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Deadly Game

Deadly Game (GhostWalkers #5)(66)
Author: Christine Feehan

A flash of disgust crossed his face. He stepped forward, one hand sliding down her face, touching the bruises there. “He didn’t get the job done, did he?”

Her stomach churned, a violent protest, but she stood her ground. “So you’re taking his place? You think you can force me to conceive so Whitney can have another toy to play with?” She leaned forward, lowering her voice. “What happened, Sean? I thought you were one of us.”

She knew the moment her breath warmed his skin that she’d made a terrible mistake. Whitney and his experiments with pheromones, along with pushing up the testosterone levels in the males, had created a dangerous, very explosive situation. He wanted aggressive soldiers and if he succeeded, he wanted children from those soldiers.

Sean reacted instantly to her scent, to the close proximity of her body. He wrapped his fingers around the nape of her neck and dragged her the scant inches separating them, his mouth coming down hard on hers. The cold metal of the rifle dug into her flesh as his fingertips dug into her skin.

She twisted her head out of the way, hands catching the rifle and jerking as her knee came up between his legs hard. Sean yanked her backward, off balance, spinning to the side to avoid her knee, whirling her around as he did so, his arm sliding beneath her chin in a choke hold.

Mari kept going, using her weight and momentum to put pressure on his arm, bending it away from her neck to try to get leverage against him. He had been trained in the same school as she had, and he was bigger and stronger. He knew exactly what her reaction would be and he was prepared for it. He wrapped his arm tighter and exerted pressure, succeeding in getting her in a headlock. Mari turned her head and bit him hard in the ribs, at the same time driving her thumb into the pressure point at the back of his knee. His leg buckled and he swore, folding in half quickly to keep from going down, dragging her with him, refusing to let go.

They ended up sprawled on the floor, Mari breathing hard, trying to ignore the pain shooting through her at the awkward position.

“Stop it, Mari,” he hissed. “I’m not turning into another Brett.” He leaned his weight on her, pinning her down.

She gathered her strength and was preparing to push him off of her, when the hall filled to a choking point with dark malevolence. The floor beneath them rippled and the walls around them undulated. Mari knew that presence and went very still beneath Sean, her heart pounding so hard she was afraid it might shatter. She knew that scent. That aura. The scent of his cunning malevolence. There was only one man that could make her stomach churn with such bile. Brett was coming.

“Sean.” She whispered the name in despair. Sean had been a good friend and now he had betrayed her. Brett was coming, and if he touched her, she would never be able to stop from silently screaming, from spilling out waves of energy at the revulsion she felt at his touch, and Ken would know, and he would come, and the escape she had so carefully planned with the other women would be impossible.

Sean moved fast, faster than she imagined possible, leaping to his feet, yanking her up, and thrusting her into her cell with one hand, while he slammed his palm against the lock with the other. The heavy metal door slid closed with a terrible clang, leaving her in shock, helpless to do anything but watch as the two men circled each other.

Chapter 14

Ken moved back into deeper shadow, his gaze steady on the guard. The man was certainly engrossed in his book, and that told Ken a lot about the situation at the compound. Working at a secret laboratory was slow, tedious work. No one really considered that they come under attack or that anyone might try to break in. Most of the compound was underground, so any lost or stray hunter would find the fence, a small airstrip, and a few outbuildings. No one had come near the place for years, and Whitney had some pretty sophisticated warning systems. Apparently, the guards had been too long without incident. They had grown lazy and bored. He watched as the guard put his book down, but not once did he do more than give a cursory look around before walking along the fence line.

Ken waited until he was gone before consulting with his brother. “I’m not going to be able to hold off much longer before going in after Mari, Jack. We have to get this done and fast.”

“You know we need better intel,” Jack said. “I’ve asked for satellite views of the entire compound as well as infrared camera images to time the movement of the men. We have to have exact schematics of the entire compound—the layout, the height of the fence, and Lily will need to find someone who put the underground buildings together, so we know what we’re facing before we expose the team to danger. This base is very deceptive.”

“It’s layers. The top layer is what the outside world sees.”

“Yes, a guarded facility with a few outbuildings and a landing strip. You’ve got to get Mari to tell you what’s belowground.”

“I already gave you what she told me. Four levels, Jack. It’s made of concrete, so we know there are going to be a few hollow places like we’ve found in the military bases. It isn’t as impregnable as Whitney would like.”

“Look, Ken, we can’t just storm in guns blazing. Clearly there are civilians working here, and Whitney has regular military soldiers mixed with his own personal army. I’d like to get the women and get out without anyone spotting us. The last thing we need to do is hit or get hit by a friendly.”

“As far as I’m concerned, anyone working at this place is fair game.”

“They’re soldiers obeying orders. They don’t have a clue Whitney is a madman. My guess is most of them have never seen him, talked to him, or even know he’s here. Their assignment is top secret, the location is, and they do their rotation and get the hell out when the opportunity presents itself.”

“You know, Jack, I really don’t give a damn. You know as well as I do that when you’ve spent time somewhere, you know what’s going on—and if you don’t, you hear the rumors and you guess. That guard didn’t give a damn if innocent women were being used for experimentation. And where the hell is the loyalty of the team Mari and the others trained with?”

Ken’s voice was turning to ice. His gray eyes were glacier cold. Jack chose his words carefully. “I agree these are all questions we need to answer, Ken, but not here. Our primary mission is a rescue. That’s why we’re here.”

“Someone has to take out Whitney. You know it’s got to be done, Jack.”

“Yeah, I know. I don’t want to be the one explaining it to Lily, though.” Jack took a slow swig of water and let it trickle down his throat, giving his brother a little more time. Jack had always been the one pushing for a quick answer, and the role reversal wasn’t comfortable. “We have a lot of work to do before we bring in the team. They’re standing by, Ken, so if we want to pull her out, we have to get to work. It’ll be completely dark in another half hour or so.”
