Read Books Novel

Down to You

Down to You (The Bad Boys #1)(34)
Author: M. Leighton

But, in this case, what choice do I have? I wouldn’t feel comfortable imposing on either Cash or Nash. It wouldn’t be such a big deal if I could use Magic Vagina powers, but those only work on people a girl has slept with. And since I still have no clue which brother dove head first into my panties last night, there can be no wielding of the Magic Vagina.

I give Ginger directions to the student center. At least I can get something to drink while I wait for her.

After we hang up, I call Cash to tell him I won’t be able to work the weekend shift.

“I’m so sorry, but it’s a family emergency.”

“I understand. Do you want me to come get you now?”

“No, my friend Ginger is on her way.”

There’s a long pause. “I would’ve taken you wherever you needed to go.”

“I appreciate that, but she was already on her way when she called.”

“Hmmm,” is his only response.

“Well, thank you so much for… everything. I promise I’ll take care of stuff with my car when I get back. And I’ll pick up as many extra shifts as you need me to in order to make this up.”

I hate the thought of losing my new job and having to go crawling back to my old one, but it’s my dad…

“Don’t worry about that. We’ll figure something out. You’re not going to be out of a job when you get back, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

I close my eyes in relief. The thought had very much crossed my mind.

“I really appreciate your understanding,” I say, injecting into my voice all the sincerity I can muster.

“I’m sure I can think of some way for you to pay me back.”

The comment is wildly inappropriate, of course, but I can hear the smile in Cash’s voice. He’s teasing me.

“I’m sure you can. The question is: can you think of something that does not involve me taking off my clothes?”

I’m playing with fire and I know it.

“Of course! Wear a skirt and only one item will need to come off. I’d just hate for you to miss out on…everything else.”

A little shiver works its way down my spine and lands in the pit of my stomach like a bolt of lightning. I laugh uncomfortably. I can’t tease like he can.

He must know I’m at a loss. He chuckles. “Take care of what you need to. Take your time. Call if you need anything.”

“I will. And thanks, Cash.”

After we hang up, I get a drink from the taco joint inside the student center and then walk back outside to sit on one of the benches and await Ginger. I wonder if I should call Nash. Just to let him know I won’t be in town all weekend. He might want to keep an eye on things.

Or at least that’s what I tell myself. The excuse I use.

“Nash, it’s Olivia,” I say when he answers.

I hear his soft laugh. “I know who you are, Olivia.”

I feel the blush sting my cheeks. I’m glad he can’t see it. “Oh, right. Sorry.” I clear my throat nervously. “So, I’ll be out of town for the weekend. I just wanted you to know in case…well, just in case anybody needed anything.”

Ohmigod, could you sound any more lame?

“Okay. Thanks for letting me know. Need some time away from my overbearing brother already?”

I know he’s teasing, but I don’t like that he puts Cash down. “He’s not overbearing. And no, it’s nothing like that. I need to go home for the weekend. That’s all.”

The lightness evaporates from his tone, replaced by concern. “Is everything all right?”

“Yeah. My father broke his leg. He’s fine, it’s just that he was expecting some lambs and he can’t get out with a broken leg to find and check them in, so…”

“Is that something you can do by yourself? Do you need some help?”

“Nah, I grew up on that farm, helping him until I was old enough to do things by myself. I’ll be fine. But thank you for asking.”

What a great guy! Dammit!

“Well, if you need some help, you know where to find me.”

“Thanks, but I could never ask you to do that.”

“Olivia, please,” he begins. The way he says my name makes my stomach squeeze. It sounds so much like it did last night. Was it his lips I kissed? His touch I felt? “Ask. If you need help, I want to know.”

“Okay,” I say, already feeling a bit breathless. Too breathless to argue anyway. “I will.”

“Good. I’ll keep an eye on the place until you get back. Give me a call when you arrive.”

“Will do. Thanks, Nash.”

“You bet.”

The brothers alternate taking up space in my head, like they so often do, as I await Ginger. I just don’t know when it will get any easier with them. Or even if it will.

I’m still preoccupied when I hear a horn honking and someone shouting my name at the top of their lungs.

It’s Ginger.

“No effin’ way,” I say under my breath as I make my way to her car. She’s standing in the driver’s seat, hanging out the sunroof. By the time I get to her, she’s smiling like an escaped mental patient.

“Bet you thought I’d get lost, didn’t you?”

I say nothing. I totally thought she’d get lost. In fact, I’d have guaranteed it.

Of course, I’d have been wrong. Maybe that’s my new streak—being wrong. Maybe I’m wrong about a lot of things. Things I’d love to be wrong about.

If only I could be that lucky…

Ginger doesn’t wait long to stir up interesting conversation. “So, did you take the penis challenge?”


“Olivia! You better have news for me. And details. It’s been a while for me.”

“Yeah, right. What’s ‘a while’? A week?”

She glances at me, clearly horror-stricken. “Good God no! It’s only been four days. But I’ve got needs.”

“Ginger, I’m pretty sure you’re a freak of nature.”

“Heavy on the freak, sweetie,” she adds cheekily.

I laugh. That’s one thing about Ginger. She doesn’t try to hide who she is or what she likes. She owns her every wart and pimple with pride. And she wears them each flawlessly.

“You would die of boredom in my body.”

“No, I’d take that young thing out for a spin and liven things up a little.”

I roll my eyes. “I’m sure you would. You’d have me screwing my way through greater Atlanta.”
