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Dark Lycan

Dark Lycan (Dark #24)(30)
Author: Christine Feehan

He was alive for the first time in his life that he could remember. Fully alive. The claiming words, imprinted upon him long before his birth, pounded through his mind. He heard those ritual binding words, that fateful chanting that would forever bind them, but he refused to speak them to her. He would never make such a decision for her, not until he knew for certain she wouldn’t be at risk if she became what he was. Even this small exchange was a little frightening for him. There was no knowing how much blood it took before the recipient became as he was.

With one last sensual sweep of her tongue, Tatijana opened her eyes again and smiled at him. "This one would be honored to become as you are. Stop worrying so much." Her expression changed, going solemn as she sat up. "Let’s save your brother. I would never want to lose my sister."

"She doesn’t want to lose you. When we’re finished here, you must go to her and reassure her that you still live." Fen couldn’t help himself. "I’m going to kiss you again. If you need a reason this time, it won’t sound reasonable, but I can’t help myself."

"Well, then, certainly you must."

He closed the gap between their mouths, half lifting her in his arms and bending his head to hers. Her lips were warm and soft. He stroked his tongue across that small seam and she opened her mouth in invitation. His heart nearly exploded in his chest as he sank into her. He poured himself into her like liquid gold.

Her mouth was warm honey. Dazzling diamonds. A sky filled with brilliant sapphires and just sheer paradise. It made no sense at all-he wasn’t a poetic man-but the world around him exploded in an amazing array of the most beautiful natural caves he’d ever seen with their gem-studded walls glittering behind his eyes. How could she do that? So simple it seemed. All she had to do was open her mouth and let him kiss her.

He reluctantly raised his head, shaking it, a little bemused. If her eyes were anything to go by, she was feeling the same. He hadn’t shared her mind because he was already so hungry for her, the ritual words pounding at him, that he feared he wouldn’t stop-and his duty was to his brother. Kissing once was perfectly fine, but he needed long, endless nights with Tatijana to do her justice.

Her hand crept into his as she sat up all the way. "We can save him, Fen. Together."

He nodded, and they floated just above where they had rested and once again peeled back the earth to reveal Dimitri. He lay as still as death. His skin was almost pure white. He looked already long gone from their world. Fen felt his heart plummet, knowing, for the first time in his life, he’d put off the inevitable.

"He has a lifemate, Fen," Tatijana reminded. "There is always hope. What cannot be done for one’s self, can often be done for one’s lifemate, no matter how extraordinary it seems."

"Or miraculous?" He could barely get the words out, a lump in his throat threatening to choke him.

"Especially miraculous. Isn’t simply finding one’s lifemate a true miracle?" Tatijana smiled at him. "At least that is how Lara explained it to me, and she would know. She is my nephew’s daughter and is very wise. Call to his lifemate."

"She is young. Far away. Another country it felt. A great distance."

"And yet she came when needed. Gain entrance to his mind and follow the path back to her. She will answer your summons. She has to be strong if she can bridge the distance you speak of." Tatijana knelt on one side of Dimitri’s body and waited.

Fen slowly sank to his knees on the other side. Placing both hands on his hips he reached for the strong telepathic connection he’d had with Dimitri since Dimitri’s birth.

Warrior. My brother and friend, hold steadfast for me. For your people and most of all, your beloved lifemate. He spoke formally, using their ancient tongue, relying on the Carpathian past as well as present memories so carefully imprinted upon them. He had a lump in his throat, something hard threatening to choke him.

He felt the smallest of flickers, and took advantage, slipping into Dimitri’s mind. He found darkness and cold, as if light after light had slowly faded away, leaving only shadows of memory, but that was enough to work with. He quickly found the one he needed most. She was the brightest of the fading lights. The starlight beacon was still pulsating, although much dimmer than Fen had hoped, but brighter than he believed possible. He followed the path for endless time, a narrow comet lighting the dark as he arced across cold space. The distance was far longer than he’d ever traveled telepathically.

She is Dragonseeker. Tatijana breathed the words into his mind, a propulsion of warm air and peace in the terrible, stunning cold. This child. This human, she is Razvan’s daughter, yet she is human and so powerful? I am in awe of her.

He felt Tatijana’s breathless surprise and welcomed the added boost of strength to his mind as it crossed that space on its journey. He found her almost abruptly, one moment in that arcing cavern of cold and the next in a warm, magical mind.

Little one. Lifemate to Dimitri. I have urgent need of you. Fen did his best to slowly pour into his brother’s mate’s mind, afraid of scaring her. It was always uncomfortable to know another had access to your every thought, word and deed-unless that man or woman was one’s other half.

She surprised him. No, more than mere surprise. Shocked him. Even humbled him. There was no hesitation. Tell me.

He is slipping away from us and I cannot alone save him. I know the journey is long, but you must help me keep him in this world.

Tatijana’s whisper in his mind was soft. Awed. She is . . . amazing. Strong.

Tatijana’s entire attitude had gone to one of absolute respect. She heard, maybe even felt, more of the steel in the woman/child than he had-she shared the same bloodline.

I can maintain my own path. Save your strength for healing him.

She made it a command, every bit as confident as Tatijana had been. And she was only nineteen-and a human at that. Fen was amazed all over again.

I will need to see him through your eyes.

That, at least had been a plea rather than a demand. She even understood the concept of possessing one’s body enough to share vision, hearing or other senses. That gift, too, was rarely used. One had to have complete trust and faith to allow another to possess their physical body.

I have much to learn about you, little sister, Fen said, allowing his awe to show as he opened himself more fully to her. You show remarkable skill and training in a woman so young.

He caught glimpses of her family in her memories. There was a strange young man with black hair and wild blue tips spiked all over his head, and then she abruptly pulled from his mind and he felt her connect to Dimitri. Through Fen, Tatijana was also connected. Both heard her gasp of alarm.
