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Darkness Avenged

Darkness Avenged (Guardians of Eternity #10)(2)
Author: Alexandra Ivy

“When was the last time you got laid?”

The air temperature dropped by several degrees.

“We’re so not going to discuss this,” he snarled, his voice pitched low enough it wouldn’t carry. Despite the earsplitting music, there were demons present who could hear a freaking pin drop a mile away. “Especially not in front of an audience.”

Foolishly ignoring his don’t-fuck-with-me vibes, Tonya planted her hands on her full hips. “I’ve tried to discuss it in private, but you keep shutting me down.”

“Because it’s none of your damned business.”

“It is when your foul mood begins affecting the club.”

His fangs throbbed. “Don’t press me.”

“If I don’t, who will?” The female refused to back down, the words she had clearly longed to fling at him for days at last bursting past her lips. “You prowl through the halls snapping at everyone who is stupid enough to cross your path. I’ve had six waitresses and two bouncers quit in the past month.”

His jaw hardened with a stubborn refusal to admit she was right. If he did . . .

Well, that would mean he’d have to admit he had been neutered.

Not only sexually, although that was god-awful enough to admit. After all, he was a vampire. His appetite for sex was supposed to be insatiable.

But his general lust for life . . .

Suddenly his enjoyment of pursuing beautiful women and spending time with his clan brothers was replaced by a gnawing frustration. And his pride in running a club that was infamous throughout the demon world was replaced by an itch that he couldn’t scratch.

It was something he was trying to ignore under the theory that it was like a bad hangover—something you suffered through and forgot as soon as the next party came along.

“Hire more,” he growled.

Her eyes narrowed. “Easy for you to say.”

“Hey, you know where the door—”

“I’m not done,” she interrupted him.

His dark brows pulled together in a warning scowl. “Imp, you’re pissing on my last nerve.”

“And that’s my point.” She pointed a finger toward the belligerent crowd that continued to eyeball one another with the threat of violence. “This mood of yours is not only infecting the employees, but the patrons as well. Every night we’re a breath away from a riot.”

He snorted, folding his arms over his wide chest. “I run a demon club that caters to blood, sex, and violence. What do you expect? Line dancing, gin fizzes, and karaoke?”

“The atmosphere is always aggressive, but in the past few weeks it’s been explosive. We’ve had more fights lately than we’ve had in the past two years.”

“Haven’t you heard the news? We’re celebrating the defeat of the Dark Lord,” he tried to bluster. “A new beginning . . . blah, blah, blah.”

Like a dog with a bone, Tonya refused to let it go. “Does that look like celebrating?” Once again she stabbed her finger toward the seething crowd. “Your frustration is contaminating everyone.”

Santiago couldn’t argue. The club wasn’t Disneyland, but it wasn’t usually a bloodbath.

At least not unless you were stupid enough to join in the cage matches.

“So what are you suggesting?”

“You have two options.” Tonya offered a tight smile. “Go kill something, or f**k it. Hell, do both.”

He snorted. “Are you offering?”

“I would if I thought it would do any good,” she admitted bluntly. “As it is . . .” Her words trailed away as she gave a lift of her hand, gesturing toward a distant corner.


“I have something more suitable to your current taste in females.”

Santiago wasn’t sure what he expected. Maybe twin imps. He’d always had a weakness for matched sets. Twinning . . .

Or maybe a Harpy in heat.

Nothing was more certain to distract a man than a week of incessant, no-holds-barred, balls-aching sex.

Instead a female vampire stepped from the shadows.

“Mierda,” he hissed in shock.

Not because the woman was stunning. That was a given. All vampire females were drop-dead gorgeous.

But this one had an eerie familiarity with her long black hair and dark eyes, which contrasted so sharply with her pale skin.


No, not Nefri, a voice whispered in the back of his mind. Her face was more angular and the approaching female was lacking the regal aloofness that shrouded the real Nefri.

Not to mention a lack of kick-ass power that would have all of them reeling beneath the impact of her presence.

But she was close enough to make his gut twist into painful knots.

“Will she do?” Tonya murmured.

“Get rid of her,” he commanded, his voice thick.

Tonya frowned in confusion. “What?”

“Get rid of her. Now!”

Spinning on his heel, he headed toward the stairs leading out of the lower levels.

He had to get out.

“Santiago,” Tonya called behind him. “Goddammit.”

The crowd parted beneath the force of his icy power, most of them scrambling out of his way with a gratifying haste as he climbed the stairs and entered the lobby.

Not that he noticed.

He was way too busy convincing himself that his retreat was nothing more than anger at Tonya’s interference.

As if he needed the fey prying into his sex life. She was supposed to be his assistant, not his pimp. If he wanted a damned female he could get one himself. Hell, he could get a dozen.

And not one of them would be some pitiful substitute for the aggravating, infuriating, impossible female who had simply abandoned him to return behind the Veil….

“Trouble in paradise, mi amigo?”

It was a testament to just how distracted he was that he was nearly across the marble floor of the lobby and he hadn’t noticed the vampire standing near the door to his office.


If he could miss the current Anasso (the ultimate King of All Vampires), then his head was truly up his ass.

Styx was a six-foot-five Aztec warrior dressed in black leather with a sword strapped to his back big enough to carve through a full-blooded troll. And of course, there was his massive power that pulsed through the air like sonic waves.

It would be easier, and certainly less dangerous, to overlook an erupting volcano.

“Perfect,” he muttered, regarding his unexpected guest’s bronzed face. His visage had been carved on lean, arrogant lines emphasized by his dark hair, which was pulled into a tight braid that fell nearly to the back of his knees. He didn’t look like he was there to party. Which meant he wanted something from Santiago. Never a good thing. “Could this night get any better?” he muttered.
