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Determined to Obey

Determined to Obey (The Dark Duet #3.5)(36)
Author: C.J. Roberts

Kid makes a feeble attempt at smiling. Celia is in no position to make promises, but the gesture is sweet nonetheless. “Gracias, Celia.”

“De nada, Kid.” They kiss for long minutes.

58. Celia

Things do not go exactly to plan, but the evening is a resounding success nonetheless. Rafiq, detained in Pakistan by his military obligations, is unable to attend Felipe’s soiree.

Caleb does allow Kitten to go through with receiving and performing oral sex with Kid in front of their guests, but is so overcome by jealousy that he promptly takes her upstairs afterward and divests her of her virginity. Felipe, Celia, and Kid watch the video later that evening—Caleb thought he’d destroyed all the cameras, but failed to check the bed’s frame—and they find the footage to be exceedingly titillating.

“I told you he wouldn’t go through with it. Even the hardest hearts can be penetrated by Cupid’s bow.”

Felipe playfully rolls his eyes for Kid’s benefit and the boy laughs. “Very poetic, my dear, but Rafiq is still alive.”

“Yes,” Celia says very seriously, “but I have high hopes for a resolution.”

59. Felipe

For two blissful days and nights, Felipe’s mansion is a pleasure palace. Caleb and Kitten scarcely leave their room, and Felipe, Celia, and Kid cannot get enough of watching them. Their voyeurism invariably leads to wildly erotic lovemaking. Two days and two nights—and then it happens.

It’s the middle of the night when Felipe hears Reynaldo’s sharp knock on the door; he never uses the keypad unless Celia is in danger. He succinctly informs Felipe that Rafiq and his men are waiting in the entryway.

“Tell Rafiq I am in the process of concluding some business and that you’ll escort him to my study after you’ve helped them get settled. I want Rafiq in the guesthouse, not inside. Place his men in different wings. How many are they?”

“Rafiq, two guards, and…” Reynaldo pauses, avoiding Kid’s inquisitive eyes, “a slave.”

Felipe nods, grateful for Reynaldo’s tact. There is no need for Kid to ever see his former lover or what has become of her. Celia has no sympathy for women who side with vile men, and Kid has no need to know that either. “Understood. Go.” The moment the door closes, he addresses Celia, who is already pulling on clothing. “Lock him in the panic room and warn Caleb his master is here. I’ll keep them occupied in the study.”

“Felipe!” Kid cries out. He catches hold of the older man’s wrist as he’s attempting to get out of bed. “I can help! I don’t need to be locked away in some panic room like a fucking child.” He’s out of bed and toe-to-toe with Felipe in an instant. He lords his two inches of height advantage over the other man.

On any other night, Felipe might enjoy Kid’s newfound aggressiveness, but not tonight. One well-placed punch to the younger man’s solar plexus and he’s gasping for oxygen at Felipe’s feet. “Language, boy! You can’t kill a man with a cap gun.” He steps over Kid’s hunched body and retrieves his suit from the closet. “Do as you’re told.” He would prefer Rafiq did not have the satisfaction of having caught him unaware.

60. Celia

“Abra la puerta!” Celia growls outside Caleb’s door. She doesn’t like that Felipe is alone, even if her presence would do little to quell hostilities should they arise. She is many things, but an expert killer is not one of them.

The door opens and Celia bursts into the room and is greeted by Caleb and a knife trained on her throat. Kitten is on the floor crying by the side of the bed. There is a gun in her hand.

“What’s going on?” Caleb snarls in her ear.

“I came to warn you. Rafiq and his men are here. They’re downstairs with Felipe. They want to see you.” Celia is sure to hold on to Caleb’s forearm to keep pressure off of her throat.

“Caleb, let her go,” Kitten sobs. “She came to warn us.”

“We don’t know, Kitten. She could be here to separate us.”

Not for the first time, Celia witnesses Kitten’s fire. The terrified girl raises the gun. “Let her go, Caleb. I’ll keep her here.”

Celia is on the verge of actually being afraid. She doesn’t fear Kitten for a moment, but Caleb reminds her of a cornered animal and he has been known to behave erratically on occasion. His arm only loosens after Kitten pleads with him a second time. He keeps a tight grip on her nape.

“What’s the plan, Caleb?” the girl asks with feigned calm.

“I need to go meet them.”

“You can’t! What if they’re just waiting to kill you?”
