Read Books Novel

Dubai Confidental

I noticed that Vivienne looked visibly annoyed that Jake and I were having a conversation.  Then she decided to chime in.

“So, Sarah, are you enjoying Dubai?”

“I am.  It is beautiful here.”

“Was it difficult to leave your significant other back home for 30 days?”

Very clever Vivienne.  You’re not getting that information from me so easily.

“I was able to put everything in order that needed to be in order.”

Then Conrad chimed in.  “My dear, you look very lovely this evening.  How nice to have a smart and beautiful woman on one of our long business trips.  I must show you around Dubai on one of your free days, if you will allow me.”

“That would be lovely, thank you.”  I flashed him a smile and glanced at Joshua to see him trying to mask that he was seething.  No misconceptions here buddy.  

The conversation was pretty lively during dinner and I found that I really enjoyed talking with Jake.  He reminded me of my younger brothers.  The conversation between Jake and I was very easy and natural.  I think it was because there was zero sexual tension.  We just clicked as friends.  Neither Vivienne nor Joshua seemed happy that the two of us hit it off so well.  She shot me death stares anytime I spoke to him.  But I didn’t care.  I felt I had made a new friend.

We were all saying goodnight when Conrad pulled me aside.

“Sarah, it was so nice to meet you.  Let me take you to dinner this week.  Does Wednesday evening work for you?”

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the disapproving look on Joshua’s face as he watched us.  Joshua did make it clear in the car ride to dinner that we were not a couple.  I knew he would not be pleased if I spent time with Conrad, but I didn’t care.  He did not own me and I was free to see whoever I wanted.

“That sounds wonderful Conrad.  I am looking forward to it.”

He brought my hand to his lips, planting a light kiss, as he bid me goodnight.  I exchanged goodnights with Vivienne and Jake and then Joshua and I went to our waiting car.

The tension in the air was palpable when he closed the car door.

“What did Conrad say to you?”  Fire danced in his eyes.

“First of all, I had a very nice time meeting everyone at dinner tonight.  Your brother seems to be very kind.”  I gave him a cool stare.

“I asked you a question.  When I ask you a question, you answer me.”  There was no mistaking the anger in his voice.

“He invited me to dinner Wednesday night.”  I held his gaze daring him to tell me I couldn’t go.

I thought Joshua was going to explode right in front of me.  Lights were shining in through the windows of the Rolls and I could see that his face was beet red.

“What did you say?”  His voice sounded strained.

“I told him that sounded wonderful.  I’m looking forward to it.”  I held his gaze as he glowered at me.  “No misconceptions about our relationship at all Joshua.”  I controlled the sneer that wanted to curl my lip.

We rode in silence the rest of the way to the hotel and Joshua would not look at me.  When we arrived at the hotel, Joshua followed me to my room.  I gave him a curious glance and he gave me a terse response.

“I’m walking you to your door.”

When I opened my door he followed me inside and closed it behind him.  I put down my purse and took off my shoes.  I was exhausted.  It had been a long day.  Just as I was going to ask Joshua if he minded if I retired for the evening he grabbed me around the waist and pinned me against the wall with his hard body.  I could feel his thigh muscles through his suit as he pressed against me.

“Let’s get one thing straight.”  He grabbed a fistful of my hair and wrenched my head back so that I was looking into his eyes.  I had never seen this look.  It wasn’t just that he was angry; I thought I saw a hint of hurt as well.  Why would he be hurt?  He told me not to have any misconceptions about us!

“You belong to me!”  He leaned down to kiss my neck and I tried to pull away from him.  He held me in place with an iron grip.  He leaned down to run his tongue along my collarbone, up my neck and lightly flicked my earlobe.

My body betrayed me as I felt my skin tingle.  I tried to wrench myself out of his grip but he wouldn’t have it.  The more I squirmed, the harder he pressed against me.  I could feel his hard length through his suit and his warm breath on my neck.

“I do NOT belong to you!  You told me we’re not a couple.  That means I can see whomever I want!”  I still was trying to get free of his grip but he was too strong for me.

He held me with one hand while the other roamed down my body and back up under my blouse.  His hand snaked around to my back and he unfastened my bra in one swift motion.  His hand then slipped underneath the loosened cup and started kneading my breast.  He grabbed my nipple in between his thumb and forefinger and squeezed.  A soft moan escaped my lips and I stopped fighting him.  My hands gripped his arms and I closed my eyes as I indulged in the pleasure I was feeling.  His other hand unzipped my pants and they fell to my ankles.  He dipped his head down to whisper in my ear.  “You belong to me.”  His deep, husky voice sent my stomach all aflutter. 

I was going to protest but his lips crushed mine in a passionate kiss that left me weak in the knees.  His tongue fiercely sought out my own and he lightly grabbed my lower lip between his teeth.  His other hand slid inside my panties to my warm, wet place and my eyes initially flew open in surprise, and then I relaxed and closed them as I reveled in my bliss.

As his fingers began to penetrate me I pressed down to feel more.  He let out a groan as one of my hands fell from his shoulder, grazed across the front of his pants and caressed his hardness.  He suddenly pulled away from me and stood looking at me.  His eyes roamed hungrily over my body.

“Remove all of your clothes.”

I did as he asked without hesitation.  I stood na**d and vulnerable, hoping he could see my desire for him.

“Take off my jacket.”

I removed his jacket, revealing his muscular arms which could easily be seen through his shirt.

“Unbutton my shirt.”

I stood close as I slowly unbuttoned his shirt.  I could physically feel the heat the between us in the small space that separated us.  He removed his undershirt revealing a perfectly muscular bare chest.  Damn it, he is a specimen.  My warm center began to throb, wanting…needing to be filled.
