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Dark Lycan

Dark Lycan (Dark #24)(41)
Author: Christine Feehan

"You are my lifemate," she murmured against that rhythmic hammering beat, translating the ancient language.

He nudged her knees apart with one thigh, wedging his hips in the tight junction of her thighs. His heavy erection pressed into the heated entrance, bathed in her slick welcome. He wanted to take his time, but his body burned from the inside out, his Carpathian/Lycan blood demanded his mate. Her teeth scraping seductively back and forth over his pulse nearly drove him insane.

"Entolam kuulua, avio palafertiilam." The words came out in his ancient language, all Carpathian male, claiming his lifemate. "Ted kuuluak, kacad, kojed."

"You do belong to me," she reiterated, showing him she understood every word he uttered binding their souls with unbreakable threads.

"elidamet andam."

"I offer my life back to you," she whispered, nuzzling his neck.

Flames licked at his skin. He was all too aware of her teeth so close to his veins. His blood called to her. His lifemate. His lady. The one. "Uskolfertiilamet andam. Sivamet andam."

Tatijana lifted her head to look him straight in the eye. "I give you my allegiance," she answered back. "I give you my heart." The ring of truth was in her voice.

He had never known tenderness, nor gentleness, but it was there inside of him-for her. She was turning him inside out with her generosity and her acceptance of who he was. He’d killed hundreds, maybe far more than he ever wanted to remember and each kill had brought him closer to that hovering darkness. In truth, he had been close more times than he’d ever care to admit, and she saw those terrible moments when only the thought of his brother kept his honor intact.

"Sielamet andam."

"I accept your soul, Fenris," Tatijana whispered into his throat, "and I give you mine to make us complete."

"Ainamet andam."

Even as the words broke from somewhere deep inside him, Tatijana made her own demands. She began a slow assault, moving her hips enticingly.

"I give you my body," she whispered back. "I want you inside me, Fen. I want your blood in my veins, and your heart entwined with mine. I want our souls bound together, but most of all, right this minute, I want you and I to share the same skin."

Even had he wanted, he wouldn’t have the strength to deny that breathless, ragged plea. He entered her scalding hot sheath slowly-so tight she robbed him of breath and reason. Her cool skin was in such contrast to his heat, and yet deep inside, those snug velvet muscles were on fire, surrounding and gripping, slowly submitting to his invasion. The sensation was so exquisite he could barely bite out the next words in the ritual.

"Sivamet kuuluak kaik etta a ted." He took her body into his keeping for all time.

He could feel her surrounding him, squeezing and milking his cock, her muscles scorching and tight, strangling him with pleasure. He felt her barrier, thin, almost insubstantial. His fingers tightened around hers.

Take a breath. Breathe for me. He wanted only pleasure for her, not even a small bite of pain. He surged forward, making her his, burying his body deep inside hers. He swallowed her gasp and stayed still, allowing her body to adjust to the invasion of his. To him, she was a haven of pleasure.

Her heart found the rhythm of his. Her hips moved, a small telling sign that she wanted, even needed more. Only then did he begin to move, a slow pull to the very verge of her entrance and then burying himself in a long, equally slow assault on both of them.

Tatijana moaned softly, her hips rising to meet his, urging him to move faster. He kept the pace slow and languid, savoring every moment of being inside her.

"Ainaak olenszal sivambin." Her life would be cherished by him for all time. He meant those words. She was his miracle and she always would be.

He found the longer he was in her, that exquisitely tight sheath creating such friction as her muscles clung and dragged over his shaft, it was becoming increasingly harder to concentrate. Her hands stroked his hair, his back. Nails dug into him, sharp little pinpoints of pain that only added to the pleasure building, always building. Her breathless moans and soft little pleas seemed music like none other than he’d ever heard.

"Te elidet ainaak pide minan. Your life will be placed above my own for all time," Fen said softly. How could that not be the truth? She was everything to him, with her sweet body and generous heart. Even more, she was a warrior in every sense of the word, unafraid and willing to enter into a life, that of both Lycan and Carpathian, knowing fully the danger they would always be in.

As if reading his mind-and she probably was-her teeth sank deep. His entire body shuddered with erotic pleasure. Through his telepathic connection with her, he felt a scorching hot burn traveling through veins and arteries and spreading to every organ. His blood merging with hers-the most basic and sacred of all rituals between lifemates. His body reacted with a hard surge forward.

"Te avio palafertiilam. You are my lifemate." He had been so certain it would be best to protect his lady from becoming the Sange rau, yet he had never considered the actual bond between lifemates. He couldn’t imagine continuing without her. Why should their bond be less for her?

Flames moved through him, over him. He could have sworn that the entire meadow was on fire, yet Tatijana’s skin remained cool to the touch. That sensation of fire and ice added to the scorching heat sheathing his heavy erection. The night air played over his body and overhead the moon bathed them both in beams of light. He couldn’t have asked for a more perfect moment.

Ainaak sivamet jutta oleny. The whisper filled his mind, moved to hers. "You are bound to me for all eternity."

They had been bound together long before he invoked the ritual words imprinted on him before his birth. She enhanced everything in his life, made every moment that much richer and more vibrant. More, there was the solace of her sweet body, a refuge when the world around him didn’t make sense.

Tatijana used her tongue to seal the small pinpricks in his neck and slowly opened her eyes. His heart leapt, and then shuddered in his chest. Those multifaceted eyes glowed at him, brilliant emeralds, glazed with desire. She had never been more beautiful.

"Ainaak terad vigyazak. You are always in my care."

With the ritual binding completed, Fen could concentrate on every nuance, every pleasure point in Tatijana’s body. He wanted this night to be engraved in her mind for all time, just as it would always be in his. He took his time, holding her hips rigid, so that she was unable to move as he surged in and out of her body, sheathing himself over and over in her tight channel. Nothing could have been more pleasurable.
