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Dark Lycan

Dark Lycan (Dark #24)(94)
Author: Christine Feehan

When she lifted her head, Fen smiled at her. He traced her mouth with the pad of his fingers. "My turn," he said abruptly and catching her in his arms, rolled her beneath him.

She couldn’t help the little thrill that burst through her. He was so strong, his body fit and hard, yet he never hurt her. Fen repeated her actions, exploring every inch of her, but she was certain he was far more thorough than she had been, he had her squirming and mewling like a kitten, her hips bucking at times when he used his tongue and teeth on her most sensitive nerve endings. He paid no attention, but took his time, making certain he didn’t miss a single spot.

He pulled her to her hands and knees, wrapping his arm around her waist and jerking her body back into him as he knelt up behind her. His hands massaged her buttocks, his finger slipping into her to make certain she was ready for him.

The position allowed him to go even deeper, to take her harder and faster. He started slow and gentle, giving her body time to get used to his invasion as he almost always did. Her sheath always seemed reluctant at first, so tight she strangled his cock, but then opening for him like a sensitive flower to allow his deeper penetration.

He seemed to know without words what she needed and he pounded into her, showing no mercy, taking her up fast and hard and then stopping just before her release. Over and over he built the tension, stretching them both out on a torturous rack of pleasure until she was nearly sobbing. Still he was relentless. Merciless.

Fen waited for her pleas. The chanting of his name. The music that always accompanied their lovemaking. He didn’t stop until he heard it, surging deep, his cock swelling gloriously, while her feminine sheath gripped and milked him. He heard his own hoarse cry blending with hers as jet after jet of hot seed filled her. The ripples went from her core to her breasts and down her thighs, the aftershocks nearly as strong as the orgasm itself and he felt them all, merged deep as he was in her mind.

Fen leaned over her, wrapping his arms around her waist and nuzzling her back. "There is no better way to wake up, my lady, than with you like this."

Tatijana didn’t say anything at all, but he felt her heavy sorrow pressing down on him.

Very gently, reluctantly, he withdrew, pulling her back onto his lap. She wouldn’t look at him and he had to grip her chin and turn her face up to his. There were tears on her face. "I will not die. I know you’re afraid, but I will not die."

"I have a terrible feeling of dread." She traced her finger over the faint image of the dragon over her ovary. "Sometimes, I know something bad is going to happen before it does. I don’t know what, but when I woke, I could barely breathe."

"I will not die," he reiterated. "I have battled the vampire for centuries and I have sustained many mortal wounds. It could very well happen again in this fight with Abel, but I survived without my lifemate. How much easier will it be for me this time? You are Dragonseeker. Mother Earth has accepted me as her son. We have Gregori close, a great healer, and young Skyler, who we both know is exceptional. I do not fear this. I don’t want you to be afraid either."

Fen brushed at the tears on her face, and then leaned down to take one into his mouth, tasting her fear.

Tatijana knelt up in front of him, taking his face between both hands. "You are everything to me, and know this, wolf man. Should you go into the next life, I will follow. Look for me only minutes behind. I will not give you up."

"There will be no need. Unless you see my body and know I am dead, do not even consider such a thing," he cautioned. "I’ve come back from wounds worse than Dimitri’s. The wolf in me is strong and regenerates fast."

Tatijana sat back on her heels. "Like the Sange rau. Abel can regenerate very fast, can’t he? Like everything else it speeds up with the length of time you’ve been a mixed blood."

Fen wasn’t surprised that she was aware Abel would be a far cry from Bardolf. "True. But silver will still kill him. I just have to figure out where he set up his lair."

"I woke you early so you would have time to prepare," Tatijana admitted. "And feed from a Carpathian ancient, one with pure line. I will give you my blood, but seek out Jacques Dubrinsky. You need to be as strong as possible."

She stood up, clothing herself as she did so, but she left the candles burning. "This is a circle of protection. I was careful setting it up and as long as you’re in it, no harm can come to you. More, if you and Dimitri use this circle to figure out what Abel might do and where he might be, no other can accidentally overhear words, thoughts or telepathy."

As frightened as she was for him, she had still taken the time to give him such a gift. He stood up as well, clothing himself, his hair tied back with a cord, his boots and long coat ready for war. He called his weapons to him, a multitude of silver stakes slipping into the loops made for them, as well as a long sword. He didn’t bother with gloves as he had no intention of running into any member of the pack. Instead, he coated his hands and arms with sealant as Dimitri had.

My brother-kin. Let us come together with a battle plan. Fen wasted no time at all waking his brother.

Tatijana stepped close to him and offered him her neck, sweeping back the long length of hair. Her arms went around his head, bringing it down to the warmth of her neck and throat where he nuzzled her.

"Take what you need, Fenris Dalka, and come home to your lifemate."

"I will take that as a command, my lady," he said.

She smelled so good. He’d just had her, but that woodsy scent, fresh honey and rain aroused him all over again. He folded her into his arms and took her offering without hesitation. He was already addicted to her taste, and Dragonseeker blood would be invaluable in his pursuit of the enemy. For a moment, he lost himself in the sensual, intimate act of taking his lifemate’s blood, but still, he was aware the moment Dimitri approached.

He closed the small wound on her neck and held her a moment longer. Tatijana smiled up at him, waved at Dimitri and shifted, using a small wolf to move through the forest to the edge of the village where she would find sustenance.

Fen wrapped her up in warmth, pouring his love of her into her mind for a moment, before he had to turn his attention to business.

"She made us a protection circle," Dimitri said as he stepped inside. He was dressed very similar to Fen, his weapons concealed but easily accessed.

"She’s worried and wanted us to be as safe as possible. We’re going to have to remember at all times we have more than one enemy. Should the pack become aware of what we are, they will turn on us," Fen cautioned.
