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Devoured by Darkness

Devoured by Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #7)(18)
Author: Alexandra Ivy

If Victor had the information she desired, what choice did she have but to approach him? Even if it meant bearding the lion in his den, so to speak.

Besides, Tane was right, may his aggravating soul rot in hell.

Without protection she would soon be at the mercy of every demon in London who wanted to make brownie points with the Commission by turning over a rogue mongrel.

“And you swear you aren’t using the vampires to break my binding?” she demanded.

“I swear.” He pressed a hand to that gorgeous chest. Laylah swallowed a groan. She was terrified and weary and covered in filth, but a liquid heat raced through her at the thought of kissing and nibbling and licking her way down the smooth golden skin until she reached the waistband of his khakis and the … “Laylah.”

Tane’s rough growl jerked her head up to meet his smoldering gaze, a blush staining her cheeks at the sight of his extended fangs and rigid expression as he battled his savage reaction to her arousal.

“Fine, let’s go,” she muttered.

His jaw clenched, his urge to go caveman a tangible force in the air. Then, with grim effort he whirled around and led her through the darkness.

Laylah followed in silence, pissed off by her lingering awareness. Not that her panting eagerness was a shocker. She’d spent the majority of her life on a small farm in the remote outback of Australia before being captured by the mage and hidden in Siberia. After Caine had rescued her, she had the baby to consider, which meant she remained all but a hermit, no matter where they traveled.

Male demons had been few and far between. And those of the tall, dark, and orgasmic sort had been all but nonexistent.

Was it any wonder her hormones were charged into hyperdrive?

They had traveled only a few miles when Tane slowed to a mere crawl, glancing over his shoulder. “Wait here,” he commanded.

“No …”

Without giving her the opportunity to command that he explain what was going on, Tane disappeared down a side tunnel, leaving Laylah alone to stew in frustration.

He really truly was the worst slave ever.

Tane’s instincts were on full alert as he came to a halt and waited for the lurking vampire to make his appearance. He was taking a risk.

Not only by entering another vampire’s territory unannounced, but by bringing Laylah among his brothers.

Victor’s clan had no reason to protect a mongrel Jinn and every reason to turn her over to the Oracles with all possible speed. No one wanted to be on the wrong side of an argument when it came to the Commission.

But he didn’t have much choice. Already Laylah’s scent was spreading through the tunnels. He needed to get her into the protection of Victor’s lair. The sooner, the better.


His lips twisted with a rueful smile.

He wanted to claim it was because she’d bound him with her magic. After all, it was far less disturbing to believe the constant awareness that was nagging at him was a spell rather than something far more dangerous.

Instead he blamed his refusal to do his duty on the growing suspicion that there were forces swirling around Laylah and her mysterious baby that might directly impact the future.

There was a frigid breeze as a vampire of considerable strength neared and with a deliberate motion he tucked the dagger into the waistband of his khakis and held up his hands in a gesture of peace.

“Uriel?” he called softly, having met Victor’s second in command nearly three centuries before.

On cue a tall vampire with a halo of brown curls and large brown eyes stepped into view.

A cynical smile curved Tane’s lips at the air of guileless youth that shrouded about Uriel in his faded jeans and casual T-shirt. His deceptively angelic appearance had been the downfall of many an enemy. And one that Tane had never been stupid enough to make.

Although …

He frowned, realizing that the younger vampire’s power had increased significantly since their last encounter.

Strange. Usually a vampire developed to their full potential mere years after their turning. He’d never heard of one acquiring more power centuries after maturing from their foundling stage.

A mystery, but not one he had time to dwell upon.

Not when Uriel was fondling a sword that could cut the head off a troll.

“We had no warning the Charon was traveling to London,” Uriel said, his bland tone not disguising his aversion to Tane’s presence.

Tane shrugged, inured to the less than warm greeting.

His brothers either feared him or loathed him.

None of them wanted to be BFFs.

“I’m not here in my official capacity.”

Uriel didn’t look comforted. “You’re here on vacation?”

“Not exactly. I must speak with Victor.” Tane reached out with his senses, his brows pulling together as he belatedly realized that he should have been able to sense Victor’s power signature by now. Unlike Viper, the Chicago clan chief, the big cheese of London was never subtle. His presence was like a sledgehammer. “He’s not in London,” he absently murmured. “He’s traveled north.”

Uriel’s fingers twitched on the hilt of his sword at Tane’s unconscious display of his talent.

He was a Charon who could find his prey with unerring skill.

“Victor was forced to travel to Dublin to meet with Lansbury, the current Prince of Fairies,” he grudgingly confessed.


“There are whispers among the fey that there have been sightings of Sylvermyst.”

“Impossible.” Tane instinctively denied the nasty possibilities. The Sylvermyst were the distant cousins of the fey with a taste for evil that made vampires seem like boy scouts. “They were banished centuries ago along with the Dark Lord.”

“So were any number of creatures who’ve managed to make unwelcomed appearances over the past year,” Uriel said dryly.

Tane grimaced. “True enough.”

With a sudden motion, Uriel whirled the sword over his head and shoved it into a leather sheath strapped to his back. “Why are you here, Tane?”

More amused than offended by his companion’s blunt approach, Tane smiled.

“Obviously Victor didn’t hire you for your diplomatic skills.”

“He hired me to keep peace.” Uriel’s jaw tightened. “Something that’s been difficult enough lately without tossing a Charon into the mix.”

Tane flicked a brow upward. He sympathized with Uriel’s predicament. The growing unrest throughout the demon world was a bitch for everyone. But he was here with a purpose and no one was standing in his path.
