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Dirty Secret

Dirty Secret (The Burke Brothers #1)(55)
Author: Emma Hart

This is more, because I can feel it buzzing through me.

“Conner.” My name falls from her lips in a whispered plea.


Sofie drops her legs and reaches down to remove her panties. I lean up on my hands as she does and look down, watching her slide the lace over her legs. She kicks them off and snaps the waistband of my boxers.


“Shit.” I practically yank my underwear off and push her up the bed.

She gasps into my mouth when I kiss her hard, and I let my tongue fall between her lips. She lifts her legs, opening them wide, and scrapes her nails down my sides.

Her hand sneaks between us and she wraps her fingers around my throbbing cock, bringing me closer to her wet pussy.

I don’t need another fucking invitation.

I cover one of her ass cheeks with my hand and tilt her hips up. Slowly I push into her, feeling her muscles clench around me as I enter her fully. She gasps, a tiny, high-pitched sound at the end of it, and twines her fingers deep into my hair.

I rock my hips against her, and I fucking revel in this. Feeling her around me, beneath me. It’s like a memory, but it’s real, because she’s hot and wet and wrapped up entirely in me the way I am in her. It’s sweeter, hotter, realer than it ever was before.

She moves her hips against me, her legs tight around my waist, holding me in place.

I run my hands over her body, every bump and curve, every gorgeously smooth bit of skin. Sweat beads on my brow because, fuck, her nails are tracing across my shoulders.

Sofie arches her back and I drop my face to her neck, buzzing my lips across it. Her breathing is short and sharp, hissing into my ear. Our bodies are hot, our skin sliding against each other’s.

I dive my hand into her hand and tug lightly, sucking on the tender spot beneath her ear. Her whole body clenches and I falter at the intensity of it.

“Fuck,” I mutter, thrusting into her again.

Sofie looks at me, her eyes shining and her cheeks flushed, and kisses me hard. Her tongue working against mine turns me on even more. I palm her ass and my thrusts become pounds, a desperate bid for release for both of us.

Tiny cries leave her, muffled by our kiss. She moans louder, and louder, and my breathing is fast and frantic. My body is taut with impending pleasure and anticipation, my cock throbbing so hard that it takes everything I have to hold back.

I reach my hand between us and press her clit with my thumb. She throws her head back, breaking the kiss, and moans low and long.

“Come on, princess,” I whisper huskily into her ear, rubbing her in tiny circles while fucking her harder and harder. “Let me hear you. Let me feel you. Come with me.”

She shudders and I tease her harder, grazing my teeth against the soft skin of her neck where her pulse is thrumming harshly. She whispers my name harshly, gripping my back the way I love, and tilts her hips up.

I push my dick fully inside her, then pull back before doing the same again. I grit my teeth because it’s so fucking good and I’m so damn close, but I won’t let go until she does.

I push harder on her clit just as her muscles clench. She shudders again, and this one is accompanied by her pussy clamping down on my dick and her crying out into my ear.

“Fuck!” I come immediately, spilling inside her in hot spurts, the waves washing over my body.

I drop my forehead to her shoulder. My heart is pounding in my chest, my breathing harsh and quick, and every part of my body aches with an intense pleasure I didn’t know if I’d ever feel again.

I curl my arms around her body, letting one hand wrap around the back of her neck and the other curve over her hip. She clasps her hands behind my neck, her hot breath crawling across my skin.

“This,” she whispers thickly, brushing her thumbs across the nape of my neck. “This is where I’m Sofie. When I’m in your arms.”

I smile and lift my head. I pause for a moment to look down at her, then drop my forehead to hers. Our breath mingles in the inch of space between our mouths, and my fingers twitch against her skin.

“Then the only solution I’ve got is that you just stay here forever,” I reply.

“I wish I could.” She unclasps her hands and wraps her arms tightly around my neck. “I really wish I could.”

She turns her face into mine and kisses me. But it’s not hard or passionate or happy.

It’s soft and sad, the tender way her lips brush mine a cruel reminder of how different our lives are now. Of how the only thing really holding us together is our little girl and a bunch of old, time-eclipsing feelings.

It’s a cruel reminder of how we could lose everything we don’t really have.

“There’s something wrong with that fucking chord,” Tate curses, fiddling with his guitar strings. “Acoustic, you say, Conner. Sure, let’s go fuckin’ acoustic on a song you wrote last week!”

“The notes are right in front of you!” I motion to them. “I’ve been working on them every day. How can they be wrong?”

“Because you sing more than you play guitar!” Tate resettles the guitar on his knee and strums the few notes. “Listen. Fifth chord.”

He plays it again. Fuck. He’s right. It doesn’t fit.

“All right,” Kye says, butting in. He grabs the paper from the stool in front of Tate and runs his eyes over it. “Shit, Tate. You couldn’t correct this?”

He throws the sheet back at Tate, then plays the verse, the supposedly wrong chord now right. I nod slowly, playing the same melody. Unlike my brothers, I don’t need the guidance of my notes. I know every note, apparently even the wrong ones.

“How did I miss it?” I lean back.

“Because you can’t hear your own mistakes,” Aidan adds.

“Still a dumb idea, playing a song we’ll have known for a few days.”

“What’s the matter, bro? Not getting any now that Nina’s out of the picture?” Kye snickers.

Tate holds up his middle finger. “I should be getting some right the fuck now, but I’m here, doing this bullshit.”

“Then fuck off and explain to everyone why you’re the dickhead on the side of the stage doing nothing while we play it,” I grind out.

Tate puts his guitar down a little too harshly and stands. His dark blue eyes flash angrily at me. “I don’t know why you’re still fuckin’ tryin’,” he says to me, hardness tinting every word. “She ain’t worth it.”

“To you.” I stand and square up to him. It doesn’t matter if he’s bigger or bulkier than me. “She’s worth a whole damn lot to me.”
