Read Books Novel

Don't Judge a Girl by Her Cover

I looked at the satellite photo again, the grainy black- and-white image that had been on my mind for weeks, and I thought about what Bex and Aunt Abby had said: The woman on the roof had been too good at her job to wear a ring that would allow her to be identified. But now I knew that’s exactly why she’d worn it. I thought of the look on Abby’s face as I’d studied that image in her room, and I realized my aunt had known that all along.

For the first time in a long time, a lot of things made sense.

But that didn’t mean I had to like it.

From that point on, everything—and I do mean everything— about our school looked different.

The Gallagher Academy history section of the library? Full of books that didn’t tell the whole story. That painting of Gilly standing at a window, staring across our walls? Now I had a whole different idea of what our school’s founder had feared seeing in the distance.

By the end of the week, I hadn’t heard a word my teachers had said without reading between some imaginary line, biting back some question that I knew they would probably never answer: Who, exactly, were the Circle of Cavan? What did they want? Where had they been for the last hundred and fifty years? And, most important, as Liz and Bex fell into step beside me on our way to dinner that Friday night, what were we supposed to tell Macey?

Because, believe it or not, "Oh, by the way, you know the guy Gilly killed? Well, I guess he’s still got friends who are really ticked off about it, and they’re trying to take their revenge out on you. Oh, and did we mention that you’re Gilly’s great-great-granddaughter, and that’s why you were admitted to the school in the first place?" was harder to work into everyday conversation than you might think.

"Is khabar ko kisi kitab ke andar daal dein, ya aisa kuch?" Liz whispered as we practiced our Hindi and ate our macaroni and cheese (the gourmet kind); and yet, as much as I appreciated Liz’s flash cards, I didn’t think planting the news in Macey’s textbook was the best way to tell her the truth.

"Usse apne pari war ke panch jani dushmano ke naam puchain aur phir ek naam aur jord dein." Bex offered, but I shook my head because the "Hey, Macey, just when you thought no one could hate your family more than you do" option didn’t seem like the way to go either.

The truth of the matter is, we might know fourteen different languages, but when it comes to breaking bad news, not even a Gallagher Girl can always find the words.

"Maybe," I said slowly and in English, despite the teachers that roamed the Grand Hall making sure our Hindi had the accent we were all trying to master, "maybe we shouldn’t…"

"Tell her?" Liz asked, reading my mind.

I don’t like keeping secrets, which, given my chosen profession, is strange but true. But I remembered the way I had felt on my first elevator ride from Sublevel Two—that there are some secrets we keep because we can’t bear to let them out, and some because it’s better to keep them in. I looked at my two best friends and wondered which kind we were keeping now.

"I’d want to know," Bex said simply, and I nodded, not surprised, but glad to hear it all the same.

"I…" Liz whispered and leaned closer. "I think…" she stammered again, and I could tell that Liz the genius knew that the more information you had—the more data points you could plot—the better your conclusions. But Liz the girl, knew that ignorance is sometimes bliss.

"No," she said finally with a shake of her head. "I wouldn’t want to know. And besides"—she looked at me, her blue eyes wide—"if it were best for Macey to know, wouldn’t your mom and Abby and Mr. Solomon and everybody…tell her?"

I hate it when she’s right. And unfortunately, it happens a lot.

I felt Bex and Liz staring at me, and I knew that I was the tiebreaking vote. A girl at the senior table held a copy of a newspaper; it rustled as she turned the page. The headline, "Tuesday’s Presidential Race Too Close to Call," screamed louder than the voices of a hundred chattering girls as Macey walked through the doors at the back of the room with the rest of the ninth graders who had stayed late in P&E. She was smiling; she was laughing; the girl by the lake seemed farther away, and yet I knew that she was still inside Macey somewhere, and I really didn’t want to see her again.

"What’s up?" Macey asked as she took the seat beside me. I didn’t have a clue what to say or how to say it.

Fortunately, Joe Solomon was the one who answered, "Pop quiz."

"Now, I know some of you aren’t on the CoveOps track of study," Mr. Solomon said, glancing down the table at the entire junior class, "but there are aspects of this life—of this world—from which you can never walk away. Ever. The fact that almost everything you say to almost everyone you love for the rest of your life will be a lie is one of them. So, if you don’t mind a little extra work …" he said, looking down at Liz, which is kind of like asking me if I didn’t mind an extra dessert, "plain clothes. Foyer. Twenty minutes."

Ten minutes later I was running down the Grand Stairs, a half step behind Bex and Liz. The adrenaline that only comes from going someplace else, doing something else, being someone else for just a little while was starting to course through me again. Macey was beside me. I didn’t have a clue where we were going, but to be honest, I didn’t care.

Abby was standing by the door, smiling a knowing, mischievous smile to everyone who passed. But as Macey and

I stepped toward the door, my aunt’s smile was totally not what we got.

An arm. That’s what I saw first. An arm blocking the doorway, reaching for Macey’s shoulder.

"Sorry," Aunt Abby said. "Not a secure location."
