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Darkness Revealed

Darkness Revealed (Guardians of Eternity #4)(5)
Author: Alexandra Ivy

The night her entire life had changed…

Chapter 2

London, 1814

Anna gave a small scream as she was jerked into the dark bedchamber and the door slammed behind her.

“Do you seek something, querida?” A soft voice drifted on the night air. An accented voice that sent a strange shiver over her skin. “Or is it someone?”

“Conde Cezar?”

“Yes, it is I.”

Anna stumbled back into the wall, cursing her damnable luck. How the devil had she managed to muck up something so simple as keeping track of her cousin?

Not only did she not know where Morgana had gone, but she had managed to get caught by the one man who disturbed her in a manner she could not entirely comprehend.

“You…you frightened me. I did not realize anyone was here.”

“No?” A candle blazed to life, revealing the dark, impossibly handsome gentleman as he moved to stand directly before her. “Then you did not deliberately follow me here from the ballroom?”

A flush stained her cheeks, as much from his proximity as from embarrassment. Despite nearing her six-and-twentieth birthday she had yet to have a gentleman pay her attention. And certainly none at such proximity.

It was…

Terrifyingly wonderful.

She sternly jerked her thoughts from such dangerous matters. “Of course not. I…I was searching for a maid to help mend a tear in my hem.”

“So you are a liar as well as a sneak.” Without warning he planted his hands on the wall, one on each side of her head, effectively trapping her. “Hardly attractive qualities in a young maiden. Tis no wonder you find yourself alone in dark corners while the other ladies have their pleasure in the arms of handsome suitors.”

She sucked in a sharp breath, wishing she had not when her senses became clouded by his sandalwood scent.

“How dare you?”

He chuckled softly and then brazenly lowered his head to brush his cheek over hers. “Quite easily.”

Dear heaven above. Anna shuddered as her entire body reacted to his touch. What was happening to her? Why did her lower stomach feel as if it were filled with butterflies? And why was her heart lurching against her ribs as if it wanted to leave her chest entirely?

“I am no liar.”

His lips touched a place just below her ear. “Then admit that you followed me.”

Something that might have been a whimper escaped her lips before she gathered what remained of her shattered composure.

“Fine. I followed you.”

He continued to nuzzle at her throat, almost as if he was tasting of her.


Anna struggled to think. “Because my aunt charged me to keep an eye upon my cousin, and when I noticed you slipping from the ballroom just moments after she claimed to be in need of the withdrawing room, I feared that the two of you had arranged a meeting.” Her lids slid downward as he discovered a particularly sensitive spot. Then, realizing his hands had left the wall to tug at the ribbons on the back of her gown, she forced herself to stiffen in protest. “And for your information, I remain in the dark corners because that is what is expected of poor relations.”

“Ah, so the mouse has teeth,” he mocked, giving her a light nip.

Anna gripped her skirts. It was that or grip the man who was tormenting her with those tiny, relentless kisses.

“I am no mouse.”

“No, you are quite right.” He pulled back to study her flushed countenance, his fingers tugging at the bodice of her gown to reveal the tight corset beneath. “You, querida, are far more a shrew.”

Anna was oblivious to the insult. Hardly surprising. She was alone in a bedchamber with a strange man, half naked, and while her mind was telling her to be terrified, her body was shivering as if she were wracked with fever.

For the first time in her life she was being seduced by a master. And she was helpless against the rising tide of passion.

“It is obvious that Morgana is not here,” she husked. “I must return to the ballroom.”

“You fear that your absence might be noted? That you might have rescued your cousin’s reputation only to sacrifice your own?”

“There is no one to notice if I am missing or not.”

Something dark and powerful stirred in the dark eyes. “Dangerous words,” he whispered.

Anna gave a strangled cry as her gown drifted to the floor and he reached to pluck the lace cap from her head.

“My lord. Stop that.”

He groaned as her hair tumbled down her back, his fingers running a restless path through the thick strands.

“Such beautiful hair when it is not being hidden under that ugly cap. The color of freshly spun honey.” He pulled on her curls, drawing her head backwards so he could bury his face in the curve of her neck. “You smell of sweet figs. What do you taste of?”

“My God,” she whispered as he once again wrapped his arms around her and she felt her corset being jerked off her body, followed swiftly by her thin shift. In the blink of an eye she was wearing nothing more than her stockings and heels.

“You should not have followed me, Anna. I had another who was to be my willing sacrifice, so eager to feed my needs. But you have intruded upon the game and now you must pay the penalty.”

“No.” Her hands lifted to push against his chest. Or at least she intended to push. It was not her fault if they instead slipped beneath his coat to stroke over the fine linen of his shirt. “Let me go, or…”

He nuzzled down her collarbone and over the swell of her br**sts. “Or what, my beautiful prey?”

Good Lord, she could not think past the potent pleasure that was swirling and shimmering through her body. In truth, she didn’t want to think past the pleasure. She wanted to drown in his touch, in the sensation of his lips suckling gently on her hard nipple, in the sandalwood scent that made her knees weak and her palms sweat.

“I…I swear I will scream,” she muttered.

He chuckled at her absurd threat. As well he should. After all, she was ripping at his shirt to feel the perfectly smooth skin beneath.

“I do not think you will scream, querida.” With a smooth motion he lifted her off her feet and wrapped her legs around his waist. His dark eyes smoldered with a wicked amusement. “Not unless it happens to be in pleasure.”

“Oh…” she breathed.

He stilled, one hand lifting to cup her face. “You are mine, Anna Randal. From this night forward you will belong to me.”

Anna sucked in a terrified breath as she watched his teeth lengthen into fangs. Dear Lord he was going to…
