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Devil's Charm

She didn’t know what was happening. Scrunching the pair of panties she held between her fists she tried to discover what was going on. His face didn’t say anything to her at all.

“That’s right. I got to your sister, and I’ve got to my son. I got the results back as well. Kid is mine. You also stole from me, bitch. Do you really think I wasn’t going to find you?” The anger in his voice scared her.

Kayla had crossed him, and she was about to end up in the ground like Rob.

“Twenty minutes. We settle this f**king score.” He closed the cell phone, looking her in the eye. “You’re staying here.”

“No, I’m not staying here. Not when you’re on your way to kill my sister.” She followed him as he headed toward the front door. “Devil, you can’t do this.”

“That woman, your f**king sister, was more than happy for you to be in trouble. She wanted you to take the fall. If I was anyone else, Lex, you’d be f**king dead.”

She flinched as he threw the cold harsh truth in her face. “But I’m not dead. Please, you can’t kill her.”

He turned to her, laughing. “You’re f**king crazy if you don’t think I’m going to deal with this.”

Devil grabbed his jacket on the way out of the door.

“If you loved me, you’d take me with you and you’d keep her alive.”

He tensed, turning back to look at her. “What are you saying?”

“I accept your apology, and I don’t expect anything else from you. All I ask is you let Kayla live.”

“I can’t f**king believe this,” he said, looking up at the ceiling.

“Please, Devil.”

He stared at her for a long time. “Get Judi to watch Simon and get your f**king ass on the back of my bike.”

Running upstairs she quickly handed Simon over to Judi. The young girl smiled and wished her luck.

Within ten minutes she was on the back of Devil’s bike heading toward an unknown location. She recognized her apartment block instantly. They passed the building, heading down an alley on his bike. They came out behind an old factory. She spotted Kayla smoking a cigarette leaning against the wall.

She looked terrible even at the distance of a few feet.

Her hand was shaking while she smoked. “Stay here,” Devil said.

Lexie stayed on the bike. Her heart pounded as Kayla plastered a smile on her face, running fingers through her hair.

“What’s happening, baby?” Kayla asked.

“Not going to work.”

She cried out as Devil caught Kayla by the hair and started talking to her.

“Devil, stop.” He pulled a gun out, pressing it to her head. Lexie realized in the time they’d known each other, he’d never once pointed a gun at her. Fucking hell, what kind of world was she living in?

Covering her mouth, she tried to remain silent as he completed whatever business he had to do.

“You stole my money and tried to keep my f**king kid from me.” Her face was pressed against the brick. Biting into her lip, Lexie kept her cries deep inside.

Don’t hurt her. Don’t hurt her.

“I want you to admit to your sister. The girl who took our kid in without refusing you what you hoped I’d do,” Devil said, turning Kayla so Lexie saw her.

Kayla looked petrified. “I thought he’d kill you and be done with it.”

The cold harsh truth was like a slap to the face.

“I can’t be like her, Devil.”

“I know, baby.” He threw Kayla to the ground and pointed his gun at her. A bullet went off, but it wasn’t anywhere near Kayla. “I was going to kill you. This is your one and only warning. You get out of town, and you do not speak a word of who you are. If I so much as hear the name Kayla Howard I will find you and I’ll kill you.” He lifted her up, grabbing her chin.

Lexie winced at the pain her sister must be feeling.

“Look at your sister.”

Kayla’s gaze was on her. Lexie felt under the spotlight.

“That’s my old lady. The only reason you’re still breathing is because she wants you to be breathing. Otherwise I’d have killed you the moment I saw you.” He released her. “Kayla Howard is dead. She died on this day, and she left her young son. Do you understand me?”

She nodded.

“Here’s the ten grand you took from me. Get the f**k out now.”

He walked back to the bike, climbed on, and they were out of there. Several miles from the house, he stopped the bike. His whole body was tense, and Lexie waited for him to speak.

“We will never discuss what just happened, do you understand?” he asked.


“All Simon needs to know is you’re his mother.”

“Okay.” She wasn’t about to argue with him.

“Do you know what I just did?” He turned on the bike to look at her.

“You let my sister live.”

“No, I let a person who crossed me walk away. All of my life I’ve put people like her in the ground. I went to Fort Wills to settle an old score and put the enemy in the ground. Kayla is the first and last person I let that happen with. No one else will get the same kind of treatment.”

“I understand, and I won’t ask you again.” She rested her head on his back, knowing she needed to keep quiet or he was going to give her a headache with his ranting.

“Good, I want some food, and then I want some sex.”

She laughed, holding onto him tighter. “Then get me home.”

When Kayla had first arrived in Piston County to hand over her newborn son, Lexie had wondered how she was going to survive with a young boy. Now, she was wondering how she was going to last without him.

Holding on tight to her man, she inhaled his masculine scent combined with the leather of his cut. Devil had struck her from the very beginning. There was something about him that she couldn’t deny. He was dangerous, and yet for the first time in her life, she looked forward to the future.


Two years later

“You got f**king twins.” Devil smiled down at the ground where Tiny’s two children were playing with his son and daughter. Lexie was already pregnant with his third child, and glancing toward the pool, he got hard from looking at her. Her stomach was nicely rounded but not too large. Come nighttime he was going to spend several hours loving her body, before he f**ked her.

“You f**king start with me and I’m going to kick your ass. I promised to come here for the barbeque ‘cause you said you were going to be nice,” Tiny said, sipping a bottle of beer. His backyard was full of Skulls and Chaos Bleeds crew. Smiling, Devil felt like the world was his oyster, and all he needed to do was pluck what he wanted.
