itself over the field, first toward the horses, then, when scenting the farmer, turned toward him.

Fen saw the disgusting creature huddled beside a boulder, positioning itself for the attack as the farmer drew near. Hastily, Fen shifted, to come striding out of the mist straight toward the owner of the farm. "Look out, man, step back," he called, pushing compulsion into his tone.

Startled, the farmer did as Fen commanded. The twisted creature struck at him, fangs hooking his boot. It wiggled and growled, hissing its impatience. That small sliver of a shadow, a part of Bardolf, was still without a host it could influence to do evil. Animals could sustain its life, but certainly could never be used for the purpose Bardolf intended.

"What is it?" the man asked, shaking his boot and trying to knock the animal loose with the shotgun.

"A deadly creature," Fen answered honestly. "A vampire's familiar." He knew most of the folks living around the village were superstitious-they believed in vampires-mostly because they'd had encounters with them even though the rest of the world made fun of them. They knew evil existed and they did their best to guard against it. The farmer made the sign of the cross and slammed his shotgun down on the wriggling creature.

Fen kicked it away from the farmer, produced a silver knife and plunged it into the ghastly creature, a cross between an eel and a snake. The creature screamed and writhed, black blood pouring from it. With it came the elusive shadow-a sliver of Bardolf. The sliver leapt toward the farmer, determined to live, to make its way back to its master.

Fen withdrew the knife from the twisted creature and threw it. The blade sliced cleanly through the shadow, pinning it to the ground. A great eye formed in the middle, staring at them with hatred and malice-a combination of Bardolf and Abel. The eye was evil, vertical rather than horizontal. The silver knife penetrated exactly in the middle of the eye. Black blood burst around the pupil and dripped on the ground, forming a dark pool.

The eye squealed, the pitch rising to a horrendous shriek as it wriggled and fought to become free. Fen swept the farmer behind him protectively, as the two vampires fought with concentrated strength to free the shadow. The eye convulsed, and a puff of black smoke burst the pupil and the light began to slowly fade as the shadow lost its life. With one last fading cry the shadow went limp and completely dark.

The farmer stepped around Fen and spit right in the middle of the pool of black blood before turning to face the hunter. He bowed awkwardly. "Thank you. You saved me. I've never had the honor of meeting one of our guardians." He smiled, his eyes lighting up. "We hear the rumors you know, but we can go lifetimes without ever knowing if they're true or not."

"For your own safety," Fen pointed out. "Stand way back. I have to incinerate this quickly. You don't want infected vampire blood anywhere near your fields."

Fen waited until the farmer moved off to a safe distance and he stared up at the sky, drawing in churning dark clouds. Thunder rolled ominously. Lightning forked, sizzling, spreading out, nearly blinding them with the bright flash of light. He felt the ground charging, the energy flowing through his body. He extended his arm toward the black blood, hideous creature and malevolent eye. Lightning leapt from ground to sky and back again. The stench nearly choked them both. Black tendrils of smoke rose and dissipated in the air, leaving a clean, fresh scent. The creature, eye and pool of blood incinerated as if they never had been.

Fen turned toward the stunned farmer. The man stood there with his mouth slightly open, curved in a half smile, clearly totally shocked and awed. He flashed Fen a quick grin.

"I know I will have to go to my grave with this memory secret, but I thank you for the experience."

Bardolf and Abel had both seen the farmer. They might very well decide to attack and kill him, just to get back at Fen. At the very least, they would send members of the pack to kill his livestock as well as his family. Ordinarily there were few humans left with the knowledge of the Carpathian people, even there in the Carpathian Mountains.

"These vampires are extremely dangerous. They run with a pack of rogue werewolves they control. You and your family will be targeted. Is there a possibility of taking your family to safety and perhaps a neighbor would take your livestock?"

The farmer looked scared, but he shook his head. "I can send my wife and children to her mother's, but I'll have to run the farm myself. If I lose my livestock, or leave, we'll lose everything." He swept his arms out. "This is all we have. A man takes care of his family."

