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Determined to Obey

Determined to Obey (The Dark Duet #3.5)(18)
Author: C.J. Roberts

Celia is teaching him Spanish. Kid is teaching her English in return, but she isn’t as good a student. Kid believes it’s because he doesn’t get to spank her every time she gets the alphabet sounds wrong. He learns shockingly fast by comparison; his ass is more ruddy than red lately.

True, Felipe and Celia run him ragged on a daily basis, and they’re always asking him to do embarrassing crap like dress up in ridiculous costumes—two weeks ago, Celia outfitted him as a pony and rode him around the mansion dressed as a Lady. Kid had been relieved to know only the skeleton house staff and Celia’s security detail could witness his shame, as Caleb and Kitten were rarely seen outside the typical guest areas and Felipe was out on an errand for a few days. But then, while still in costume, Celia commanded him to mount her ‘like a stallion’ on Felipe’s sixteen person dining table and Kid suddenly lost his distaste for wearing ears and a tail. He came fast and hard.

And yes, Kid and Felipe still have their nightly ritual, and Kid still resists the older man’s advances. Although, he’s given up on trying not to get hard when Felipe starts rubbing his pants against his bare cock and circling the rim of his asshole so gently Kid wants to scream; the worst nights are after he’s been kept on edge all day.

So things aren’t ideal—they’re better than they’ve been in a long time. Kid is worried it’s all about to change again. He hears the name Rafiq a lot. Rafiq needs to show more respect. Rafiq cannot hold the shipments. If Rafiq wants more product he has to buy it from us, not Caesar and his idiot brother. Something will have to be done about Rafiq.

The Night Devils are—were—small time, only a step or two above the street dealers. Felipe works on a global scale. He’s most likely supplied Kid the weed for every joint he’s ever rolled. Men like Felipe tend to die bloody. If Felipe is in danger, they all are.

31. Celia

Her boy is fitful. Celia can feel him tossing and turning, huffing and puffing; she can practically hear him thinking.

“Celia,” he finally speaks into the darkness, “are you awake?”

“No. Sleeping,” she mumbles. “You sleep too.” She half-heartedly emphasizes her request with a kick to Kid’s shin. She doesn’t bother to stifle her giggle as Kid hisses in pain.

“Punk-ass, can’t believe you kicked me,” he says without heat. Celia turns and they share a look before saying in unison, “Language, boy!” in a parody of Felipe’s scandalized tone.

Celia sighs. “I wish he come home. I don’t like when he’s away. If he meet another woman and she steal his heart?” She doesn’t typically entertain those types of thoughts, but every now and again, she wonders if she’s still enough for her master—considering.

Kid scrunches his face. “What? Trust me, that would never happen. Felipe worships the ground you walk on. No way he’d give you up.”

She smirks. It’s nice to share these moments with someone. Kid is very sweet. “You sound certain of whatever it is you’re saying.”

“You didn’t get that?”

“Enough.” She switches to English and continues, “Felipe is complicated man. He say he is happy, but…he always want more. He is…how do you say? Oportunista.”

“An opportunist.”

“Yes. He would not…leave us, but he maybe…” Celia’s eyes mist with tears. “It’s possible that one day he will find someone to give him what neither of us ever can.”

“What are you talking about? You give him everything. I have no idea why he keeps me around, other than to have someone to tease.”

Celia laughs softly. She reaches into the sheets and tugs her young lover closer by his hand. His skin was much rougher a month ago; though, he still has grease stains beneath his fingernails. One day she will beg Felipe to let her go for a motorcycle ride with Kid. She cannot remember a time she’s gone anywhere without an armed detail. Her father was an overbearing asshole, and Felipe worries too much. Kid worries too much too. “He like you, protect you, keep you. Do not worry.”

32. Kid

Kid rolls his eyes but leaves it at that, because Celia’s words make him want to squirm in a way that feels less and less like disgust, and more like…butterflies in his stomach, or some girly crap like that. He’d be lying if he didn’t admit to growing more curious about what his life could be like if he gave himself over to the life Celia and Felipe are offering.

“How did you, with Felipe, end up?” Kid stumbles through his Spanish. He can understand it much better than he can speak it, but his fluency is on the rise, much to his master and mistress’ delight.
