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Dirty Secret

Dirty Secret (The Burke Brothers #1)(31)
Author: Emma Hart

“I handled it just fine until I ended up playing personal assistant to three-quarters of Dirty B.” She frowns. “Is it like that everywhere you go? The girls all the time?”

“You got caught up in that? Shit. They get . . . excited.”

“Yeah, no kidding. Do girls often hand Tate their underwear with their number scrawled inside?”

My lips tug up into a huge grin. “More often than you’d think.”

“Classy.” She rolls her eyes. “Got any of your own?”

“None that didn’t find their way into either the trash or my brothers’ pockets before I got back to my room.”

I never took numbers. I never wanted numbers. Not theirs.

“Really? I don’t believe that.”

I shrug. “You don’t have to, princess.”

“Good thing, too,” she murmurs, sipping her coffee. “Anyway. I shouldn’t have said what I did last night. It was out of order, so was pretending to go on a date with Kye. I’m sorry.”

“I’d be apologizing for the shorts, personally.” My minds flashes back to this morning.

And my eyes drop to her hips, because I know what she’s wearing now. That damn red lace that was on top of her clothes.

My dick knows, too.

“You’re lucky I remembered to put them on,” she retorts, her eyebrows raising.

“I’m sorry. What?” I drag my eyes up her body. Slowly.

“I usually forget, that’s all.” A small smirk graces her lips and she turns on her toes, ready to leave.

Fuck no.

I grab her hand and pull her into me. She turns, looking up at me through her eyelashes, and I grit my teeth.

“For someone who set lines only hours ago, you’re sure as hell blurrin’ the fuck out of them.”

“I’ve got no idea what you mean.”

“Then let me explain.”

I crush my mouth to hers, sinking my hand into her soft hair. She whimpers at the harshness of my kiss but she grabs my collar, pushing herself against me.

My hand finds its way to her ass and I cup it, pulling her hips into mine so every part of us is touching. Her back hits the wall as I push her, and I slip my tongue into her mouth.

Her tongue battles mine, stroking, fighting, tasting. She takes like coffee and popcorn and candy, caffeine and sweet and savory. She’s so fucking soft beneath me, and I feel her everywhere.

I feel the rush of her through my veins. Like my own personal drug, she takes me over.

I slide my other hand up her back and around the back of her neck, pulling her mouth ever closer to me. Like I need more, because if I’m holding her this fucking tightly, she can’t move. She can’t do anything but stand there, melting into my body, and let me kiss the ever-loving shit out of her.

“Mila,” she gasps, turning her head to the side.


Sofie meets my eyes, her chest heaving. Her lips are swollen and red, and her eyes are shining. With lust and sadness. With desire and anger.

“That’s more than a blur, for the record,” she breathes, stepping away. “That’s a damn wipeout.”

“No.” I take her hand quickly before she turns fully. “That was a fade. You on your back with me inside you is a fuckin’ wipeout, princess.”

“If you talked as well as you kiss we’d get on better.”

She snatches her hand back and flounces out of the room. I smirk, watching her go, all too aware of the lingering taste of coffee and candy on my lips.

Lunch. Let’s go for lunch, he said. Let’s have Mom and Leila come over to watch Mila and go for lunch.

Never mind that we can’t have a conversation without either yelling or kissing, but for two people supposedly hiding from the media, it’s really, really dumb.

Conner doesn’t care. Apparently, we need to be alone and in a neutral place to have a successful conversation.

We haven’t really spoken for twenty-four hours, but okay. Let’s go chat. Why the hell not?

“Smile.” He glances across the car at me.

I turn away from him. I don’t know what we have left to talk about. He already has the answers he needs, and I’ve said everything I need to.

“You know, the idea of a talking lunch isn’t gonna work if you’re gonna be real mad at me the whole time.”


“Sof. Pull your panties out of your asshole.”

I spin quickly and glare at him. “Do you realize how idiotic this is? Have you considered even for a second how quickly we could be found out?”

“We’re forty-five minutes outside of Shelton Bay. No one knows your car. Hell, no one even knows who you are.” He pulls my car into the parking lot of a little diner off the beaten track.

“One picture, Conner. One picture and some bigmouth like Nina will delight in telling the world and its mother—hell, and its grandmother—who I am.” I shove the door open and get out, slamming it behind me.

“No one’s gonna see us here, so chill out.” He follows me and grabs the diner door before I can.

“I can open a door for myself, you know.”

“Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.”

“Oh, lucky me, a gentleman is taking me for lunch.”

“A gentleman with a dirty mind.” His words flutter my hair.

I exhale heavily and find a booth at the back, then crawl into the corner and grab the menu. Conner slides in opposite me and picks up the second one.

“Nina won’t say anything. She’s too attached to Tate.”

I glance over the top of the card. “No one gets attached to Tate. At least no one with any self-respect.”

His lips twitch. “Still, she won’t say anything. She probably won’t even work it out.”

“Right. By the way, when I saw her last, she didn’t seem too concerned about Tate at all. Y’all should probably watch that, in case he’s her route back to you.”

Conner pulls my menu down and frowns. “Back to me? She was never near me in the first place.”

“And you think she won’t tell everyone anything about us?” I raise my eyebrows triumphantly and lift my menu. “Point proven.”

He’s silent as the waitress approaches and takes my order. He orders gruffly, his eyes fixed on the side of my head.

I chew my thumbnail and stare at the counter. Well, at least that little nugget of annoyance has been chased out of my mind. I couldn’t see them together, in bed or out of it, but still. She pissed me off insinuating she’d been his shoulder to cry on when I left.