Fen sighed. He could see the farmer's point, but he wouldn't be taking care of his family if they were all dead. "Send them away tonight. Pack light and tell them not to return until you send for them. Forgive me, but in order to safeguard you as much as possible, I will have to take your blood, and give you a very small amount of mine. You will be able to reach me in an emergency. Even if I am too far away, I can send aid to you. The choice is yours."

If the farmer refused, Fen would have to allow him to be on his own. He would have no choice but to remove his memory of Fen's visit, which would make him ten times more vulnerable.

The farmer bowed formally a second time, this time with a deeper bow. "It would be an honor." He paused. "Does it hurt?"

Fen shook his head. "You won't feel anything at all."

The farmer stepped close, shotgun in his hands, exposing his throat. Fen gently removed the shotgun just as a precaution. He slipped into the man's mind. Costin Eliade had grown up on a farm as had his father before him. He was a good man, worked hard, was devoted to his wife and family. He was frightened, but hiding it well, determined to do whatever it took to protect his family and farm.

Fen was both careful and respectful in the taking of the farmer's blood. He took enough to feed and then soothed the man's anxiety, keeping him from being aware as Fen gave him a small amount of his own blood. Any time he reached out to Costin, he would know where the farmer was, what he was thinking or doing. He would know the instant there was betrayal-or trouble. He put a strong barrier in his mind, a warning that if he tried to give up the information about the incident to anyone-including his wife-he would be forever on his own.

Costin's intentions were admirable and he seemed a very honest man. Fen could find no hint of duplicity in his mind whatsoever. He meant to keep the Carpathian's secrets. Fen made certain there was no evidence on the man or his clothes that blood had been taken before stepping away, although one hand remained on the farmer to steady him. Perhaps he'd taken a little more blood than necessary, because he had both Tatijana and Dimitri to provide for.

"Get your family out of here tonight. I'll send aid to watch over your farm, both day and night until we locate and destroy the rogue pack and vampires. The moment that deed is done, I'll let you know," Fen assured the farmer.

The wind came in from the north, blowing with it a heavy fog. Gregori strode out of the dense mist, his shoulders wide, his silver eyes blazing. His sharp glance went from the farmer to the blackened ground and then to Fen. He raised a single eyebrow.

Fen managed to stop his grin just before it emerged. Of course Gregori would be suspicious of him. He was a stranger and with him had come two Sange rau and a rogue werewolf pack. Gregori didn't want those enemies anywhere near the prince. No matter how severe his wounds, he wouldn't trust his prince's safety to anyone else.

Clearly Gregori was already scanning the farmer's mind. He found the data needed and how Fen had destroyed the sliver of evil Bardolf and Abel had used to gain information. It was far easier and much more polite to pull the information from the farmer's mind. He wasn't questioning Fen or demanding why he would break a very hard rule, leaving memories of the Carpathian people in Costin Eliade.

He held out his hand to the farmer. "I'm Gregori. I understand you may need a little help protecting your farm."

Costin nodded. "Very much so. They sent a familiar, and he killed it." He gestured toward Fen.

"You'll need protection during the day as well," Fen said. "Rogue packs can be out in the sun. They'll usually come at you at dusk or dawn, but in this case, the alpha will send them in during the part of the day our people are unable to protect you."

"We've got a few people who can aid you," Gregori assured.

They can never, under any circumstances, be here if the Sange rau show up. The combination of vampire and wolf is powerful beyond belief, and killing them is extremely hard. Fen sent the information on the common Carpathian mental path.

Gregori didn't look at him or give it away they were in communication. I am certain you will be coming this rising to give us the information we need to destroy these vampires of mixed blood.

"I would be most grateful for anyone you can send," Costin admitted.

"At night, you will be protected by a couple of us, but your real danger is during the day," Fen said. "Should you have need, reach for me. Use your mind, even if you have to use your fear. I will hear you."

Gregori turned slashing silver eyes on Fen. You can walk in the sunlight? There was no mistaking the edge of alarm in his voice. He didn't exactly try to cover it up.

Fen barely inclined his head. If necessary, although it is not easy. He was not giving out any more information until Gregori shared more data with him. He turned to leave.

