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Hanna hesitated before knocking, dread squeezing her chest corset-tight. “You can do this,” Mr. Marin said as if reading her mind. “I won’t leave your side.”

Hanna was so grateful, she almost burst into tears. Mustering up the courage, she reached out and knocked. The door flung open immediately, and a blond girl with an oval face and overplucked eyebrows stood on the other side.

“Hanna?” she said.

“That’s right.” Hanna looked at her dad. “And this is my dad.”

Madison’s brow crinkled, her focus still on Hanna. “Huh. I thought you were the blond Pretty Little Liar.”

“That’s Spencer.”

Madison leaned against the jamb. “Wow. I really don’t remember that night at all.”

She stepped aside and let Hanna and her dad into her room. A neatly made twin bed with a downy, white comforter stood near the window. There was a desk filled with books, papers, and a Dell computer pushed against another wall. A pile of laundry was near the bathroom, and shoes lay in a heap by the closet.

“You have a single,” Hanna commented, only noticing one bed. “Lucky.”

“It’s on account of my leg.” Madison pulled up her jeans to reveal a brace around her calf. “They took pity on me, I guess.”

A heavy weight settled on Hanna’s chest. Naomi had told her that Madison’s leg had been shattered in the accident. She wouldn’t be able to play field hockey ever again. “Does it hurt?” Hanna said in a small voice.

Madison shrugged. “Sometimes. I’m having surgery to reset the bone this summer. The doctors say I’ll be good as new after that.”

Surgery. Hanna glanced at the door, tempted to run out and never come back. But then she peeked at her father. He nodded at her encouragingly.

She took a deep breath. “Look, Madison, I’m sure you know by now what went down that night, right? I drove you home . . . and then someone swerved into my lane and we crashed and I left the scene. I never should have left you.”

Madison sat down in her desk chair. “It’s okay, Hanna. I forgive you.”

Hanna’s eyebrows shot up. Well, that was easy. “Okay, then,” she said, starting to stand. Done and done!

But then she paused. Maybe that was too easy. “Wait. Are you just saying that? If you’re really pissed, you can tell me. It’s okay. I would be pissed.”

Madison twirled a pen between her fingers. “It sucks that we got in an accident. It sucks that you felt you had to leave. But as far as I’m concerned, I would have been in way worse shape if I would’ve driven myself.”

“I should have been more forceful about getting you a cab.” Hanna perched on the edge of Madison’s neatly made bed. “They wouldn’t have crashed.”

Madison spun around in the chair. “We don’t really know that for sure. The same person might have crashed into them.” She paused, her eyes lighting up. “Did you know we found video footage?”

“Of the other driver?” Hanna leaned forward. “Did you see who it was? Was it Ali?”

“They had part of a license plate, and for a while I thought they were on to something, but they couldn’t figure out who the driver was,” Madison answered. “The only thing the cops figured out was that the car was an Acura.”

Spots formed in front of Hanna’s eyes. An Acura? Hadn’t Spencer found an Acura keychain in her stepfather’s trashed model house?

Madison pinched the bridge of her nose. “I wish I could remember who the driver was. I wish I could remember anything from that night.” She grabbed her phone from her desk. “I barely remember going into that bar. I’d had a couple drinks at this other place that never cards down the street before I even went there, but I kind of remember this hot bartender really, really wanting me to come inside.”

Hanna straightened up. “Yeah, Jackson. He did that to me, too.”

She thought about passing the bar that day, Jackson eyeing her from the entrance. Drinks are half off right now, he’d said in a flirty voice, flashing her an ultrawhite smile. He had the look of a guy who had played lacrosse and rowed crew in high school, though there was something predatory in his eyes, too. Much later, after Hanna and Madison bonded, Hanna had leaned over to catch Madison before she fell off the bar stool. As she looked up, she caught Jackson sneaking a look down her blouse, a smirk on his face.

“I wish I could get my hands on him,” Hanna’s father said gruffly.

Madison looked conflicted. “Maybe he didn’t know I was underage.”

Hanna opened her mouth but didn’t say anything. Jackson might not have known Madison was under twenty-one, but he had been pouring drinks for Madison faster than she could drink them. And when Hanna suggested he call Madison a cab, he just laughed.

Mr. Marin tapped his lip. “Could you describe what he looked like?”

Madison smiled sheepishly, then tapped her phone. “I do have a picture. I took it secretly because I thought he was hot.”

Hanna peered at the photo. It was a dark shot of the profile of a handsome guy with short hair. Madison had caught him while he was mixing up a margarita. “Yeah, that’s him.”

Then Madison checked her watch. “Actually, I have to get to orchestra practice.” She awkwardly stood and held out her hand. “It was very nice to meet you, Mr. Marin. And to see you again, Hanna.”

“It was nice to see you, too,” Hanna said, shaking her hand. “Good luck with . . . everything.”
