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Dark Lycan

Dark Lycan (Dark #24)(88)
Author: Christine Feehan

Spinning Bardolf to face him, he slammed the silver stake in his fist straight through the heart. Lifting his hand, he caught the sword Dimitri threw to him and in one motion, sliced through the neck, so that the Sange rau’s head rolled onto the shifting floor.

At once the fire spiders leapt on that as well, covering the head until there was only a sea of moving spiders and fiery flames and Bardolf was swallowed beneath them.

"We have to go fast," Tatijana said.

She stuck her arm into the web and Branislava did so as well. A narrow opening appeared. Both men shifted and streamed through. The women shifted as well and all four moved through the chambers as fast as possible until they came to the lava tube, their only exit.

Whatever evil had been awakened below them had roused the creatures inside the tube. They could hear the bats squeaking in alarm.

We have no choice, Fen said.

Tatijana and Branislava looked at one another. Their hands went up simultaneously. Spiders, spiders of crystal ice, spin your web of strongest light. Spin and dance, surround and form, prevent these creatures from doing us harm.

Tiny white spiders swarmed up the tube, spinning crystalline silk, all the way up the cylinder in one continuous web of light. The inside of the tube began to glow as the spiders spun and danced, more and more slipping out of cracks to join in a glorious display of shocking light. The creatures couldn’t stand the light and wailed, moving back hastily into their dens.

Quick, the effects won’t last long, but Bronnie says they can’t see when the light is so bright. We have to hurry, Tatijana advised.

Fen went first. As he rose, he could see into the darker holes where the creatures resided. Bits of bone and fur and dark blood stained the entryways and walls inside the honeycombed dwellings. He streamed past, knowing speed mattered this time, not finesse.

Tatijana followed close behind him and Branislava was on her heels. Dimitri brought up the rear. The moment they were all out, Fen and his brother both turned back to lean over the tube. Already the light was fading and the bats began to swarm up the tube after their prey.

Fen and Dimitri together waved their hands and murmured a firm command.

"Go, run. The moment you’re out, get in the air fast and away from here," Fen snapped.

The women didn’t argue; both streaked through the narrow tunnel back to Bardolf’s cave and then out into the open air. They leapt straight up, shifting as they did, the two dragons banking and then, wings flapping hard, shooting out of the mist.

Fen and Dimitri followed them, practically on their heels. Behind them, the world blew apart. The lava tube detonated, a fiery blast that shook the entire mountain. The shock waves from the explosion followed them through the caves, blowing a hole just to the side of Bardolf’s chosen lair.

Fen and Dimitri flung themselves skyward, shifting as they did. The concussion sent both of them reeling through the air and out of the mist as if the mountain threw them away. Tatijana raced back, her dragon diving beneath Fen, while Branislava managed to seat Dimitri on her fire dragon.

I’m ready for a long sleep in the ground again, Branislava said. Your adventures are very exciting, but too much of a good thing is exhausting.

Fen had to agree with her.

Chapter 18

Fen wrapped his arm around Tatijana. Branislava was safely beneath the earth, well fed and ready for sleep. Dimitri’s wound had been attended to. He’d been given blood and he, too, was in the ground rejuvenating. Tatijana and Fen walked through the forest-their favorite place-and just breathed in the crisp air. He knew she’d been traumatized all over again entering the ice caves and he didn’t want her to go to ground until they had talked it out.

He stirred her toward a spot where a series of natural pools had developed. The sound of water was calming and he knew the night sky would help to make her feel less claustrophobic. Going to a place of such natural beauty with waterfalls and pools, so entirely different than her prison had been, he hoped would ease the tension from her. He knew she was drawn by the sound and feel of water. He wanted to turn the rest of the night into something beautiful to erase what had come before.

"You were amazing," he said, meaning it. "I know you were frightened."

"Anyone would be afraid, knowing the traps and the hideous creatures locked away in that mountain," Tatijana said, "but more, I was sickened. I couldn’t believe how nauseated I was. My stomach was in knots and a couple of times the smell actually made me gag. I locked away most of those memories so I could survive."

"I’m sorry our fight with Bardolf led us to the ice caves," he said as gently as he could. He tightened his arm around her shoulders. "I know I’ve got a lot of rough edges, Tatijana. You deserve a man who is gentle and always considerate, but know that I love you above all else and I will do anything to make you happy." He regretted that he hadn’t figured out a way to keep her out of Xavier’s labyrinth of evil. He’d brought all those terrible memories crashing down on her. Where Branislava took to the ground, allowing the healing soil to keep the trauma at bay, Tatijana embraced the night, needing the freedom of the open air.

Tatijana frowned up at him. She lifted one hand to trace the lines in his face. "Why would you think I would want any other? Your words are sweet enough when I need to hear them. I feel surrounded by your love, enveloped in it and I need no one else. I chose to go back to that cave with you. It was my choice, and I appreciate that you understood it had to be my choice. More than anything, Fen, I fell in love with that trait in you. You let me be me."

He took her deeper into the forest, listening for every sound. He wanted them safe and after the hunt for the werewolves, he was certain they would be. Branislava had found another unit of sixteen and Zev and the others had wiped them out. Abel was slowly losing his army. He would be much more wary of sacrificing his pawns until he had a concrete plan to carry out his mission.

More and more, Fen feared that Abel was working with someone else-someone far away. It would be rare for a master vampire to take orders from another, and in spite of being the Sange rau that Abel was.

"Where are we going?" Tatijana asked as he lifted her over a fallen tree trunk covered in moss. "I’ve never been out this way."

"I’m glad. I wanted to surprise you."

Already the sound of the falls was beginning to be heard. She turned her head toward it. "A waterfall? I had no idea."

He felt the lightness in her heart lift away some of the shadows pressing down on her. "A series of waterfalls. They fall into natural pools. Two of the pools are fed from underground springs that are hot. The others are very cold."