"Are you returning with me?" Gregori asked aloud.

Fen shook his head. "I need to attend my brother. He isn't doing as well as I would like. In the first battle, he and Zev fought off the rogues in order to allow me to get to the Sange rau. His belly was ripped open, his wounds severe."

Immediately he felt Gregori's sympathy as the Carpathian fell into step with him. "Do you have need of a healer?"

"I don't know yet. Allow me to examine him. Should I need your aid, I will call." Fen was reluctant to disclose Dimitri and Tatijana's resting place to anyone.

Gregori nodded. "I will tell Mikhail to expect you, unless, of course, you call for my aid."

Fen studied Gregori's face. He was pale, with lines etched deep. He wasn't completely healed from the battle, yet he had come himself to ensure the prince was safe. Fen's respect for him went up another notch.

"Thank you. Should Dimitri require your skills, I will call. I'll come to speak to the prince as soon as I can."

Should Gregori have to aid him in healing his brother, Fen would move Dimitri just as a precaution. Gregori would discover Dimitri's blood was different. How could he not if he entered the body to heal it? Dimitri was too vulnerable, and with the elite hunters either drawing close, or already there, both Fen and Dimitri were already at great risk. Fen preferred not to take chances with his brother's life.

As if reading his mind, Gregori touched his arm to slow him down. "There are six strangers in the village. All of them met with the man you call Zev. They're all staying at the inn. They look . . . tough."

Fen nodded. "They are best left alone. I cannot be anywhere near them over the next few risings."

Gregori frowned. "This has to do with your Carpathian blood mixed with their Lycan blood?" He made it more of a question than a statement.

Fen shrugged. "When you first came upon the battle, were you certain I was Carpathian?"

"No," Gregori admitted.

Fen knew that was most likely the reason Gregori remained suspicious of him.

"It is the same with the Lycans. Until the week of the full moon, they cannot detect me, but during this phase, they know exactly what I am. They call a vampire/wolf cross a Sange rau and they do not distinguish between that monster and me."

"The strangers who have come to our village?"

"They are the elite of the Lycans. Their best hunters with superior speed and gifts. Zev is their true alpha. They have a leader, but all of them answer to him. They were summoned to hunt and destroy the rogue pack, just as we send our hunters out to kill the vampire. Zev is aware that there is one Sange rau running the pack. He doesn't yet know about the second."

"They'll need the information to successfully hunt them," Gregori pointed out.

Fen nodded. "I cannot deliver it to them, at least not for a few more risings. You will have to find another way." He turned his face toward the forest. His unease had been growing. "I need to get to my brother."

Gregori stepped away and lifted a hand to him. "I'll see to it that this farmer gets his family to safety."

"Thank you." Fen inclined his head and then leapt for the sky. He shifted in midair, sprouting the feathers of an owl, the talons and curved beak. He circled the farm and the outlying area just to double-check that no more threats were close, before winging his way back to the forest.

Again, he was very careful, making certain no one had followed him, before he dropped down, shifting again as he opened the earth beneath him. Tatijana lay in the rich soil, her face pale, skin nearly translucent. She looked like an ice princess, elusive and beautiful. Her hair was very long and thick, still twisted into that flowing endless mass of an intricate braid. Ribbons woven into her hair bound the long length, adding a touch of the dramatic.

He gathered her into his arms, inspecting her body carefully to ensure the wounds were healing properly. The dragon had sustained heavy damage to her belly, just as Dimitri had. The dragon had, for the most part, protected Tatijana. Dimitri hadn't had his body encased within dragon skin and scales. The werewolves knew to rip softer underbellies, and they'd done their damage, but she would be fine.

Fen woke her with a single word, pressing her mouth to his chest. She moaned softly, her eyelashes fluttering before awakened fully and he found himself staring into her multifaceted emerald eyes. He smiled at her. "There you are. I was beginning to think you were going to sleep your life away."

She smiled back at him, relaxing into his arms. "Not a chance." Her cheek rubbed along his chest, sending little darts of fire racing through his bloodstream.

