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Dark Lycan

Dark Lycan (Dark #24)(66)
Author: Christine Feehan

"It’s all about energy with Lycans. When a pack hunts, they can’t have much success if prey knows they’re coming for them, so they’ve evolved to mask their energy," Fen explained. "Unfortunately, during the week cycle of the full moon, it’s impossible. The pull is too strong on Lycans. I’m Lycan enough that the effect is the same for me. My energy feels different to the Lycans and if I’m in close proximity, they know immediately what I am."

"That’s why you wanted Tatijana to warn MaryAnn and Manolito," Gregori said. "You knew they wouldn’t know any of this and if they came across Lycans during a full moon, they’d immediately be targeted for death."

"I have evolved as the Sange rau . . ."

"The Han ku pesak kaikak," Tatijana and Mikhail corrected simultaneously. "Guardian of all." They looked at one another and smiled.

"I have evolved as the Han ku pesak kaikak, Guardian of all," Fen corrected, "over centuries. For warriors to choose to become a Guardian, thinking they will be able to fight the existing Sange rau, is ludicrous. It takes centuries to build the speed and understand the gifts. Not to mention, if they have no lifemate, the danger to their soul increases every passing year."

Mikhail nodded. "I think I have enough information to come to some decisions that will guide our people as well as help me persuade the Lycan council to agree to stop the hunt for those who are Han ku pesak kaikak-Guardians of all, rather than Sange rau. Once I determine our course of action, I’ll call a meeting here in these sacred chambers with as many of our warriors as possible to let them know what we are up against."

Gregori nodded, but he didn’t look happy about it.

"Word will be sent to MaryAnn and Manolito. Once I contact Zev and ask for a meeting with the Lycan council, if they agree, I’ll call in our warriors to be here for that summit." Mikhail gave a slight bow, a gesture of respect toward Fen. "Thank you for coming today and allowing me the opportunity to learn."

"My lifemate, Tatijana, has sworn her allegiance to her prince. My brother, Dimitri, has as well," Fen said. "Although my blood is no longer Carpathian, my heart and my soul are. I would swear allegiance to my prince, if he would choose to accept me as I am."

"You are and always will be Carpathian first," Mikhail said. "I would be honored to have you among my warriors."

The hum in the crystals began again, swelling in volume, each tuned to a perfect note. Colors swirled, the deeper hues of dark reds and purples, as if the ancestors still were a little confused as to what Fenris really was, but were in agreement with his decision to swear allegiance to the prince; after all, they did recognize he had served their people with honor for centuries.

Fen opened the vein in his wrist and held the offering out to Mikhail. "I offer my life for our people. I pledge my loyalty to them through our blood bond."

Mikhail, Gregori cautioned.

He is one of us.

His blood isn’t. I’ll take his blood.

Mikhail’s eyes darkened even more, and Gregori stepped back reluctantly.

Mikhail took the offered wrist, accepting the blood bond with Fen. He closed the wound carefully and gave Fen a slight bow. "As vessel of our people, I accept your sacrifice."

You could be the most stubborn man alive, Gregori hissed. There are times I’d like to lock you in a dungeon and throw away the key.

Mikhail’s laughter was soft in Gregori’s mind. My daughter would not be very happy that her husband has such thoughts.

You can’t play the Savannah card whenever you want. Seriously, Mikhail, I’m responsible for your safety and you refuse to listen to me.

Mikhail sighed. I listen. I always take what you say under careful consideration before I make my decisions, Gregori. I don’t try to make your job more difficult but I still have to go with my instincts. Fenris Dalka will be a huge asset to our people. I know he has a place in our future. The ancestors know it as well.

Fen wrapped his arm around Tatijana. He knew no one else had really noticed the instinctual move on Gregori’s part to stop Mikhail from taking his blood. He couldn’t blame Gregori. The more he was around Mikhail, the more respect he had for the man. The fate of an entire species rested on Mikhail’s shoulders. He was thoughtful, intelligent and his own man-a bodyguard like Gregori’s worst nightmare.

Fen was absolutely certain there had been an exchange between the two men, although neither Dimitri nor Tatijana seemed to notice. His awareness was extremely heightened and he’d felt a small current of energy going back and forth between the two men. He shouldn’t have felt anything. They were used to communicating telepathically and had centuries of experience. Psychic communication was effortless for them.

Fen let out his breath slowly, not wanting to alert or alarm Gregori. They were deep beneath the Earth in the most sacred of caves, surrounded by the spirits of their ancestors, all warriors who would protect Mikhail, and he was aware of a telepathic conversation between the prince and his most trusted man. That was not good. If he’d been guessing, that would have been one thing, but Fen knew, and that meant he was still evolving. He would have to tell either Gregori or the prince at some point, but not here, not where he couldn’t sufficiently protect Dimitri and Tatijana should the ancestors suddenly withdraw their acceptance.

What’s wrong? Tatijana asked. She stroked a caress through his mind.

Instantly he felt peace stealing into him. He couldn’t change what he was and she accepted him, problems and all. I’ve got you, my lady, there can be nothing wrong.

She laughed softly in his mind, filling him with that strange emotion he now thought of as joy. Have I told you this rising that I am madly in love with you and you’re clearly the most beautiful woman in the world? Because if I haven’t, it is very remiss of me.

You covered that nicely when we were feeding this evening. Remember? You picked me up and we made love? In case you’ve managed to forget that, I wrapped my legs around your waist and hooked my ankles so I wouldn’t fall and just lowered myself right over you. Nice and slow. Is it coming back to you? Her voice smoldered, as sultry as ever.

There was no forgetting any moment of making love to her. He preferred to have that experience as often as possible. It would be impossible to forget, my lady. It’s burned into my soul.

Vikirnoff waved his hand in front of Fen’s face. "Are you still with us? Mikhail takes a little blood, and you’re turning pale."

"He doesn’t look pale to me," Dimitri drawled. "He looks a little overheated."

Fen sent his brother a fierce scowl, but Dimitri didn’t look at all intimidated.
