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Dark Storm

Dark Storm (Dark #23)(104)
Author: Christine Feehan

That fast the amusement was gone as the next brutal wave took her, robbing her of breath, nearly tearing her out of his arms as her body locked rigid, nearly breaking her bones.

She was a child of the earth and he was counting heavily on that. He carried her to the open soil and floated them both down, placing her body in the cool dirt. Instantly the whispers started, female voices, soothing, reaching.

The Old One subsided, but Dax felt him reaching, touching the only thing he could-Riley’s soul. The threads binding Riley to Dax stretched to include the soul of the Old One.

Be certain, Dax cautioned, shocked at the generosity of the old dragon. His time had passed, yet he had given his soul to Dax to aid in destroying evil. Now he was including Riley in that decision, offering his soul to her as well to get her through her journey into the Carpathian world.

I am certain. She is worthy of you. She can call me forth when she needs me. The fire dragon was fierce about it. Dax and Riley were his. He would defend them with everything he was.

Binding Riley’s soul to his, the Old One wrapped himself in her, trying to do what Dax couldn’t-help to heal her faster. The soft whispers in the earth grew in volume. Dax noted Riley became calmer, the lines etched into her face easing as the voices soothed and the Old One pushed her organs to greater speed.

With one horrible wheezing gasp, one death rattle in her throat, one last wave of excruciating pain, the convulsions subsided. Riley was very still for a moment, and then she turned to him, her eyes wide, haunted. Exhaustion was on her face, a fine sheen of sweat dampening her body. Tiny droplets of blood beaded on her forehead and trickled down her body.

"Childbirth better not be this hard," she whispered. "Or you’re doing it."

He forced a smile. His mouth felt stiff. Even his jaw hurt. He kissed her hand, afraid of touching anything else. "That’s a deal. I’m sending you to sleep now. It’s safe. I’ll be with you every moment."

As will I, the Old One assured.

I’m holding you in my arms, Annabel whispered.

You are safe, the female voices added.

"I love you, Dax," she whispered. "Thank you, Old One. You’ve given me a great gift." She managed a small smile. Incredibly, her eyes were lit up with love when she looked at him. "I’m tired."

For a moment, his throat was so clogged he could barely speak. He swallowed the lump. "When you wake, you’ll be fully in my world."

Dax curled his body around Riley’s as he sent her into a deep sleep, his arms wrapped tight around her as the rich, healing soil poured over them. The safeguards were in place, and the Old One was on the watch. Mitro was dead and Arabejila could be at peace. He buried his face in the wealth of blue-black silk and inhaled her scent one last time before he succumbed to the sleep of his people. Life was good.