His entire body reacted to that small move. As he pushed back stray tendrils of hair from her face, he thought it a miracle to feel such deep emotions. The experience was unexpected, new and exhilarating. Everything about her was exhilarating. "Aside from being courageous and a warrior, you're a truly beautiful woman, Tatijana Dragonseeker," he whispered. "I'm honored to be your lifemate, claimed or unclaimed."

"I must say, sir, I am beginning to feel much the same, which is rather a surprise to me," she admitted.

The honesty in her voice and that low, sultry tone added to the hot surge of his blood, racing to pool low and wicked. He savored his ability to feel such a new extremely exhilarating flood of feelings, both physical and emotional. He knew immediately the two things were tied together inexorably. Even the Lycan blood mixed with his Carpathian blood had not dampened his drive to find the other half of his soul. No other woman would do. He'd never felt such an urgent desire. He'd learned about sex, who couldn't after so many centuries, but he'd never understood the rush. The joy. The urgent hunger.

He smoothed his hand over her hair. "Drink from me, my lady. I need you at full strength this rising. Dimitri is in desperate need and I fear it will take two of us, if we have any chance at all of saving him."

She looked into his eyes-into his mind. He hid nothing from her. She reached up to smooth away the line of worry on his brow. "You did not ask the healer to aid you."

"I am a skilled healer as is Gregori. Dimitri is beyond both of our abilities. I know this. He lingers, but he still slips an inch at a time toward the other side. Gregori is severely wounded, and yet he rises to do his job guarding the prince. His job is too important to risk his life needlessly. His skills-and mine-will not save Dimitri. He needs Mother Earth to intervene on his behalf."

He will be saved if possible.

Tatijana whispered the words into his mind as her teeth sank deep into his chest. The flood of need was so strong, the hunger for her almost out of control. He closed his eyes and breathed, as his rich blood filled her veins and rushed through her body to every wounded organ, helping to accelerate the healing process.

He'd fed hundreds of Carpathians wounded in battle. He'd given his blood to a trusted Lycan friend who fought with him over and over to defeat a common enemy. He'd taken blood from men, women and his own kind, both Lycan and Carpathian. Never had there been a sexual component until now. He breathed in and out. Listened to his heart beating hard in his chest. Heard the roaring sound of thunder in his ears. Felt his cock grow, lengthen and harden with a never before felt desperate urgency.

He was alive for the first time in his life that he could remember. Fully alive. The claiming words, imprinted upon him long before his birth, pounded through his mind. He heard those ritual binding words, that fateful chanting that would forever bind them, but he refused to speak them to her. He would never make such a decision for her, not until he knew for certain she wouldn't be at risk if she became what he was. Even this small exchange was a little frightening for him. There was no knowing how much blood it took before the recipient became as he was.

With one last sensual sweep of her tongue, Tatijana opened her eyes again and smiled at him. "This one would be honored to become as you are. Stop worrying so much." Her expression changed, going solemn as she sat up. "Let's save your brother. I would never want to lose my sister."

"She doesn't want to lose you. When we're finished here, you must go to her and reassure her that you still live." Fen couldn't help himself. "I'm going to kiss you again. If you need a reason this time, it won't sound reasonable, but I can't help myself."

"Well, then, certainly you must."

He closed the gap between their mouths, half lifting her in his arms and bending his head to hers. Her lips were warm and soft. He stroked his tongue across that small seam and she opened her mouth in invitation. His heart nearly exploded in his chest as he sank into her. He poured himself into her like liquid gold.

Her mouth was warm honey. Dazzling diamonds. A sky filled with brilliant sapphires and just sheer paradise. It made no sense at all-he wasn't a poetic man-but the world around him exploded in an amazing array of the most beautiful natural caves he'd ever seen with their gem-studded walls glittering behind his eyes. How could she do that? So simple it seemed. All she had to do was open her mouth and let him kiss her.

He reluctantly raised his head, shaking it, a little bemused. If her eyes were anything to go by, she was feeling the same. He hadn't shared her mind because he was already so hungry for her, the ritual words pounding at him, that he feared he wouldn't stop-and his duty was to his brother. Kissing once was perfectly fine, but he needed long, endless nights with Tatijana to do her justice.

