Read Books Novel

Dirty Girl

“Shhh . . .” I glance around to see if anyone else heard her from this isolated corner in the loud bar. No heads are swinging this way, so I consider it a lucky break. “He bought a condo in my building, B. He says he’s staying for a while. Waiting on some contract to get worked out for his next role, so he’s got time to kill in between.”

She picks up her dirty martini and sips. “So, when do I get to meet him? This is the friend-approval stage, and we need to check all the boxes this time around.”

Last time around, Tracey approved of Cav mightily, and even with a hint of jealousy. Sadness pangs me when I think of her. Three months before graduation, and only days before Cav disappeared, she was killed in a hit-and-run near the law school.

Even now, it seems so senseless and inexplicable. Survivor’s guilt still plagues me because I should have been with her—we were training for a couch to half marathon—and I would have been if Creighton hadn’t asked me to accompany him to a meeting to sign a bunch of paperwork for my trust.

“I guess you’ll get to meet him when I figure out what the hell I’m going to do with him.”

Banner eyes me with confusion. “Do with him? We’ve already determined what you’re going to do with him—let him bang you repeatedly up against walls. Bent over counters and couches work too. And in the shower. Wait until you get bored to start fucking in a bed. Oh, and elevators. Maybe the backseat of a limo?”

Her list of suggestions comes way too rapidly for her not to have spent some time thinking about this. But then again, she’s Banner, so she’s always thinking about this. She should have been a writer or something, but Banner always goes her own way.

“I haven’t even decided if I’m going to . . . bang him again.”

Her expression is comical. If her jaw could drop any further, it would be nearing the table. “Are you shitting me? Girl, you were born to walk a red carpet on the arm of a man that gorgeous. And I’m going to Hollywood to find one of my own, tagging along with your little party.”

And it all becomes clear. “You’re going to use me and Cav to find yourself a man?”

“Hell yes! What best friend wouldn’t? I’m sexy. I’m single. Some guy would be lucky as hell to lock down this ass. If I ever give one the chance.”

She’s right. Any guy would be lucky to have a shot with her, if she’d give them a chance past the first date. Banner is most definitely an I fuck on the first date kind of girl, because she doesn’t usually go back for seconds and she’s got “needs.”

I guess she rubbed off on me because I didn’t wait past the first five minutes to get naked with Cav. Or then again, I guess you could say I waited way too long for that. After I finally got up the nerve to talk to him the first time around, it was another few weeks of flirting before we moved to the next level. All leading up to the night he stood me up.

I know I can’t take another step forward with Cav until I come to terms with what happened before. We have no future if I can’t let it go. I won’t be the bitter woman holding something over her man’s head for the rest of his life; I’m not built like that. But I also have enough self-awareness to know that my abandonment issues aren’t easily overcome.

“Earth to Greer. We’ve got incoming . . .”

I look to Banner and then in the direction she’s tilting her head. Every person in the bar is chattering now with the arrival of Cavanaugh Westman. Good grief, does the guy not know how to go incognito? Shouldn’t that be Hollywood 101, along with the condom thing? Then again, maybe he just makes his own rules.

It takes me a moment to realize he’s not alone. There are two large, burly guys following behind him. Security? Wow. Not something I expected.

Cav finds our table quickly, nodding as he passes through the crowd of gawkers. The two security people keep the crowd away as he slides into the booth beside me.

“What’d I miss, baby girl?”

“Huh-uh. Excuse me? What are you—”

He leans in and presses a kiss to my cheek, stalling out the rest of my stammered words.

“Stopped by your place to pick you up for dinner, but you were gone. Doorman was nice enough to let me know your regular haunts.”

“Traitor. His Christmas bonus may be less impressive this year,” I say under my breath.

“Hi! I’m Banner,” my friend says brightly, holding out a hand. “I’m just letting you know that if you don’t get the friend seal of approval, we’re going to have issues. You want me to like you. It’s pretty damn important.”

Cav grips Banner’s hand and shakes it. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m glad Greer has you around to weed out the assholes.”

Banner grins. “She doesn’t always listen to me. Exhibit A, Tristan.” She shakes her head, and I want to bean her with an olive.

A glance around reveals a crowd of onlookers and more than a few flashing cameras. I’ve seen enough with Creighton and Holly to know that what’s happening right now is going to make the gossip rags. Cav doesn’t seem to care at all, though, as he slides his arm around me, his other hand resting on my thigh. The gesture is one hundred percent possessive.

“Fair enough. If you’ve got a problem with me, lay it out. I’m not afraid to work for something that matters.”

“From what I hear, you’ve already put in some serious work.” Banner winks conspiratorially.

Yep, she deserves an olive right between her perfectly arched eyebrows.
