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Devoured by Darkness

Devoured by Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #7)(16)
Author: Alexandra Ivy

She regarded him with blatant suspicion. “If I’m so unimportant, then why were you bothering to chase me at all?”

Wicked heat curled through his gut as he slid a lingering glance down her slender body.

“Do I need to remind you?” he husked. “Because I’m ready, willing, and eager to do so.”

The pulse at the base of her throat fluttered in response.

“I don’t doubt you’re always eager.”

He smiled, his gaze deliberately lingering on that revealing pulse.

“There are times when I’m more eager than others.”

She stepped back, the mists swirling around her slender body.

“You must think I’m a moron,” she accused.

“I think you’re feeling cornered and making hasty decisions that might get us all killed,” he soothed, his voice laced with enough compulsion to send a grown Ungmas demon to its knees. “Let me help you.”

Predictably she shrugged off his coercion. The woman was too damned obstinate to be compelled, no matter how powerful he might be.

“I don’t need your help.” Her jaw tightened, a bleak darkness flashing through her eyes. “I don’t need anyone’s help.”

Tane fought back the fierce urge to crush her in his arms and banish her shadows. The same shadows that haunted him. Alone.

Always and forever alone.

“Think, Laylah,” he urged. “You’re no longer protected by whatever spell Caine used to keep you hidden. As soon as you arrive in London you will be vulnerable.” He folded his arms over his chest. “And trust me, a bounty hunter won’t care if they capture you dead or alive.”

“Yeah, like you do?”

“We both know you would be dead if that’s what I wanted.” Her lips thinned at his blunt honesty. “If you’re trying to barter with me I have to tell you that you suck at it.” “It’s never been one of my finer talents.” “Then just spit it out.”

His brows lifted at her imperious tone, even as he hid a smile. Why the hell would he be amused by a creature half his size trying to boss him around?

“If you hope to survive, you’ll need my help.”

She bit her bottom lip, smart enough to know she was going to be a sitting duck, or rather a sitting Jinn, the moment she arrived in London.

“And what would your help consist of?”

He held her wary gaze. “I would do my best to protect you.”

“I could hire bodyguards.”

Was she deliberately trying to offend him?

“You keep reminding me that you’re not an idiot,” he drawled. “There’s no bodyguard you could hire for any amount of money who could match my strength or skill in battle.”

“And so modest.”

“I’m the best. No amount of modesty can change that.”

She paused, continuing to gnaw on her lip. “Do you promise not to try and force me to the Commission?”

“Don’t be ridiculous. You know I can’t make that promise.”

“Then stay here,” she snapped.

“Damn you, Laylah.” With a blinding speed, he reached out to grasp her arm, sensing she was a breath from disappearing and leaving him stranded. “You want my promise? You have it.”

“You’d say anything to get out of here.” She held his gaze, refusing to back down. Dammit. That insane courage was going to put her in her grave. “You’re going to have to do better than a promise that isn’t worth jack squat.”

“What do you want?”

There was the briefest hesitation. “I want you to make a wish.”

Chapter 5

Laylah was prepared for Tane’s foul curse.

Jinn were universally disliked for their cunning guile, their unpredictable natures, and merciless power that few demons could match. And of course, there was always their charming lust for violence.

But while most creatures wouldn’t admit the truth, it was the Jinn’s ability to enslave others that truly made them itchy.

It wasn’t the pansy ass version the water sprites could conjure.

The fey magic could capture humans, and only if the mortals were foolish enough to accept three wishes.

There was nothing pansy ass about the Jinn.

They only needed a victim to willingly fall into their debt, no matter how slight an IOU, to make a claim on their soul. And it didn’t matter if they were mortals or dew fairies or vampires. They all fell beneath the Jinn’s spell of enchantment.

When Laylah was barely more than a child she had accidentally enslaved an imp she’d found caught in an iron trap used by a poacher. It was her nature to heal those in need and she hadn’t realized the danger until the imp refused to leave her foster mother’s farm, his desperate attempts to please her causing complete chaos until she’d finally figured out how to release him.

She’d done her best over the years to keep the talent locked deep inside her. It seemed immoral to claim another’s soul. Even worse than killing them.

And it was only when the mage had taken her captive that she’d deliberately tried to bind another to her will. Unfortunately the bastard had kept her so weak she hadn’t been able to use any of her powers.

Now she was left flying with a wing and a prayer.

Her usual state of affairs.

Tane narrowed his eyes, looking at her as if she’d sprouted horns.

“You have the power to bind a vampire?”

Well, that was the question wasn’t it?

She had no way to calculate how much strength it would take to enslave a vampire, but she was fairly certain it was waaaay more than she could claim. Her only hope was being able to … prompt him to do her bidding.

“I can’t turn you into my private puppet, if that’s what you’re worried about, but it does give me the upper hand in our negotiations,” she smoothly said, pretending she wasn’t completely clueless.

His hand lifted to cup her cheek as he easily sensed her shaky confidence.

“You’re lying.”

“Whatever.” She shrugged. “Are you coming with me or not?”

“Maybe I want to wish for something beyond …”

“I’m counting to three, you can come or stay, I don’t give a crap,” she hastily interrupted.

“Oh, I intend to come,” he assured her with a sinful smile. “In more ways than you can imagine.”

“One,” she gritted.

“And you’re coming with me.”