Her hand crept into his as she sat up all the way. "We can save him, Fen. Together."

He nodded, and they floated just above where they had rested and once again peeled back the earth to reveal Dimitri. He lay as still as death. His skin was almost pure white. He looked already long gone from their world. Fen felt his heart plummet, knowing, for the first time in his life, he'd put off the inevitable.

"He has a lifemate, Fen," Tatijana reminded. "There is always hope. What cannot be done for one's self, can often be done for one's lifemate, no matter how extraordinary it seems."

"Or miraculous?" He could barely get the words out, a lump in his throat threatening to choke him.

"Especially miraculous. Isn't simply finding one's lifemate a true miracle?" Tatijana smiled at him. "At least that is how Lara explained it to me, and she would know. She is my nephew's daughter and is very wise. Call to his lifemate."

"She is young. Far away. Another country it felt. A great distance."

"And yet she came when needed. Gain entrance to his mind and follow the path back to her. She will answer your summons. She has to be strong if she can bridge the distance you speak of." Tatijana knelt on one side of Dimitri's body and waited.

Fen slowly sank to his knees on the other side. Placing both hands on his hips he reached for the strong telepathic connection he'd had with Dimitri since Dimitri's birth.

Warrior. My brother and friend, hold steadfast for me. For your people and most of all, your beloved lifemate. He spoke formally, using their ancient tongue, relying on the Carpathian past as well as present memories so carefully imprinted upon them. He had a lump in his throat, something hard threatening to choke him.

He felt the smallest of flickers, and took advantage, slipping into Dimitri's mind. He found darkness and cold, as if light after light had slowly faded away, leaving only shadows of memory, but that was enough to work with. He quickly found the one he needed most. She was the brightest of the fading lights. The starlight beacon was still pulsating, although much dimmer than Fen had hoped, but brighter than he believed possible. He followed the path for endless time, a narrow comet lighting the dark as he arced across cold space. The distance was far longer than he'd ever traveled telepathically.

She is Dragonseeker. Tatijana breathed the words into his mind, a propulsion of warm air and peace in the terrible, stunning cold. This child. This human, she is Razvan's daughter, yet she is human and so powerful? I am in awe of her.

He felt Tatijana's breathless surprise and welcomed the added boost of strength to his mind as it crossed that space on its journey. He found her almost abruptly, one moment in that arcing cavern of cold and the next in a warm, magical mind.

Little one. Lifemate to Dimitri. I have urgent need of you. Fen did his best to slowly pour into his brother's mate's mind, afraid of scaring her. It was always uncomfortable to know another had access to your every thought, word and deed-unless that man or woman was one's other half.

She surprised him. No, more than mere surprise. Shocked him. Even humbled him. There was no hesitation. Tell me.

He is slipping away from us and I cannot alone save him. I know the journey is long, but you must help me keep him in this world.

Tatijana's whisper in his mind was soft. Awed. She is . . . amazing. Strong.

Tatijana's entire attitude had gone to one of absolute respect. She heard, maybe even felt, more of the steel in the woman/child than he had-she shared the same bloodline.

I can maintain my own path. Save your strength for healing him.

She made it a command, every bit as confident as Tatijana had been. And she was only nineteen-and a human at that. Fen was amazed all over again.

I will need to see him through your eyes.

That, at least had been a plea rather than a demand. She even understood the concept of possessing one's body enough to share vision, hearing or other senses. That gift, too, was rarely used. One had to have complete trust and faith to allow another to possess their physical body.

I have much to learn about you, little sister, Fen said, allowing his awe to show as he opened himself more fully to her. You show remarkable skill and training in a woman so young.

He caught glimpses of her family in her memories. There was a strange young man with black hair and wild blue tips spiked all over his head, and then she abruptly pulled from his mind and he felt her connect to Dimitri. Through Fen, Tatijana was also connected. Both heard her gasp of alarm.

