Read Books Novel

Devil's Charm

“Okay, do you want some saving?” Judi asked.

Running a hand down his face, Devil actually felt himself blush. With his c**k in Lexie’s pu**y and his finger in her ass, he couldn’t believe he was talking to the girl through the bedroom door.

He hoped she hadn’t been listening to them screwing for too long.

“Yeah, make sure none of those dipshits leave, either.”

“Will do. Have fun.”

He heard Judi walking away, humming to herself. His c**k hadn’t lost any of its hardness.

Lexie giggled. “I hope she didn’t hear anything.”

“Me, too.” Rubbing her back, he waited for his heart to stop pounding from the interruption. “My boys did that on purpose.”

“What are you going to do?” she asked, glancing at him.

“I’m going to kick every one of their scrawny asses.”

She laughed. “She’s doing much better.”

He nodded. Devil was impressed by Judi’s attitude. None of them knew how long she’d been working the streets or how long Rob got his claws inside her. Devil didn’t really want to know the answer. He had a feeling that once he knew the truth, there would be no way he could let Rob live.

Right now, he needed to keep the peace. Jerry promised him that Rob would stop being all that important once he caught up with the little shit.

All of that could wait. Thrusting his finger inside Lexie’s ass, he took her hip and started to work his length inside her.

“Together we’ll work on wiping everything from Judi’s mind,” he said. “Kid deserves some peace and happiness, and we’re going to see that it happens.” He closed his eyes, thinking about Lexie by his side. The image turned him the f**k on. “First, I’m going to f**k you until I fill you with my cum, and then we’re going down to the barbeque.”

Pulling out of her pu**y, he watched himself slide right back inside. Working his finger in her ass, he did the same, working her body, possessing her for his own.

His balls tightened up, and he knew it was only a matter of minutes before he found his release. He pushed a second finger inside her ass, opening her up for so much more. Lexie whimpered, and she didn’t fight him. She pressed back against him, and Devil couldn’t stop as he held her hip tighter than ever before and slammed inside her.

Over and over he slammed his c**k so deep inside. Her moan turned to full blown cries echoing off the walls. The pleasure intensified with every second.

Devil plunged into her one final time as she found her second peak. Their moans mingled, and her pu**y took every bit of his cum. When they were finished both had a nice sheen of sweat over their skin.

Removing his fingers from her ass, he moved to the en-suite bathroom, washing his fingers and returning with a cloth. Lexie lay collapsed on the bed.

“I can’t move.”

“You can move, baby.” He wiped her ass, cleaning away his excess cum, which was dripping from her pu**y.

They changed back into their clothes, and together they walked out toward the barbeque. Devil kept hold of her hand even as he grabbed a beer. The men noticed his possession, but he didn’t give a f**k. Their smiles, however, pleased him.

From the looks on their faces, he knew they were happy for him to settle down.

Chapter Nine

Lexie felt really brave. She didn’t know how she could have been f**king Devil when Judi asked about the burgers and then come down to face the other girl. With Devil holding her hand, she figured he didn’t give her much of a choice. He handed her a beer, which she accepted. She took sips not wanting to lose her head about anything.

The men were all giving her knowing smiles. Ignoring them was not an option. Then Devil grabbed her around the back of the neck, pulled her close, and claimed her mouth.

She heard him mutter the words “old lady” to his men. Lexie wasn’t sure what the words meant, but the teasing left their gazes easily. Frowning, she saw something similar to respect coming off them.

Squeezing his hand, she left his side to find Judi. The younger girl was studying in her book, writing notes, drinking some juice. She looked so damn young. Her gaze looked up to meet Lexie’s. Judi simply smiled at her. There was no condemnation in her gaze or judgment.

“Hey,” Judi said.


“The food is going thick and fast. Devil’s boys know how to eat. Next time I think you should order twice as much.”

Glancing toward the barbeque she saw Curse had taken over flipping more burgers. The pile of buns on the table had diminished as well. Lexie made a note to buy more for the next barbeque.

“How are you doing?” she asked, returning her attention back to Judi.

“I’m good. I think I’m going to ace the history part of my exam. I’ll struggle with math, though. Never been too good at math.” She sucked from her carton of juice.

“I’m really sorry about what you heard,” Lexie said. There was no way she could leave anything unsaid or unfinished with Judi. She really did enjoy having the other girl around.

“I didn’t hear anything bad, Lex.”

She noticed Devil and Judi called her either Lexie or Lex, depending on their mood. Was the young girl trying to make her feel at ease?

“Look, I’m really sorry. I know it must be hard for you after everything that happened.”

Judi dropped the book, her frowning gaze directed at Lexie. “Do you like Devil?”

“What?” Lexie asked.

“Devil, do you like him?”

Looking toward where he stood. Simon was in his arms looking around the garden. It was like Devil had never not been there. Simon took to him faster than Lexie understood. Did the little boy know the man was his father?

“Yeah, I like him.”

“I don’t know everything that happened, but I know Simon isn’t your son.” Judi’s words cut Lexie deep. She knew Judi wasn’t being mean by her words, only speaking the truth.

“He’s my, erm, he’s my sister’s son.”

“Devil doesn’t care about her, Lex. I can see it the way he looks at you. You’re so right for each other. I hope you can see that.”

She quickly looked back to see Devil watching her. Raising her beer, she saw he raised an eyebrow before looking down her body. She felt his touch from his gaze alone. The heat within his depths reminded her that less than an hour ago he’d been pumping away inside her, giving her one of the most amazing orgasms she’d ever known.
