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Dark Lycan

Dark Lycan (Dark #24)(84)
Author: Christine Feehan

"You have my word, my lady. The moment I suspect, you will know."

She put her arms around his neck and leaned into him, needing to feel how solid and strong he was. "I know both of you are worried about what the change in your blood will do to a woman and our future children, but in this moment, I’m grateful both of you have the mixed blood. And Dimitri"-she turned in Fen’s arms to look directly into Dimitri’s eyes-"I guarantee you, Skyler would feel exactly the same way."

Dimitri nodded. "I’m certain of it. Let’s do this, Fen."

His form shimmered and he took to the sky streaking for the mist that veiled the top of the mountain.

Fen sighed. "You be careful, Tatijana. Don’t think because you’re in dragon form that you’re safe from him. If Bardolf is here and he realizes you’re out there circling around, looking for his trail, he could attack you."

"You do your job, I’ll do mine. Believe me, even the outside of Xavier’s mountain will have a few traps," she cautioned. "Try not to trigger any of them."

He leaned down and kissed her upturned lips, shifting as he pulled back.

He followed his brother up the steep, snow-topped mountain and into the veil of mist. The mountains looked peaceful, ringed as they were with the swirling, dense fog, but the upper peaks were inhospitable. Very little plant life managed to grow amid the boulders and rocks, just a few scraggly flowers and grasses. Above the boulders was the glacier itself.

The locals knew to avoid the peaks, and the few travelers ignoring the mountain’s warnings often were victims of falling rocks or avalanches. The mountain trembled and rumbled continually when anyone set foot on those upper peaks hidden within the white veil of mist.

Fen felt the energy concealed inside the bank of fog itself. No wind ever disturbed it or blew it away. The swirling veil acted like a force field of sorts that made anyone approaching the peaks uneasy. Things moved subtly in the dense fog. Shapes. Nothing substantial, but Fen could make out various threats. Voices echoed those threats, warning any and all to stay away.

Fen had seen such things many times in his travels. Xavier had been the father of all safeguards and this one was classic. It was meant for any species exploring the mountain. The first layer would simply make anyone coming close uneasy. Most turned back right there. If that didn’t succeed and an explorer kept coming, actually walking around the entrances to the maze of caves, voices would begin to be heard, warnings, and if that failed, traps would be sprung.

"Anything?" he asked Dimitri.

Neither set foot on the mountain, but rather floated along its side to study the ground for tracks, for anything at all that might tell them Bardolf had come this way.

"Maybe. It’s small, but he was Lycan. He has skills. Take a look over here." Dimitri indicated a rock that was smashed with others piled high around it. "This entrance was closed by our people a short while back, but in closing this, the area next to it was pushed up. See right there where those small flowers are growing."

Dimitri moved closer, almost crouching as he peered down. Fen moved up beside him to see the struggling flowers growing in the cracks of the rocks scattered all over the ground. He spotted the small telltale sign Dimitri had. One tiny flower and a leaf had been crushed by something heavy as it passed.

"Pretty slim," Fen said.

"Very," Dimitri agreed.

They both looked at the pushed-up rocks, which could have been used to form a cave.

"He’s in there," Fen said.

"I’m certain of it," Dimitri agreed. "Let’s go get him."

Tatijana, we think he’s made himself a cave up here, off to the side of the entrance to Xavier’s cave. We’re going to check it out.

I’ll join you.

She didn’t hesitate. Clearly she’d made up her mind that she could face her prison.

"She’s a strong woman," Dimitri said.

"She’s Dragonseeker. I expect nothing less of her," Fen admitted.

He took the lead, keeping his feet from touching the mountain, careful not to brush up against a boulder. When they got to the newly formed cave’s entrance, he shifted to mist. In that form he could move through the air without fear of triggering any trap.

The entrance had been artificially widened, but not by much. Bardolf could shift just as any Carpathian could, but clearly he preferred his wolf or human form. He found a lair and he’d covered the entrance just enough that if anyone got through the veil of mist, they might not notice his cave. The rocks scattered around on the ground helped to camouflage the cave.

Fen slipped into the cave itself. It was dark and much colder than any wolf would like. He knew the moment he entered that Bardolf had been there. His scent was everywhere. The small space reeked of him.

Fen went all the way to the back of the cave-and it was small. It seemed to dead-end. That didn’t feel right to Fen. No self-respecting Lycan would ever get caught with no way out.

He’s here somewhere. I know he is. Fen felt him. As if they were connected. Maybe by the blood, or the battles, but he felt him-and Bardolf was close by.

He has to have an escape route, Dimitri said. We’ll find it.

The three of them inspected every inch of the cave walls and ceiling. It was Fen who found that incongruous little crack that ran from the floor midway through the cave up about knee-high. He came back to it twice, drawn not by the crack itself, but the feel of it.

It’s here. But this wall is the outside wall to Xavier’s cave, he cautioned.

If he found Xavier’s caves, Dimitri said, he won’t be able to resist exploring. He’s a wolf, and if he sees any weapons, he’ll definitely try to figure out how to use them.

He’ll trigger traps in there if he hasn’t already, Tatijana said.

Fen had no choice but to shift enough to allow his hand to run over the crack. His acute senses told him there was a way to trigger the opening, but how? He moved his palm slowly up and down. It would have to be fast, no safeguard to keep anyone out on this side. Bardolf would want to come and go without trouble.

Tatijana leaned over him and studied the entrance. This opens to the tone of his voice. Can you re-create the sound? You’ve both heard him. Just say "open," but only if you can get his exact pitch.

You’re good at pitch, Fen, Dimitri encouraged. And you knew him before he turned wolf/vampire.

Fen pulled up the memory of Bardolf’s voice, listened intently and then tried. "Open."

The crack obeyed, separating without a sound. Of course Bardolf would need his escape hatch to be completely silent. Icy cold air blew into the cave, swamping them with a bitter chill. Fen went through first. They didn’t need the light as all of them were able to see in dark, but Bardolf had used torches to light the way.