Beloved. Heart of mine. I know you are weary. Forgive me. I cannot let you go. There is no other for me. You can do this-for me. For us. Fight for us, beloved.

Fen glanced at Tatijana. Skyler hadn't actually seen Dimitri's horrific wounds and yet she was already fully aware of what they faced. He heard the raw love. The softest of intimate whispers only true lifemates could establish between them. He feared once she saw the wounds, the daunting sight would shake her confidence.

Still, Dimitri responded more to that soft little confession and flow of pure love washing through his mind, than anything else Fen had tried so far. Fen felt a small portion of that darkness and cold recede.


This time, she had found her way into his mind without any assistance at all. Skyler poured into his mind and nearly instantly found his connection to Tatijana-was well aware she was there as well.

I greet you as sister-kin, though I am more than your aunt, Tatijana identified herself. I am lifemate to Fen.

Yet unclaimed, as am I, Skyler said. Thank you for your aid.

He felt Tatijana wince just a little that Skyler should find her unclaimed when her lifemate was right there, yet there had been no accusation in Skyler's voice. In fact, he felt it helped her identify with Tatijana and make her more comfortable.

A flood of reassurance washed over him. He glanced at Tatijana kneeling across from him, there in the soil, her hands already moving into Dimitri's horrendous wounds. He placed his hands there as well when she flashed him a very small, reassuring smile.

Look at his wounds.

Slowly, reluctantly, he allowed Skyler to "see" through his eyes. He focused his vision wholly on the extent of Dimitri's wounds. She understood instantly. The pain went far beyond what any physical body could tolerate, human, Lycan or Carpathian. Now there was no denying what she was dealing with.

Skyler showed no hesitation. I am in the library of the university where I am studying. I will need my friend to come to me. When we are done here, I will no longer be able to maintain my own body. Give me just one second to contact Josef. I am fortunate that he came to visit me this evening. I didn't even know he was in town.

There was a moment's pause. He will come to me right away.

She joined closely with Tatijana and Fen. He felt her take a deep breath.

We call upon the power of the Earth-she who creates us all.

Tatijana and Fen answered. Fen, only because he knew the words through his lifemate. Hear our call, Mother.

We beg you for clear sight, the ability to be seen, that which seeks not to be seen.

Guide us, Mother, take our hands, make them your own.

Use them as your tools to mend that which has been broken and torn.

Guide us, Mother. Provide rest and healing to a tortured soul.

Skyler's voice nearly cracked, but she took another deep breath and continued. Embrace him as your own, Mother. Heal him of all injuries. Guide him, Mother.

Her voice did waver, and Fen heard her tears for the first time. He felt her terrible growing sorrow even as she tried desperately to hold herself together. He couldn't imagine her all alone in the college library, yet not alone. She had to be surrounded by human students studying. She couldn't portray emotion, or her draining strength to anyone. The distance was nearly incomprehensible, and yet she persisted.

We three, your daughters and son, call upon the higher power. Use us as your vessel. See through our eyes.

Look into our souls. Use us as your tools. Guard him, great one. Take him fully into your care. Nurture him as you would your child, this great gift we bring even as we humbly beg your service. He will serve you as we do and rise once again to fight. Guide us with your knowledge.

Around him, the soil began to move on its own. So rich the loam looked as if it was ebony in color, Fen could see minerals glittering throughout, like gems. Before he could identify any of the properties, the soil rose to cover Dimitri, pouring into him.

Fen's hands moved of their own accord. He nearly jumped out of his skin. Nothing possessed him. He knew possession. Skyler hadn't taken over their bodies, but the loam itself pushed their hands and fingers in the directions needed.

The soil began to churn and tiny shoots broke through the surface. Fascinated, he tried to figure out if it was Skyler who fed that churning soil with all of the energy from Tatijana and him as well as what she could provide from such great a distance. He couldn't distract either of the two women by asking questions so he let the power and strength of his body flow into his brother and focused wholly on the artistry of the healing.

The tiny shoots came from every direction and moved into his brother, as if burrowing into the gaping wounds-arteries-he realized, providing some kind of much-needed nutrition. More soil poured in and around his brother's body.

