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Derailed (Clayton Falls #1)(34)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“I’m not too surprised, actually.”

“Well, I guess you almost got married too.”

“Yup.” I closed my eyes, wanting the conversation to end. There were only so many times I could handle discussing it. “Can you excuse me?”

I walked away, glad the loft was beginning to fill. I busied myself rearranging chip bowls until Gavin joined me into the kitchen. I hightailed out of there, grabbing a bottle of beer on my way out.

Moving through the open living area, I made small talk with a few other old friends before spotting who I was looking for.

Ben was deep in conversation with Aaron, the bassist from the Grizzlies. As I headed over, Ben looked up. A slow smile spread across his face when he noticed me. Aaron turned around, evidently noticing the change in his expression.

Aaron pulled me into a hug before I could reach Ben. “If it isn’t Miss Disappearing Act herself.”

“Hey. I just needed some air.”

“I bet. But it’s good to see you.”

“Same to you.” I always got along with Aaron in high school. He’d been one year behind us, but part of the same crowd.

I moved out of Aaron’s embrace and found my comfort spot at Ben’s side. His arm went around me automatically, pulling me to his side and giving me a quick kiss before he realized what he was doing. He had just kissed me in the middle of a party when we weren’t even officially back together.

“Did I just break the rules?” he asked playfully. We’d never set out rules about kissing in public, but we’d steered clear of it so far.

“Probably, but I’m just as much to blame.” I straightened my dress even though it didn’t need it.

“We do seem to run on auto-pilot, don’t we?”

“It seems like it, but I think we figured that out already.”

He laughed. “Yeah, we have.”

“And here I was wondering how long it would take for you two to reconnect.” Ronny walked over with a cute brunette at his side. It took me a minute to realize who she was.

“Daniela?” I had a hard time believing this was Tom’s younger sister. She always had the longest white blond hair, and it was now short, spiky, and brown.

“Yeah, it’s me.” She twirled around, showing off her funky, yet really cute dress.

“Wow, you look… great.”

“Thanks, you too. Does my brother know about that by the way?” She nodded in Ben’s direction.

“I’m sure Kelly’s told him we’ve been hanging out again.”

“Hanging out again?” she laughed. “I just saw you guys kiss, but whatever. When I talked to Tom the other day, he, uh, thought you were interested in someone else.”

I had no doubt who she meant.

Ben jumped in. “I’m more than enough to keep Molly busy, same as ever.”

“Yeah, I can see that. I just—Oh wait, I think they’re here.”

The couple of honor had arrived.


Two hours later, Kelly hugged me tipsily. Ben had gone to find me another bottle of water. I hadn’t even finished the first beer, but I wasn’t feeling great. “Thanks so much for this party. It’s been awesome!”

“You’re welcome, but it’s really Gavin you should be thanking. He did almost all the work. I was just along for the ride.”

“Speaking of Gavin, he’s sloshed. I’ve never seen him drunk before. Do you have anything to do with that?”

“I don’t know, maybe?” I had a sinking feeling he’d taken my rejection worse than I’d thought.

“Well, aren’t you a heartbreaker.” She rolled her eyes.

“It just happens naturally.” I tried to play it off as if I didn’t care.

She laughed, but I couldn’t shake the guilt gnawing at me. I hated hurting people even if I had no choice.

“What happens naturally?” Ben returned with the water.

“Molly’s ability to make grown men fall to their knees,” she said theatrically.

Ben moved closer to my side. “Well then, there are going to be a lot of disappointed men out there, because even if she doesn’t realize it yet, there’s no way I’m letting her go again.”

“Aww.” Tears welled up in Kelly’s eyes.

“Whoa, that’s making you cry?” I looked at her skeptically.

She wiped her eyes. “It’s just so sweet.”

“Okay, stop it. You’re the one getting married. Speaking of which, he’s right there.” I pointed to where Tom stood. He waved in acknowledgement. “I’m sure he’ll say something sweet to you.”

“I can never hear enough sweet things, I’m happy, and it’s good to see you happy because you’re my best friend,” she said drunkenly.

I tried not to laugh. “Thank you. You’re my best friend too.”

“I know!”

Tom came over to claim his emotional and inebriated fiancé. “I think some people are about to play Never Have I Ever if you guys are interested.”

“I think we’ll pass,” I answered for both Ben and me. My throat was really starting to hurt, and I was hoping to make an exit sooner than later.

“No way! You have to play at least a few rounds!” Kelly literally jumped up and down.

If it hadn’t been her bachelorette party, I might have said no, but I couldn’t ruin her fun.

“Maybe for a little while.”

We stopped by the kitchen so I could grab a beer and followed Kelly and Tom over to where a small circle had formed. It looked like the game had already started.

“Never have I ever kissed on the first date,” Katie said.

All right, so things were still tame enough. I took a tiny sip of my beer. Ben took a sip from his own.

“Never have I ever dated the same person twice.” Daniela looked right at us. Ben and I glanced at each other, not sure whether we were supposed to drink or not. After a moment’s hesitation he took a big swig of his beer. I gave him a small smile and did the same. I was kidding myself if I didn’t at least consider us dating.

It was Ben’s turn. “Never have I ever slept with a teacher.”

Tom laughed before taking a drink. “You didn’t say whether it had to be my own teacher.”

Kelly kissed him. I was glad to see her having so much fun.

“Never have I ever given someone a fake phone number,” I said, trying to come up with a safe one.

“You’ve never done that?” Kelly asked after taking a drink.
