Read Books Novel

Dubai Confidental

“It’s Natalia,” she glared at me.

I stopped and looked at her.  I narrowed my eyes and forced a smile.  “So sorry,” and I walked away.  Out of the corner of my eye I saw a smirk turn up the corner of Joshua’s mouth.

A few minutes later Samira came to my office with three huge files and closed the door.

“Don’t let her get to you.  She’s been pining after Mr. Hunter ever since he broke up with her.”  She plopped the files down on my desk.

Ohhhh, the ex-girlfriend! 

“Mr. Hunter would like for you to work on these.  He will be in shortly with instructions.”  Samira hesitated and then continued on, her eyes bright and full of mischief.  “Ms. Wittendale has heard a lot about you and is seething with jealousy.  Like I told you, Mr. Hunter has never brought anyone with him who was not a partner on one of his long business trips.  And the fact that you flew privately with him?  I’m sure she can’t stand it!”  Samira was grinning from ear to ear and she made me giggle.

“Samirah, why are you so happy about this?”

She quickly composed herself.  “Oh, I am sorry.  That was wrong of me.”

“No, no, don’t apologize.  I just want to know why it makes you so happy.”

“Ms. Wittendale treats anyone who is not one of the Hunters, or a partner, like dirt.  She acts as if she can’t be bothered to even speak to anyone else.  She is very rude and condescending.  I think every person is valuable and no one should be treated any better than anyone else.”

I could see that she was visibly upset.

“I agree with you completely Samira.”  I leaned in to whisper to her.  “I don’t think she likes me very much,” and I winked at her.

She held her hand over her mouth to cover her smile, and we had a good giggle.  Just then there was a knock at my door.  Samira opened my door to find Joshua standing there.

“Oh, Mr. Hunter!  I was just leaving,” and she ducked out.

He closed the door and sat down.

“I want to apologize for Natalia’s behavior.  She is very territorial and has been asking me all kinds of questions about you.  Apparently there is a buzz going around about us.”  He held my gaze and I swear my insides turned to mush.  He is so beautiful.

“A buzz?”

“Office gossip.  Just ignore it if you hear anything.  Discretion, right?”  His dark eyes smoldered.

“Of course.”  I wanted to take him right there in my office.  Being in his presence, in that small office, was clouding my thoughts.  I literally shook my head and then heard his soft chuckle.

“Everything okay?”

I realized what I had done in front of him and felt my cheeks flush.  “Yes, fine.”  I cleared my throat.  “I’m glad you’re here because I wanted to talk to you about your side of the contract.  We have been here for a while now and you have yet to give me any formal instructions on specific things I should be doing.”

His eyes didn’t hide his amusement as he sat studying me.

“I have to say, that I love your tenacity Sarah.  You really are the kind of person we want working with us at Hunter International.”

Love.  He said it.  Maybe not the way I wanted, but he said it.  Okay, now I was losing it.  I was making something out of what was probably nothing.  Snap out of it Sarah!  Focus!

“Thank you, I appreciate that.”

“Okay, you’re right.  It’s time I gave you more information.  But before I do that, what are your plans for this evening?”  He had a cautious, yet stern look on his face.

He knew that I had dinner plans with Conrad.

“I am supposed to have dinner with Conrad this evening.”  Fire danced in his eyes.

He did not look pleased.  “I am afraid that will not be possible.  Since the meeting was postponed, I have a lot of work for you to do.  I expect you’ll be here until well into the night.  Your partner training officially begins today.”

His jealous streak was worse than I imagined.   But I couldn’t protest because my ultimate goal was to become a partner on the fast track.  So I just said okay and we proceeded to go over a detailed list of the people and projects I should get to know and work on.  He told me that it was important that I get myself in front of people so they know who I am.

“Your reviews and other partner’s opinions of you are what matter down the line.  They are going to want to know how effective you are, if you contribute to the Profits & Loss, and if you have the support of the people you work with.  The best way to do that is to go the extra mile whenever you a chance.  If someone needs extra help, extra hands, an extra brain, for anything, you should be the first one to volunteer.  In the end, the thing that will get you noticed is your work product, your reviews and your relationships.  This is not a position where you can take a backseat and silently do well.  People need to know who you are.  And I have no doubt that you can do this Sarah.  You are extremely bright and determined.  I look forward to the day that I get to make the call telling you that you’ve made partner.”

“You make the call?”

“Yes, as CEO, I am the one to deliver the news.  As I told you before, the partners vote on whom to choose.  Use the information you learn and the skills you acquire in everything you do over the next five years.  Be sure to volunteer for every project when a notice goes out that extra help is needed.  Come in to the office early and stay late often.  It’s not that you will have no life.  It is important to have some sort of outlet.  Just make sure that work is your primary focus.  These things will get you noticed and these things will get you nominated for partner.  I know you can do this Sarah.”

He was so sincere I was a bit taken aback.  I could see that he really wanted this for me but I was confused as to why.  Usually when you care deeply for someone you have a vested interest in whatever they do and you want them to succeed.  I was just an intern turned associate, a smart one I might add, but an associate nonetheless with whom he had amazing sexual chemistry.  Why did he care if I actually made partner?  I didn’t have time to dwell on that, I had three huge files waiting for me.

“Shall I get started on these?”
