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Roxanol? Hanna pulled out her phone and did a quick Google search. Apparently Roxanol was another name for morphine. It would have been easy for Ali to up his dosage and make it look like malpractice.

She felt a hand on her arm. “Hey.”

Emily was dressed in rumpled black wool pants and a black V-neck sweater, and her red-gold hair was pulled off her makeup-free face, making her look scrubbed and young. She peered around the lobby. “Where are Aria and Spencer?”

“I don’t know.” Hanna slipped her phone back in her pocket. “I haven’t heard from them.”

Organ music began to play, and two clergymen lit candles at the front. Hanna and Emily shrugged at each other, then walked into the church and slid into seats halfway down the aisle. After she took off her jacket, Emily turned to Hanna. “Have you heard from A?”

Hanna shook her head. “But I told Mike.”

Emily widened her eyes. “What? Why?”

An old woman in front of them turned around and gave them a sharp look. “Because he guessed, okay?” Hanna whispered. “And honestly, I think doing nothing is ridiculous.”

“Do you think that, or does Mike?”

“Well, we both do. We talked about it a lot.” Which wasn’t exactly true—Hanna and Mike had done very little talking the day he’d guessed about A. Hanna allowed herself a moment to savor the delicious memory.

Then she turned back to Emily. “We might as well put targets on our backs to make it even easier for Ali and Helper A to kill us. I wish we could investigate this.”

Emily crossed her arms over her chest. “Be careful what you wish for.”

“What does that mean?”

The funeral goers mumbled a group-prayer response. Emily slid closer to Hanna. “I went to The Preserve yesterday.”

Hanna’s eyes lit up. “You asked about N?”

“I tried. They wouldn’t tell me anything. I tried to see Iris, too, but she’s disappeared.”

Hanna frowned. “She escaped?”

Emily shrugged. “It didn’t sound like it. I’m worried that Ali found out Iris helped us and did something to her. Especially after I got this.”

She passed over her phone. Hanna read the text. Everyone you involve in this will get hurt. Including YOU.

“Shit,” Hanna whispered.

“We have to stop digging,” Emily said. “No more asking questions—for real.”

“But what if it’s too late? Ali knows how much we know. We had that suspect list. And I had to hand over Kyla’s note to the cops.” Hanna had done it yesterday, although she doubted they’d connect it to Ali.

“Well, we don’t say anything else. We give up.”

Hanna set her jaw. “I don’t want to live in fear for the rest of my life! We can’t let Ali control us forever!”

Emily curled her fist. “Didn’t you see this text? Ali’s going to come for us next!”

“Girls!” The old woman turned around and faced them. Her eyes were a rheumy blue, and she wore a bedazzled pin of a cat on the lapel of her black dress. “Have some respect!”

Hanna ducked her head and rolled her eyes.

The organist began to loudly play “Ave Maria,” and Emily looked at Hanna again. “I really don’t think we should be talking about this right now.” She glanced around nervously. “What if Ali is here?”

When a hand touched her shoulder, Hanna jumped. A familiar police officer stood above her. It was Gates, the officer to whom she’d given Kyla’s note. For a moment, she thought he was here as a mourner, but he was staring at her so intensely. “Hanna.” He said it like a statement, not a question.

“Y-yes?” Hanna whispered.

Gates offered his arm. “You need to come with me.”

At the exact same time, a skinny, dark-haired man in an FBI jacket appeared behind him. He was looking at Emily. “And you, Miss Fields.”

People up and down the aisles stared. Emily nudged Hanna, and she staggered to her feet. Whispers swirled as she and Emily walked toward the nave. Pretty Little Liar. Noel Kahn. Alison DiLaurentis. Suicide pact.

Once the church doors shut, Hanna stared at Gates. “What’s going on? Does this have to do with the note about Noel?”

Gates led Hanna out the door. “No, Hanna. It’s not about that.” He sounded almost sad.

They stepped out onto the sidewalk. Cars on Market Street slowed to a crawl. The reporters looked surprised, then sprinted toward the girls. “What’s going on?” they shouted. “Is this because of Graham’s death?” “Are you girls the serial killers?” “Officer, what did these girls do?”

“No comment,” Gates growled, holding tightly to Hanna’s arm.

They stopped at a black sedan parked at the curb. It had a removable siren on the front, and the blue lights were whirling. The Rosewood Police vehicle was parked farther down the curb, the engine still running.

The FBI agent opened the door for Emily and pushed her inside. Gates was about to do the same when he realized that a pickup truck had blocked him in. “Damn it,” he cursed, looking around for the driver. No one came forward.

“Ride with us.” The FBI agent walked hurriedly to the front seat of the sedan. “We’re going to the same place, anyway.”

Gates nodded, then gestured for Hanna to get into the back with Emily. She slid onto the leather seat. Gates slumped in the passenger seat and slammed the door as the car pulled onto Broad. The reporters followed them for almost a block, hurling questions. Hanna stared straight ahead, afraid she might burst into tears.
