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Desire After Dark

Ramsey shook his head. "It doesn’t take a genius to know what you’re thinking. You love her. She obviously loves you. It’s the only way you can truly be together."

"I would not ask her to make such a sacrifice."

"It should be her choice, not yours."

"I am making it mine. I love her as she is. Warm, human. Filled with the frailties and foibles of mortality. I would not change her."

"I used to hunt vampires," Ramsey reminded him. "I thought they were the scum of the earth, not fit to live. In many cases, I was right. Kristov was a monster much like Falco.

But then I met Grigori, a vampire with honor. Eventually I realized that becoming a vampire doesn’t make a man evil. A good man will remain a good man no matter what form he takes, just as evil remains evil."

"Do you have a point to make?" Antonio asked impatiently. "If so, make it."

"The point is, she would still be the woman you’re in love with, only more so."

"I would not rob her of the chance to marry and have a family. It is something she wants, something I can never give her. I have taken her blood. I have put her life in danger. I will not deny her the one thing she wants above all else."

Ramsey nodded. "As you said, it’s your choice."

"What’s your choice?" Vicki asked as she entered the room.

"Whether to allow Ramsey to spend the night in the castle," Antonio replied smoothly.

"He has declined."

"Well, I hope you don’t mind if I stay," Duncan said.

"Not at all," Antonio said, "so long as Victoria approves."

"It’s all right with me. I’d welcome the company."

"Maybe I’ll get to see the ghost," Duncan said.

"Ghost?" Ramsey said. "What ghost?"

"The castle’s haunted by a lovely ghost," Vicki said. "You’d like her."

"Perhaps another night," Ramsey said, rising. "It’s getting late and I’ve not yet had my dinner." He looked at Antonio. "Do you mind if I hunt in the town?"

Vicki glanced from one to the other, thinking that she must be watching vampire etiquette in action.

"So long as you only take the blood," Antonio said, "and not the life."

"As you wish. I’ll see you all tomorrow night."

With a courtly bow, Ramsey left the house.

"If you’ll tell me where to bed down, I think I’ll turn in," Duncan said.

"I’ll show you," Vicki said.

Leading the way, she went up the stairs, wondering if she should tell Duncan that he would be sleeping in Lady Kathryn’s chambers. She doubted if a vampire hunter would be afraid of a spirit, but you never knew.

"Here we are," Vicki said. Opening the door, she felt a distinct chill as she stepped into the bedroom.

"It’s customary to knock when one enters a lady’s bedchamber," Lady Kathryn said imperiously.

"Oh, I didn’t know you were here," Vicki said. She glanced at Duncan. He was staring at the ghost, who sat in front of a low dressing table, idly brushing her ghostly tresses.

"Tom, this is Lady Kathryn. Lady Kathryn, this is Tom Duncan. He’s a friend of mine."

Rising, Lady Kathryn glided toward them. "Sir Duncan, I’m pleased to meet you," she said, extending her hand.

Looking nonplussed, Duncan hesitated a moment, and then, to Vicki’s surprise, he bowed over Lady Kathryn’s hand.

"The pleasure is all mine, Lady Kathryn," he replied gallantly.

Looking pleased, Lady Kathryn rewarded him with a smile and then looked at Vicki.

"What brings the two of you to my room at this late hour?"

"Tom needs a place to sleep," Vicki explained. "And since this is the only room with a bed besides mine… "

"It’s all right," Tom interjected. "I can sleep on the sofa downstairs."

"I won’t hear of such a thing," Lady Kathryn said. "What kind of hostess would I be to allow a guest to sleep on the couch? You may use my room, of course. I’ll share Victoria’s."

Tom glanced at Vicki. "Is that okay with you?"

"Sure." Since Lady Kathryn didn’t really sleep, sharing a room didn’t include sharing a bed. However, since the ghost no longer had any concept of time, Vicki figured she wouldn’t have much use for the bed, either, since Lady Kathryn would probably want to spend the night chatting. "Good night, Tom."

"Yeah, good night," he said, trying not to stare at Lady Kathryn. The ghost was flitting around near the ceiling and then, in the blink of an eye, she was gone. Tom glanced around the room. "Where’d she go?"

"Who knows? See you tomorrow."

Vicki left the room and Tom closed the door behind her.

In the corridor, she heard him mutter, "I’ve seen a lot of things in my day, but a ghost!

Man, now I’ve seen everything."

Grinning, she hurried downstairs to where Antonio was waiting for her.

Chapter 35

Antonio stood at the front window staring out into the night. It was amazing, how much his life had changed since he met Victoria. Not so long ago, his nights had been peaceful, almost monotonous. He had risen with the setting of the sun, sought his prey, then spent the rest of the dark hours in restful pursuits. He had enjoyed going to the theater or to the movies, or spending an evening reading a good book. He had taken long walks. He had spent time in each of his various abodes. The house in Oregon was the most modern. He probably should have taken Victoria there, but the castle was his favorite place, probably because of Lady Kathryn. They had spent many a night together, two lost and lonely souls who found comfort in each other’s company.

And now Victoria was here. He turned at the sound of her footsteps coming down the stairs, his nostrils flaring as she entered the room. She smelled of soap and shampoo and woman. A woman ripe for the taking…

She smiled at him. "You’re not too upset about Duncan staying here, are you?"


"I’m glad, especially since he’s about to marry my best friend. Bobbie Sue took him home to meet her folks earlier this week." She sat down on the sofa, looking pensive.

"Would you like to meet my mom and my sister?"

He lifted one brow in obvious amusement. "I think a better question would be, would they like to meet me?"

"Well, sure, why wouldn’t they? We wouldn’t have to tell them you’re a vampire, you know."

"And if we stayed longer than an hour or two, how would you explain the fact that I do not eat or drink or cast an image in a mirror? And would they not think it odd that I could not be found during the day?"
