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Noel’s face fell. It was clear he knew exactly who Aria was talking about—in the cemetery during prom, Aria had explained, briefly, hysterically, that Ali was after them. “I don’t think so.”

Aria bristled. “Why? Because you love her so much and can’t see how evil she is?”

Noel recoiled. “I don’t love her, Aria.”

Aria stared at him, waiting. He’d said he did.

“Look, I loved someone who didn’t exist,” Noel protested. “I stopped loving her when I fell in love with you.” He choked back a sob. “I’m sorry. I know that doesn’t excuse anything. I know we can’t be together. But I want you to know that I’ll always regret what I’ve done.”

His voice was so small and scared that it made Aria’s heart quake. “I want you to tell me everything,” she said in the toughest voice she could muster. “How often you saw Ali at The Preserve. Who else you saw there. What she said to you. If she told you . . .” Aria took a breath, trying not to burst into tears. “If she told you what she was going to do to us.”

“I had no idea what she was going to do to you, I promise,” Noel said fiercely.

“Fine. Then tell me at least why you started seeing her.”

He sighed. “I don’t know. I felt sorry for her.”

“How did you know she was at The Preserve?”

He shifted under the blankets. “My parents had me talk to someone after my brother committed suicide. It was a therapist who worked in an outpatient building at The Preserve. One day, I bumped into this girl going in when I was coming out—it was Alison. She was really cagey, and I thought it was, you know, the girl I knew from school. The next time I went, she was there again—and I was really confused, because the sixth-grade field hockey team had a game that day, and Mason, who was watching the game, had just texted me that Ali had scored a goal.”

Aria nodded. “Got it.”

Noel paused to take a breath. “I kind of put it all together in my head as I was looking at Ali come out of the therapist’s office. She realized it, because she waited for me after my appointment and confessed who she really was. She told me she was Ali’s twin, trapped in a hospital, blah blah blah.”

“And you believed her?”

“Well, sure. She didn’t seem crazy. Just . . . a victim.”

Aria pinched the bridge of her nose. “So that’s where you guys got to know each other? Outside the shrink’s office?”

Noel looked ashamed. “No. After that, I . . . I visited her at the hospital.”

A pain shot through her. “How often?”



He twisted his mouth. “She made me feel heard. Important.”

Sucker. Ali—both Alis—had a way of making you feel very, very special. But it was always for their own selfish needs. “And let me guess, she made it out like Courtney was the crazy one?” Aria spat.

Noel nodded. “Pretty much.”

“You had no problem hanging out with Courtney, though,” Aria pointed out, remembering how Noel had attended every party Their Ali threw. He’d sat at their lunch table and winged Cheetos at Ali’s head. He’d partnered with Ali for a three-legged race during the sixth-grade field day, laughing hysterically when they’d stumbled over the finish line. “In fact, in seventh grade, you even went out with her!”

Noel cocked his head. “No, I didn’t.”

“You did, too! I know because Ali—Courtney—told you I liked you first—but you came back and said you liked her instead. She liked you, too—but then dumped you after a few dates.” It was something she and Noel had never gotten into, but Aria could remember the incident as clear as day. Ali had broken Aria’s heart when she’d announced Noel was into her.

Noel shifted in the bed, wincing as he twisted his torso. “Courtney never told me about you. I never liked her. She probably said that I liked her just to piss you off.”

That was something Their Ali would do, but Aria didn’t want to give Noel the satisfaction of being right. “If you really thought Courtney was dangerous, why didn’t you warn anyone?”

For a moment, there were only the sounds of the beeps on Noel’s monitors. “Because she didn’t really seem dangerous. I stayed out of it. Besides, Ali told me not to tell a soul the truth. I kept my promise.”

“And that’s why you didn’t tell me? Your girlfriend?”

Noel cut his gaze away. “I wanted to so many times. But . . .” He sighed. “I’m sorry.”

She balled up a fist in her lap. Sorry? “So, at the end of seventh grade, did you know that the real Ali was out of the hospital for a few days?”

Noel took a sip from the plastic cup on the tray next to his bed. “I went to the DiLaurentis house the day before graduation. I only saw Ali, though. I didn’t see Courtney.”

Aria wondered if Their Ali had been home at the time. If she wasn’t, she was probably out with Aria and the others . . . or else her new, older friends from field hockey. Had she been doing something completely innocent, like shopping at the King James Mall or hanging out at Spencer’s? Little did she know she was going to die the next day.

“When Courtney went missing, did you suspect Ali?” Aria asked.

“No way,” Noel said forcefully. “She seemed really happy that weekend, not like she was planning anything crazy. I really thought Courtney ran away. And when everyone found out about Ian, it made sense. I saw Courtney flirting with him. That guy could be a real ass**le.”