Give him blood. One at a time. As much as either of you can spare, Skyler directed.

By every right she should have collapsed long ago, but her voice held steady and the warm flow of energy never ceased in that continuous current. The movement of Tatijana's wrist toward Dimitri's mouth caught his attention.

Beloved. Take this gift offered so generously and freely from my sister-kin. It is strong, ancient blood of the Dragonseeker lineage. Hear me, Dimitri. Do this thing for me.

Fen was no longer even astonished that Dimitri managed to move his mouth against Tatijana's wrist. He helped his brother take in the life-giving sustenance. All around them the soil continued moving and churning. The sprouts and veins twisting through Dimitri's body reached for the nutrients so old and ancient and pure from Tatijana's lineage and pushed them through his brother's unresponsive organs.

Fen counted the minutes slowly, fearful that in her effort to save Dimitri, Skyler might forget that they were vulnerable there in the forest and couldn't be drained to the point of weakness. He shouldn't have been. For a human child, she certainly understood the needs and ways and dangers of the Carpathian life.

Enough, beloved. Rest before you take from your brother. Allow our Mother Earth to guide you. Do not fear her. She is granting a tremendous favor and has accepted both you and your brother as her sons. Just sleep and let her repair your body.

Again, that soft tone was so intimate, Fen almost felt as if he'd slipped into a private encounter between Dimitri and his astonishing lifemate. She gave of herself so freely, and yet he could feel her energy beginning to wane. She did then have her limits. She must have been afraid that she would not complete this healing in time before she gave out, but if she did feel that way, she didn't betray herself.

Tatijana closed the wound on her wrist herself, with a single swipe of her tongue. She glanced up at Fen, her eyes meeting his. His breath caught in his throat. Her eyes nearly glowed, changing color until they were such a deep shade of green he felt the very coolness of the forest blowing over him.

Now from your brother, Dimitri. He is strong. Ancient. Like you, he is a good man and has survived long against nearly impossible odds without his lifemate. He is patient and kind and holds you dear to him. Take what is freely and so generously offered.

Fen rejoiced when this time, Dimitri turned his head toward him. For one moment those long, dark lashes, two blackened crescents against the stark white of Dimitri's skin, finally opened. He saw him there, present, his spirit back in his own body. The lashes drifted down as Fen pressed his wrist to his brother's mouth. Again he had to help Dimitri take in the blood, but at least he knew Dimitri was alive and fighting.

Fen began to hear a sound, much like the cavernous boom of a drum below them, around them, surrounding them. He recognized the rhythm as that of a heartbeat. Each single beat vibrated through Dimitri's body, his every organ, sinew and bone. Because all four were connected, each of them felt that strong pulsation. Each beat seemed to send pain crashing through his body, but Dimitri didn't fight.

Mother Earth has accepted you, beloved, as her son. You are now a part of her. You are hearing her heart beating through your body, making you one with her, one with all nature. We are bound together now, the four of us.

With every ounce of energy he possessed, Dimitri reached toward his lifemate. The two spirits brushed against one another and Dimitri's light spread and grew brighter.

It is enough, I think, beloved. I cannot stay. Be strong for me. Skyler's voice was already fading, her strength draining fast.

Dimitri stirred, lashes once more lifting, almost in a panic that he hadn't seen her. Fen closed the wound on his wrist and watched the momentary heat in his brother's eyes fade when he realized Skyler was present only in spirit.

Rest, beloved. I must go. Josef is with me. He'll keep me safe. You live, Dimitri. Stay alive. Just live for me.

The moment the soil stopped churning, Skyler was gone abruptly. She'd given everything she had and must have passed out there in the library so far away from them. Fen could only hope that her friend Josef knew what he was doing.

"Sleep my brother," he whispered to Dimitri and smoothed his hand over his brother's forehead. There was raw love in the gesture and he was grateful only his lifemate witnessed his vulnerability.

"We've done what we can here, my lady." He offered his hand to her. "We must safeguard his resting spot, revive ourselves, reassure your sister and then, I suppose, we must go see a prince."